letting go

pamela's garden, canon digital rebel xt
I've been a bit quiet lately. Truly sitting with my thoughts and following their lead down to a path were answers are found. How often to we spin through life, not allowing ourselves to slow down and find a sense of clarity to our emotions?
I was talking with a dear friend today about the meaning of "letting go". I heard myself say to her that I feel myself letting go in regards to conceiving our child. Something shifted in that moment. In the past, I may have accepted that answer and kept moving forward in the conversation but today I said to her..."lets talk about what I really mean by letting go."
I still think about being pregnant every day. I still want a baby with all of my being. I still feel emotions stirring when I walk by a mother holding her infant. My husband and I still roll around in the sheets the 3 days I am ovulating. I still meditate and envision our sweet child in our life. I still go to my holistic doctor to get treated for fertility. I still take the herbs and supplements he suggests.
To others, this may seem like I am not really letting go.
What I am letting go of is my need to control the outcome. My mind is no longer set on it happening this one particular month. I am not only eating a special diet to create a healthier womb for a baby but also to have more energy while I play tennis with my husband. My mind is not consumed with fear that it will never happen but is filled with hope that it will...someday. My thoughts are full of my dear new friendships, my family, my business, my creativity.
So, when I say I am letting go...I am not letting go of the desire for a child but I am letting go of controlling the idea of when. This is HUGE for me. It is huge for anyone going through (in)fertility because sometimes in the midst of so much fear, all we have left is our ability to control what is tangible to us. What I realized is that conceiving a child is not a tangible thing to control at a certain point. We (and our doctors) can only do so much and the rest is left up to nature.
This "letting go" to me is something so very spiritual. So difficult to put into words. I cannot really pinpoint a moment or the exact shift within but it has happened and I am relaxing in the quiet peace of it. The hush of no more negative voices of fear.
It will happen. I will be pregnant and I don't need to know when.
Wow. Having been in your shoes I am so so so happy to read this post. (((Hugs)))
there is such beauty and wisdom in this post...and while i don't pretend to know what you and boho boy are experiencing, i want you to know that i gather strength from the wisdom of your words and apply them to my own life...you are a force, dear one, and i continue to whisper a little prayer for you & hubby every night...
What sweet relief this must be, to let go of the fear and fierce immediacy of the longing. That's when magic happens.
every one of my friends who have ever experienced difficulty conceiving have in turn become pregnant once they've STOPPED the painful and traumatitic testing and waiting and worrying, etc.
good on you.
my bestest wishes,
Oh sweet thing,
My Blessings and Prayers for you you and yours will be sent daily.
Your inner strength is evident and your wisdom of yourself is elequent to say the least.
our its just a matter of when.
xoxox Shaz
This is SO HUGE, Denise. It's bizarre to me that we are in exactly the same mental place right now. I don't have anything else to say about it. I'm just soaking and pondering...
Letting go is a good thing Boho sweetie and also being quiet... that's where I am right now, being quiet***sweet dreams***
i have been reading your blog for some time...
last night you were in my dreams and you were the mommy of the sweetest little boy! he was beautiful, loving and kind. he was playing with my son and we sat around talking about your journey, it was SO real.
you have a precious life and much love to share, it will happen for you. all in good time my dear.
life is so mysterious!
peace & love~
Holding the quiet spaces with you here where I am...
letting go of the need for control
sounds like a good thing...
sending all the best wishes
and good luck
i can...
Letting go is so spiritual and not easy. It is a major life change and philosophy. I am so happy for you that you are able to achieve it, that you are living it!!!
I think it really brings peace to the heart.
I am going to try to model your behavior :)
Love you munchkin!!
so deep sister.
so peaceful and enlightening.
this can certainly apply to many parts of our lives. letting go... being at peace... i'm so happy to read that you've come to this place.
Sounds like a good place to be!
Pouring tears*****
words can do no justice to the peace, joy, honor I feel knowing you and having you as my journeying partner-not just in fertility but in life.
You are so cherished and dear to me beautiful girl.
I am right here with you darling....right here....not only is it a great place to be...but to glance over and see that you are right here too....oooooh it is delightful.
Loving you
this is so beautiful my dear friend. you are shedding the layers. letting go. oh this fills my heart with joy.
Ah! Letting go...a big one for me too.
I see a great deal of warmth and exuberance in your images. When your special little spirit finally decides to come out of the dreamtime he/she will be a very happy child!
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