Girl Talk

mahogany me, canon digital rebel xt
I am just imagining all of you lovelies sitting in my living room, scattered throughout my couch, snuggled in our weathered brown leather chair, on top of silk pillows atop our hardwood floor, candles lit, Weepies in the background ~ and sipping red wine from about 3 or 4 bottles.
We are all divulging the inner of our days and I am sharing with you that today my hair colorist extraordinaire (and dear friend) and I collectively decided for me to go darker, with a hint of mahogany.
While she lathered thick chunks of hair with red goop, I sat on a chair facing her large window, which faced a harbor and part of what we call Little Italy.
Gorgeous, gorgeous view today during the whole process. This is the first time she did it in her home rather than the salon since we're trading now (a boho necklace for colored hair).
Once blow dried, I screamed..."I love it!" and felt super sexy driving home. Even more sexy when my husband practically purred when I walked upstairs.
But now...I am having that post hair color freak out. Is it too dark? Do I need more highlights? Does it make me look pale? Can you tell I look a little scared? ;-)
So I came to my sisterhood. Vain, vain post...I know...but we all have thoughts like this, admit it!! This is exactly what I would ask you if I had the pleasure of having you over for some girl talk.
Bring it on girls...speak your truth, and take another sip of wine while you're at it.
I LOVE IT!! REALLY!!! It looks so healthy, shiny...perfect.
It looks great, you are not pale...have you seen me? :)
I wish we could be drinking wine....sounds so good and I could use it!!
Ok, my vain question for you, bangs or no bangs? I have a hair apt Friday.
I miss you!!!!
I love it! It's sultry and adds some va va va voom to your already beautiful frame!
The colour looks great on you. It adds warmth and vibrance while still looking incredibly natural.
I love the idea of sipping a few reds (which could easily become glugging a few reds) and talking girl-talk. It would take me halfway around the globe to get there, so an imaginary or virtual visit is so much quicker!
I think it looks super fantastic. I don't think I've even seen a picture of you since i've started visting your blog, so it's like i've sort of seeing you for the first time. The first thing I though when I saw the pictures was that you were super pretty, It looks really natural and flattering to me. Don't be scared you look awesome!!
You look fabulous!!! you look more like sissy.
Everyone tells her that she looks like Angelina Joilee.
You can't go wrong with that.
No it's not too dark. It's extreemly sultry. Now you're a brunette bombshell!!!
Wish I could smell it...I miss u
hee hee
hi there -
what a great picture! You look sassy and confident and a little bit cheeky. Before I read the post I thought how beautiful you looked in the picture so my gut answer would be NOPE not too dark. You look great. Now get us all over there, I am thirsty for wine and laughter!
IT looks GOOD! It is going to look like fire when the sun shines on it!
oooooh you look absolutely DIVINE!
That is what I thought the moment the page loaded.
I was also thinking maybe you could get the name/brand of the haircolor as this may be the long sought out color my friend has been unable to get.
I would love to vist with you and the rest of the tribe in person..
I LOVE the new color and you, YOU are gorgeous!! Seriously, I would kill for hair and cheek bones like you have. :)
oh i love it! and i bet it looks gorgeous outside in the sun with the highlights that are already in it.
you are take a breath and own that girl!!
absolutely gorgeous, shiny and swingy, and beauuuutiful.
It looks as good as it made you feel when she was finished!! It looks fabulous!! And so shiny...maybe I'll go and get some colour done...hmmm.
i lovelovelove LOVe it...
i think it suits you...
i have always had a thing
for darker hair though too...
and i agree with everyone else,
it looks SO healthy and shiny!
and i don't tolerate wine well..
could i just have some vodka
with some koolaid?
in a plastic cup?
with a knife, so i can
stir it continuously?
(i am so classy).
The color is DELICIOUS!!! And you are a knock out girl! And of course you already know about my own relationship with hair color! Long live the choice for fabulous color!!!!!!!! Its images like this, like you with your amazing, shiny, warm, summer yum yum hair that keeps me completely committed to avoiding the gray for as long as possible. I love love love it!
You look really great, I like the color, so rich and shiny. I stopped going to salons about three years ago now I literally pick up scissors on my desk and chop off hair in bunches without ever looking in a mirror at the back, even afterwards. I called the first time doing that my official divorce from society. No more coloring of any kind either. I'm letting aging come as it will and learning to love the process and I live in LA!. Girl talk, from this (much) older bohemianwoman. Take care!
Late to the party as usual - but i have a glass of wine by my keyboard as i write :-) !! Denise honey, you look divine - i want hair like yours! makes me think of Sophia Loren, Gina Lollabrigida.... true film star glamour :-)
sending lovins to the hair! looks wonderous.
I found your page thru andrea edwards and I didn't want to lurk:)
Funny...I made a post about hair color yesterday ( and said the perfect hair color was dark brown...I saw your new color and it is (what I think) - the perfect color!
what brand and color did you use? the color is so rich and amazing!
- meegan
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