she rocks

lovely Audra, photo by Elizabeth Keating
she's come undone
in a good way
she's letting loose
her wild, creative
she's listening to her
inner child
today it told her to paint her
a rainbow of colors
so she did
she's learning that being open
means being vulnerable
so she ~
feels more
and receives more
she's discovering more
parts of her that were put aside
for much too long
she knows she's not
she has a sisterhood
extending hugs and hands
from a distance
oh, she likes this new
this Whole Woman
and so do i
she rocks.
what a fantastic tribute, your genuine heart makes others shine. I like the new digs too!
Love the new blog set up!
Beautiful entry:)
Great photo, great poem, really captures the mood.
lovely post and i'm "digging" the new blog layout. how did you get all your other posts to carry over? either way it's simple and beautiful.
much love.
i love this...
i love this...
i love this...
i always fall in love with poems
that have the word "she" in them,
i wonder if thats odd?
this is beautiful...just beautiful.
What a great photo and lovely tribute. :)
i wonder if you'll find this comment...over a year after the original post...
i just ran accross your photos on flickr and was so happy to see your name :-)
much time has gone since my last post, many changes made. i meant to keep a running journal, but couldn't find the little time - i had to use it wisely! i have worn a pendant created by sarah smith for me which reads "persevere" religiously, reminding myeself to fight on.
i learned to weld (still learning) so that i could create the sculptures in my head. I began pursuing my art with a passion, thanks to you inspiring girls, and thanks to your loving words.
thank you again, for sharing your spirit wih us!
i hope to be even further on my way soooon.... audra
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