Self Portrait Challenge ~ Glam

self portrait, canon digital rebel xt
I post this picture with a smirk on my face. I don't think I have ever been considered the "glam" type. Although, I certainly admire glam and have had many girly friends in my life that are gorgeous glam gals. Sometimes I'd like to think I'm glam but then I try to apply the make-up and end up washing it off after a futile attempt. I love style. I love expressing myself with my clothing, my accessories and my hair but make-up is not one of my talents. My sisters are seriously fabulous at applying make-up and they've taught their daughters (my kindreds) well. To each of them it is an art and watching them makes me drool because somehow they make it look easy and natural. My niece Angela, when she was last here for the weekend, tried to teach me. She would do one of my eyes and then I would follow her instructions on my other eye. It was hilarious how mine looked so crappy and hers so perfect. She was patient, indeed. I have recently tried playing with it more but it just feels so awkward as though I am working with two left hands.
A month before my wedding I was told I needed to wear a lot more make-up for my pictures to turn out well. So, I booked a test run appointment with a make-up artist to work her magic. I remember looking in the mirror when all was said and done and bursting into tears. I was upset because it was so important to me that I felt like "me" on my wedding day and I just didn't see myself through all the paint. I washed it all off as soon as I arrived home and I literally felt a huge weight lifted off of my entire body...not just my face. I remember calling my girlfriends crying telling them I didn't want to have to wear a lot of make-up on my wedding day. Each of them laughed reassuring me that I did not have to. It's those damn bridal magazines filling women's heads with nonsense! My husband tells me he prefers my face naked rather than painted...which is one of many reasons he is so right for me.
So, I am you think that one could be glam if they dress chic but are elle naturelle?
Can Boho's be glam?
I know...such deep thoughts at midnight.
But here's the conundrum, monkey - you *are* glam... make up doesn't make a person glam, it's what's inside them, and you are sassy and gorgeous and magnetic - more reasons why i adore you so much :-)
i was just going to are glam to me because it's something that can be found on the inside.
i'm glad you are just who you are...
you are a rock star, babe! and the last time i wore make-up for a special occasion, my husband asked me how i got my black eye (ha!). needless to say i am sticking to plain old me :)
funny you should ask, because when I read "I post this picture with a smirk on my face. I don't think I have ever been considered the "glam" type," I smirked, because I've always thought of you as glam. You don't have to wear tons of make-up to be glam (although you wouldn't think I believed that if you my SPC this week), and you should definately count your blessings that you can have a naked face that is gorgeous!!!
You inspire the natural glam in all of us.
I'm probably about to be all pedantic (sorry!) but I get so hung up on words sometimes and to me there are subtle - or maybe not-so-subtle! - differences between beauty and glamor and chic.
I think of glam as all surface crap - the illusion of beauty granted by make-up and fancy clothes and good lighting. I think glam can be a lot of fun (and it's what my SPCs are about this month), but it's ultimately completely unimportant.
But beauty is a deep-down thing that shines through to the surface and has nothing to do with getting eye shadow just right or wearing sparkly stuff. And chic, to me, is somewhere in between. I think it's style...uniqueness, vibrant individuality. So while I think glam can be fun to play with, if a person has beauty and chic (which you do) then glam is ultimately unimportant. :-)
Oh honey, Bobo's ARE glam...just look in the mirror sweet one. Do you know how many women would trip over themselves to look like you do WITHOUT makeup? :-) The real description for you is beautiful, inside, outside, and all around. (and quite modest, as well!) Lovely picture...I am a big fan of this photo series that you did.
Love to you
Oh, Sweet Boho you are soooooo Glam!!!
Everytime I see a picture of you I think to myself, "Self, look at that lovely woman! SHE knows how to pull herself together and look fantastically fabulously glam!!!" I think to myself "Self, as soon as you get some extra moneys together you are going to go to her online store and buy yourself one of her yumolicious necklaces to wear so that a bit of her glamerousness can spread to you too!!!"
Denise, you are GORGEOUS! I would be thrilled to never have to wear makeup, and have your killer sense of style and artistic talent:) You are one of my top glam girls, baby!!!
I've never seen you as anything less! You are incredibly beautiful. If this is what you look like without makeup then dang - just stay as you are. It works for you.
the women who use their style, personalities and intellect as accessories are who I believe to be more glamorous than those who use make-up and jewels. i hardly ever wear make-up and if getting dressed up, I don't opt for lots of jewellry, just one ring or bracelet. somehow it makes me feel completely glam!
Funny, I had a similar feeling with the SPC this month. I think of myself as "earthy" not glam--but, like you, I interpreted it in my own way. I'd say you obviously have a natural flair for aesthetics--be it with your art, your beautiful jewelry, or your style. Yes...glam...absolutely!
You my darling look sumptious in this photo-
and you are such a beauty-no matter, make up-no makeup, PJ's or all dressed and accessorized.
Your beauty is classic and your style is delightfully sexy and to me very glamorous-especially because of your confidence in yourself.
I love you
Everything already said is so true.
I see your self-portraits and see a strong, vulnerable, creative, emotional, beautiful woman. Does the makeup really matter? The photos I've seen, especially from your wedding, the glow and emotion in your eyes and the brightness of your smile; that's genuine.
The new website looks great! - wishing you lots of success and fulfillment from this adventure!
i agree with everyone else--you are glam, girl. the best kind. the real kind. how could you not be...i mean uhumm...homecoming queen!! :)
Who needs glam when you're so damn sexy!!!
And you are and so is everything you do!
Look at that shoulder...MMmmmmmmm I just want to bite it *wink*
love bug,
xxx darlene
Does a Boho want to be glam?
You are beautiful and sexi, charming and sweet...
Glam is all of that I think?
So you must be glam!!
ur looking better than glam, boho girl...
u are truly a unique person, one and only, self styled glam boho girl. :)
i'm not into makeups too, yep, just doesn't feel "me".
I think you're natural beauty makes you incredibly glamorous...I don't think it's about the color of the paint that defines glam...persay...but more of how one carries themself with the paint on and how they come across to the world. You seem to have a nack for drawing in people just by your soul, in my opinion that's more glam than any amount of money can buy.
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