Self Portrait Challenge ~ Pop Art

blue boho, canon digital rebel xt & photoshop
This is my first attempt at this week's Self Portrait Challenge of "Pop Art" for the month of June.
I created this with thoughts of Andy artist that I have always found intriguing to say the least. He embodied what it is to me to be super cool. I would definitely crown him the king of pop art.
"Pop art is a significant sociological phenomenon, a mirror of our society."
~ Steven Henry Madoff
Even as a BLUE woman you still look fabulous!
I would look like an alien.
I found Warhol too hard on the eyes, but I still appreciate his creativity and individualism. you still have that cool red skirt I made you???
Just think...I'll get to make more holiday portuguese dresses for your little chicken. Yeah! Right?
Wow! Great portrait! Electric blue! I'm a big fan of Warhol's stuff.
i LOVE your hair! nice photo
I love the perfect tear divet you have above your lip.
Love it!
Kisses to you my darling.
Gorgeous blue princess. What a fantastic interpretation...I love it
and you, of course...:)
You are gorgeous my dear. I love this picture...
"blue boho" yes. love it.
The lips - the texture in the lips grabs me. What software did you use for this effect?
beautiful, beautiful, beauty-full! (Both the picture and the subject!!)
wow, what an arresting photograph - you look simply beautiful, my Boho Babe
Maddy: "blue by you" -- ouch! I'm gonna have that song in my head all day, now! "On blueeeeee baaaaaaayoouuuuuuuuu..."
love the blue boho! perfect!
smashing and luscious! i love the brightness of this photo.
Fantastic! Love the blue contrast with your ruby lips. Nice job!
this is so super awesome. i love the blue and orange contrast. and the red demoinc glow in your eye.... or is that a twinkle and i just don't kno wyou well enough to tell?
your blue-black hair reminds me of wonder woman.
and, i just noticed the fuschia beads. great use of colro!
I love this picture... it almost reminds me of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but that was "violet"... either way, I love it! Great contrast.
Beautiful Den. I love how you did the'll have to give me a photoshop lesson!!
Love you!!
that turned out beautiful...
makes me think you can pull
off anything!
blue even!
You are gorgeous!! Wonderful picture
This is gorgeous! I love the blue, but the soft red lips topped it off. You nailed "Pop Art"
Absolutely stunning! What a fantastic job.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Thank you for going to my journal and leaving a note so I could find your wonderful blog:
-your writing strikes a cord by me.
-your photos make life come alive, and
- will look forward to the coming self portraits from you (have been reading and looking at past entries)
I am l o v i n g this picture! How excellent! I love the cold blue colour and the red lipstick! I can imagine this is such a superb original photograph!
The orange tones in the lips and the blues all the really set each other off. Very striking.
You look beautiful! You make me want to paint myself blue (or at least learn how to use Photoshop!)
Love your take on the pop art style!! V NICE Illo!! :)
electric and wonderful beautiful...:)
This is stunning! The colors are so beautiful as are you!
beautiful, as you are. I love reading your blog. you are so inspiring.
How do you do it? I continue to dislike all the photos I take of myself and love all of yours! You're gorgeous and your features have so much feeling to them. I love this photo-
This is a yummy pix of you! And I love the orange contrast. yum!
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