my new family

jon-erik, canon digital rebel xt
One of the many blessings to marrying my husband was gaining a new fascinating family. His mother is from Germany, is a writer, gourmet cook, and a wise, worldly soul. His father is a musician, an antique dealer, college professor and an archeologist. His older brother (pictured above) is an artist, a spiritual seeker and a healer. Each one of them and the home they all lived in together is so eclectic. His father built their house with salvaged materials from homes that were being torn down. Hung on each wall are artifacts that he found over the years. When walking through and studying each wall, I feel as though I have taken a trip around the world and back. Each trip out to see them in Canada leaves me wiser and more enriched.
I know it takes time for a new family to actually feel like family. Well, that happened this past weekend. I felt as though I belonged. Almost as if long ago, I was with the boys on a dig with their dad discovering bones which was later crafted into a necklace. I no longer felt like an outsider that didn't quite understand their lifestyle. It feels part of me and I am so proud to be a part of a family that colors outside of the lines.
I love my new brother. My husband, Jon-Erik and I went on a walk in the woods behind one of their friends house one evening. I laughed so hard with them that my eyes filled with tears. When coming out of the woods, my husband was taking a picture of me by a river and Jon-Erik told him to hold on. He then found a yellow flower and put it in my hair and said..."go ahead, she's ready". Later, on the drive home, I had a headache from wine. Jon-Erik gave me a very healing head massage until it went away. I could feel in that moment that he connected to me as a sister. He felt my heavy heart and his healing touch soothed my tiredness until I fell asleep.
Such amazing, cool and lovely souls. I have much to learn from new family.
edited to add: yes ladies...he is single. *grin*
it sounds like you married in to the most perfect family for you - they sound wonderful. it's like another affirmation that you and C are truly soul mates.... and J-E has a bit of the George Clooneys going on in this portrait, non? one handsome brother-in-law! x
oh that is so beautiful!
and ding dang that jon erik is a whole bucket of yumsville!
i'm so happy that you had a great time
and that you feel that connection...
sometimes it can be a long time coming.
Honey... that is lovely. It is so beautiful to be able to really connect with your partner's family. SO. For some it never happens at such a level.
Glad you had such a good laugh too *grin*
What a beautiful extended family!
It must have been so heartwarming to spend time with Carsten and his brother. What a special divine soul-so happy you found eachother-perfect!
Your babies are going to be so lucky!
Loving you
how lucky you are to be surrounded by such richness. i imagine they all feel equally as blessed having your shining light in their lives as well ;)
It think we'd all like to join this family. Wow. How special.
I am so happy your trip went well!! In-laws can be really wonderful can't they. CK's family is all so good looking!!
GLAD your home luv!
i love your journal! i followed the link on "the whole self"'s page. you sound like such a cool gal.
i love your self portrait guitar picks! i hope you learn what you want to on it and get what you need out of it!
take care,
this is beautiful my dear. feeling this deep connection is such a glad that you feel it now.
and i agree with clooney-esque indeed.
a wonderful tribute to your new family!
Den~ When did Jon-Erik cut his hair?
Dang! Tell him that he looks H-O-T!!! And with his personality....only a matter time to meet the right woman :)
And you, my love, sound content. Although rough, I think this was your best visit yet....
I love you ooodles
x d
I am so glad your time there has been wonderfully healing and connecting.
And I second Leonie on this one - BUCKET OF YUMSVILLE! And truly, its his eyes. Deep soulful, healing eyes. I can see that he truly has a healing touch. It comes from deep within...
Blessings to you and your growing family my sister.
I am glad you had some true connections during your visit. The circle of love around you and c grows larger and more potent all the time.
You are one lucky girl. You should have met my ex brother-in-law. He could keep you up-to-date on all things Star Trek and wrestling and he certainly didn't look anything like that! Jon-Erik's a complete hottie! Even his name is hot.
Long time lurker who has gained so much from reading you for a while now. Thought I'd introduce myself and say hi!
well isn't he mr. hotty hotterton!!
those brothers must have broken some hearts in the day...
seriously though, what a blessing to have family like that. they are a gift. & all of this speaks so deeply of the man you married. no wonder he is so special. look where he came from (i know i've never met him, but just from your words & the fact that you have fallen so madly & passionately in love with him...i know he must be! ...hi carsten)
oh & if i haven't said it yet...precious one, my heart is overjoyed to know that your heart has found the one that it longs for!
blessings on ALL your heads~ chele
Your husband's family sound very special, each with their own unique qualities to teach you something new. They sound very cool to be around.
And even though I am a married woman, WOW those eyes on this man are breathtaking. He is way to mesmerizing. And a healer too?? How sweet!! My grandmother was a healer also. That is a very special gift indeed.
Thanks for sharing about your family-in-law.
you are so fortunate to feel so connected with your in-laws! but i have a feeling that you're one of those people that connects easily to others and draws them close to you with ease... (and MY, he is handsome!) xo
What an amazing family to belong to. You truly are blessed!
i just saw your update.
hoping he finds a beautiful goddess to share his remarkable life with. a goddess who will be another sister to you, and a sister to carsty.
his heart will SOAR.
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