boho daddy

boho's daddy, photo by robin nations
My father had back surgery today. All went well as far as we know...but he is heavily on my heart. When I called him at the hospital, I couldn't help but smile and giggle because even under the influence of pain killers and perhaps shock from surgery, he was still trying to crack jokes. I imagined his shiny apple cheeks and Santa Claus-like belly moving up and down as he laughed at himself.
We have a sweet connection, him and me. I am daddy's little girl...a mirror image of him in feminine form. He's always been one of my biggest fans and has remained open and supportive in regards to all the crazy decisions I've made in my life.
Years ago, when I decided to move from Northern Cali to Texas to bunk up with my best friend, he offered to drive me. We drove for four days and each night when I was asleep in our hotel room, he sat up under a dim light, unbeknownst to me and kept a journal about our journey. He saved all of our receipts and taped them to the pages. He recorded all that had transpired with his beautiful and meticulous handwriting. In between writing down our itinerary, he would share how he felt about me and the woman I was becoming. He later surprised me and handed me the journal, as we said our goodbye's. You can imagine how much emotion was shared in that moment. This has been one of my most treasured gifts and that very act alone says so much about my father's caring and humble character.
He is a wise, gentle, sweet soul and I am so proud to be his daughter.
So while you're drifting off to sleep tonight or perhaps reading this with your morning coffee or tea, please say a prayer for him and a quick recovery.
The world needs boho daddy well. Isn't he the cutest? And yes...he really is that snuggly.
What a sweet post! I think you certainly ARE very lucky in the Daddy Department of Life. I will think warm thoughts of recovery for your dad tonight... just for you! :)
you are very fortunate, indeed. he's as beautiful as you are!
I wish your daddy a very fast have a wonderful dad!
oh monkey, this brought a little tear to my eye. what an amazing thing to do, that journal, something to treasure, but more than that, such an indication of what a wonderful man he must be... wow.... okay... can he be my pops too? :-) i'm sending him all my love for a speedy recovery x
ps the deletion above was me - too many typos!!!! ;-)
monkey pops would GLADLY take you in as a fourth daughter, my sweet. xoxo
sending him healing energy and peace to get the rest and sleep he needs.
what a tender, kind man he seems to be my dear. i love this. and the gift of such a journal! oh. this is very precious.
Prayers and Blessings to your gorgeous dad. How lucky you are.
Oh my goodness-what a love he looks like, and then as you described him he is even more of a love than he looks like!
Oh that made me heart swell and ache a bit-as I never had a daddy-but my son has a great daddy-one I am sure will be just as sweet as yours and that really makes me smile.
Oh darling your beautiful boho daddy is in my heart and prayers this am and the rest of the day.
Love and kisses
Prayers to daddy boho. I miss my dad today - this would be his birthday.
Have a beautiful day.
sending warm, healing vibes your daddy's way. i'm praying for a full recovery.
your entry reminds me of my dad, and how i simply adore him too. so sweet!
he looks like a wonderful, positive man. ;)
Ahhhh, this was very touching. I lost my daddy when I was 5, so this brought on an imaginery trip I could have taken with my papa.
Thank you for sharing, you brought a tear to my eye, and yes, yes, my prayers are with your daddy this morning.
Much Love,
ooooooooh, i jes' wanna hug yer daddio!
what a great looking guy, and so nice to hear he's a great part of your life.
yer very lucky, as is he for having such a great daughter.
my bestest wishes goes out to him!
oh... and guess what?
YER FAMOUS!(and so is Amber! eep!)
muah haa haaaaaa!
Love vibes, lots of em! and many more prayers are coming your way Boho gal for you and your Boho daddy and your mama, she must be worried too! What a SWEET gift he gave you in that journal!((((Boho Daddy&family)))) XO(did i send you that poem? my memory isn't what it used to be! lol i think i did! hmmm)
My hubby is picking him up as we speak. Daddy was a little groggy this morning and is now in for a 3 hour drive.....(and Jay's driving...eeeek!)
He talked Jay's ear off all the way there...I'll assume that he'll be a little more quiet on the ride home....probably loaded with vicodin or codine. hee hee
I going up on Sunday to see him, give him a day to rest.
He loves you booch, your newborn brush with death seared his heart with the special love he has for you. forever.
I love you too heart was seared also...
big sis
xxx darlene
That's such a lovely thing to do. What a dad. I'm sending healing thoughts too. xx
Your dad looks SOOOO snuggly! I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE that he kept that journal for you. What an amazing man to have for a dad. I will certainly keep boho daddy in my prayers this week:)
Much love to you!!
i'll be thinkin' of your daddy- even without your words- just the picture shows what a happy, warm, and wonderful soul he is!
Sending VooVoo and all of our family warm wishes and love!
Ps..great pic of him...I can hear his laughter now...
Wow. I got teary too.
I hope that I can be that kind of parent to my little girls.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Best wishes on a speedy recovery to Boho Daddy!
Hi lovely... What an amazing family you have, your Dad sounds lovely. I wish him better very soon, sending him and you lots of love from me. xxx
Oh! That story about your father keeping the journal made me tear up... how beautiful and sweet and heartfelt... What a darling man!!!
He's in my prayers..
I just got all sorts of teary over this post. Your dad sounds like a good soul (like you). I bet he and my dad would be kindred spirits. Best wishes to him for a speedy recovery!
Such a gorgeous post to honour your Dad. And your relationship.
Beautiful Deni.
And sweets... of course I will hold him in my prayers. All of you.
Definitely sending postive healing thoughts to snuggly Daddy Boho. That sweet story made me cry. The connection you both share is definitely evident. And his soul shines through in that photo.
Have I mentioned that I'm up for adoption? I hope your Dad is well soon. What a wonderful father you have.
Aw, Boho- he does look snuggly!
You and your father are both in my thoughts.
that is the
most precious thing,
that idea of keeping the
what a sweetheart...
and adorably cute to boot
Thinking of you and your snuggly dad.
Wow - what a great Dad. And he really is cute too. Of course we'll send up prayers in his behalf. Take care!
Thank you so, so much everyone for your sweet words and prayers for my dear boho daddy.
He is resting at home under the care of my marmie. He is in pain, of course, but the meds are taking the edge off. He had a small metal rod placed in the small of his back to lift a vertebra up off of some nerves. He has had back and leg pain for a few years now and we are hoping this surgery will alleviate that. We will know in about 3 months time if it worked.
My two sisters, who live close by, will be going over there tomorrow to help my mom out and to keep him company. Being so far away, I can only call. I will give you updates here as I know them.
Sweet love to all of you kind souls,
ahh, i'm glad he's okay.... i bet he's lovin all the lovins he's getting from his girls... send him a big daughterly kiss from me when you speak to him (now that i am daughter numero four :-))) xx
Glad he is recovering.. with love all about him.
And I am sure he is feeling your love across them damned miles *grin*
Loving you.
hope your daddy's recovery is speedy and the results of the surgury are the best they can be! *hugs*
Goddess bless your daddy!
& snuggle on....
The apple didn't fall from the tree, I see :]
oh he is so cute. what a blessed family you have! i am a little late, but thinking dearly of your boho daddy...
xoxoxo p
hey pumpkin...
back from holidays...
wanted to add my voice to this... hope your daddy is doing well... bless his beautiful heart!
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