
boho, canon digital rebel xt
i see her now
the child i was
she is in my view
reminding me
she is still me
she played
she believed
she never doubted
she made things happen
just by dreaming
"a lucky star"
her sisters said,
that she lived under
she just knew
she was love
she had power
she created her life
by feelings, not rules
she was simple
simply her
full of yes, go, do, be
without judgment
she had no box
she had the world
and she reminds me
...that she is still me.

little boho
Oh darling what beauty you exude in both picture and words.
a creator
your freedom gives me light.... to walk an unknown path-of trust and spontaneity dancing at my feet
What a blessing you are dear one...
Loving you tremendously
You are so gorgeous, I had to come back and look at your photo again:)
"full of yes, go, do, be..."
Yes, you are that lovely dreamer - still! - and that makes me smile. I've recounted bits of your life with my girlfriends and they said that my expression changes when I talk about you. You fill me with lightness and hope - I find so much beauty and courage in your strength.
AND! You're stunning, love. Beautiful you!
What a beautiful post, and beautiful you!! How very wonderful that you knew what a wonder you were a such a young age - it's a blessing many of us don't start out with but have to instead slowly grow into and learn to believe.
my dear sweet beautiful friend....she never doubted. yes. i love this. may you find that again. may you honor that all of this is inside you. because you are this little girl. because you are you.
i believe all of this so much...we never lose it all...we just forget for a little while...but how powerful we are when we remember.
blessings and hugs,
Wow - what a beautiful post. I love it. Your photos are terrific. My favorite line: "she had no box"
Love it!
full of yes, go, do, be
without judgment
great line.
So sweet you are.
How beautiful Den...words and always you!!
It has been wonderful to watch her grow over the years and in many ways transform into a strong amazing woman and in so manys ways stay the same sweet, silly, and loving girl!
what a gorgeous photo of you as a girl and a stunning photo of you as a woman.
it's funny that sometimes i feel quite disassociated with the little girl i was and have to remind myself that we ARE the same person, just a few more scars and bruises. more wisdom and understanding. but the same person inside.
lovely words....:)
She... is beautiful. She... has a soft sweet voice i love listening to on the phone. She... is a dear friend i adore. She... is teaching me so much about the strength of being a woman. She... is Deni x
ps. i may have to print out that pic of little boho - SO CUTE!
oh, beautiful you...
I so loved this. You were always a beautiful soul, apparently. Not just the luck of genes, but an expression of your spirit. :)
Thanks for the link and the kind words. (It is actually Bz, but why sweat the small stuff) I look forward to exchanging poems, ideas, thoughts and photographs with you and all your readers.
Thanks again.
SWEET! i LOVE seeeeeing pics of Bloggers when they were children! Those pics are real treasures! xo
this expresses best in its pure auethencity.
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