
Wednesday, March 15

she's coming...

suz & me, kodak ls753

...a few more hours and she'll be here. Trekking from the other side of sunny Cali.

It was 20 years ago when I first laid my eyes on this goddess. I was a freshman in my first day of French class, sitting there in my cold seat, feeling so entirely awkward and unsure of my very stoic French teacher awaiting the rest of class to file in.

Everyone was whispering around me. As I slowly scanned the classroom, I realized I didn't know a soul. Most of the students were older than me. Thus began the awkward Freshman blues washing over me.

Then SHE happened.

suz & me

She was one of the last students to come stumbling in. She was tall, slender and had these gorgeous long, wavy tresses trailing down her back. I remember being surprised that she came to school with her hair wet. This was the 1980's, you know. It was all about dry, big, hair sprayed hair. I was impressed with her ability to look absolutely gorgeous with not a stitch of 80's make-up and the bravery of wet unstyled hair. She sat down in the empty seat next to me. We smiled awkwardly.

Then our teacher, without saying a word of hello, stood in front of the class behind a podium with an empty brown box sitting on top. Without cracking a smile he held up a banana and shouted the word "banana" in French and then placed it into the box..."En Banane...dans la boite!" He did this object after object. Suzi and I immediately locked our eyes and started giggling.

This is where the story of our friendship began.

We've been through mountains and valleys together. We've moved to a different State together. We've picked one another up out of painful and unhealthy relationships. We've been one another's biggest fans.

The first day she traveled to meet my future husband, I had to work. So, they spent the day together. They walked along the beach, shared stories, threw rocks into the ocean, and took some home for me. She said she felt like he was her brother instantly. When I arrived home, she said..."I couldn't have imagined anyone more perfect for you."

A few months ago she met a truly special man at a wedding back where she lives. He was in town for the wedding. Guess where he lives? Yes...he lives here...near my husband and I.

Funny how the Universe works. It is so fracken cool (that was for Pixie)!

suz & her nephew pickin' his cute nosie


Blogger Letha Sandison said...

Have a wonderful visit!! I am glad that you get to see eachother and spend some face to face time. Tell her I said "hi"!

I had that teacher too, different period obviously....wasn't that class intimidating! Geez!

Good luck later today, I'll be thinking of you!!

Mille baisers (thousand kisses)

March 15, 2006 at 11:42:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think that one of the greatest gifts that we get to experience is the gift of a true friend. i hope that your time together is a memory made & cherished. have a fabulous weekend!!

love to you~ chele

...on that first day...you didn't steal her toothbrush did you??

March 15, 2006 at 12:41:00 PM PST  
Blogger liz elayne lamoreux said...

oh fantastic! a visit from a dear friend. Part of your tribe in person...yes, sounds perfect.

March 15, 2006 at 2:00:00 PM PST  
Blogger meghan said...

SO wonderful! I'm so glad you are getting to have a good visit with your friend & even MORE that she may be coming closer - I dream nearly daily for a friend that close - both geographically and emotionally. I'm glad that you see and treasure its value. You've had such a rough go of it, you deserve to enjoy yourself. Have a wicked time!!!!

March 15, 2006 at 3:03:00 PM PST  
Blogger pinkcoyote said...

she is fracken beautiful!!!! you are both goddesses. too many goddesses! i can't bear the wonderment! xoxo-have a wonderful time!

March 15, 2006 at 4:21:00 PM PST  
Blogger Colorsonmymind said...

You both shine! I have two friends from baby days. We have had MANY ups and downs but it is soooo awesome to have girls that know you in childhood and adulthood. I also have a buddy from college that is my sweet soul sister. I wish they lived closer to me.

Have fun, giggle and dance.

March 15, 2006 at 5:12:00 PM PST  
Blogger The Ten O' Clock Habit said...

Heya, (((BG)))! Found you -again!- thanks to Leonielight. What a blessed friendship you have. It's truly great when women come together, be it two or two mil. Just glad to be one of your cyberpals for now. Have a grand time, goddesses! YAY! ~ Kat=MamaKat/MMB

March 15, 2006 at 9:26:00 PM PST  
Blogger Goddess Leonie * GoddessGuidebook.com said...

hee hee ~

you pair are just so dang gorgeous.

she must be there right now, i hope you guys are have the most amazing time... deep and good and sweet and solid and perhaps a bit silly ;)

loving you

March 16, 2006 at 12:02:00 AM PST  
Blogger gkgirl said...

i am so excited for you

and what a great way
of writing how you met

hope your time together

March 16, 2006 at 10:26:00 AM PST  
Blogger Laini Taylor said...

What beautiful photos, beautiful ladies. Love that one of the two of you with the gerber daisies on the table. Hope you're having a great visit!

March 16, 2006 at 11:33:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so love these pictures! Thank you for sharing your memories with us...isn't it wonderful to have friends who go through so much of our history with us? Nothing like sharing all of those "remember whens".

Enjoy her visit!

March 16, 2006 at 7:02:00 PM PST  

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