self portrait challenge ~ glam

"mirror, mirror..." self portrait, canon digital rebel xt
After taking this portrait, my husband came home from work and said..."you're wearing make-up?". As I said in lasts weeks SPC post...I am not that talented at applying powdery things to my face but I am attempting to play at it and having a bit of fun.
I must admit that "fun" is a word I am embracing right now in my life. I was always that girl that searched for the fun, the party, the laughs, the light hearted~ness of life but something shifted in the past few years. There has been a lot of sadness, heaviness, fear, longing and depression walking along side us on our (in)fertility journey. Although lately the heaviness has lifted. Within ourselves. Within our relationship. Within our creativity.
While I was away in Seattle, it gave my husband and I some time to reflect. Since I've been home, we've done some truth speaking and together had this epiphany. We need to have more fun. Fun like we used to. Fun that has always felt so natural for us. It was time to re~awaken our spontaneous beings!
We've just been exhausted of being told what we should and should not eat. When we should and shouldn't make love. What we should and should not drink. It began to feel a bit mechanical, just sort of going through the motions. Willing to do whatever it took to make our baby. But what it has done is taken a sense of freedom away from us. Freedom, Spontaneity and the Sexy of life.
So, while we're still following the diets our doctor suggests, we are not going to allow it to control our sense of fun. Perhaps all it took was just recognizing that this was happening. I've noticed we now laugh so much harder. We've been light and goofy and playful and sexy and alive.
In a few days we are flying to Vancouver, B.C. to our honeymoon spot so that we can reconnect with that time in our lives. I cannot wait to walk nestled into one another with our arms close around our waists while the rain falls on us. I cannot wait to share a bottle of red wine by a fire place and spill stories that we have yet to share with one another. I cannot wait to laugh so hard until I cry and then pull him close in a passionate kiss, tumbling to the ground.
So what does this have to do with glam? Well...I feel sexy again. I really do. And to me...feeling sexy is glam whether you're dressed up or not dressed at all.
Find other glam guys & gals here.
yay for glam fun! like the lacy clothes and the blurriness ... to me, that's fun ... when there's movement captured in a moment.
oh yay for you.... I can SOOOOO hear what you say! I found you via SPC glam, (my link is in the comments section of the current challenge cos for some reason I haven't been able to get it to work in the sidebar..... anyhoooo). My hubby and I have been "struggling" with a fert(in)ility thingo too. I decided to make myself sexy from the inside. Still got a little way to go but it's happening. Enough of doctors and diets and "procedures" and procedures not working. all very crap and soul destroying. Be true to you.
ps nice spc photo too!
Girlfriend, i *know* you are sexy (and glam) cos i've had you sitting on my lap ;-) i predict CK is in for the time of his life in Vancouver *tee hee*
love you MB, this is such a beautiful portrait, i love it xoxox
Oh sweetie this really is what glam is all about isn't it.
This photo really captures that so perfectly.
I am so thrilled for your trip to nuzzle and snuggle with eachother, laugh and play. Yum.
Loving you darling.
That shirt you are wearing is completely glam--oh, I love that! Something about the expression on your face here is "knowing" and sexy. I hope you have a beautiful time of re-connection in Vancouver!
you look so yummy in this pic ;-)
have a fantastic time away with your gorgeous hubby x x x x x
YAY FOR YOU! on all counts...and i totally agree, sex does = glam.
oops. i meant 'sex-Y'. what a freudian typo.
gorgeous, Glammy shot, as always. hope you enjoy BC. i'm sure you'll have a wonderful time reconnecting.
Congrats on bringing the fun and sexy back. My husband and I have spent the past year in a similar haze - it's hard to focus on fun when you're terrified you might accidentally consume that bit of whatever the week's bad food is that might keep you from conceiving. Our lives are soooo much better since we lightened up. We just tell God, "Well, we're doing our part..." :)
Bless your trip!
You DO look sexy in that photo and totally fabulous!
Hope you have a fun trip!
My heart is happy to hear that you are in a place to again embrace the fun. I wish you the best trip to B.C. and I hope that you are able to fully experience that fun, and love and carefree-ness.
You are a gorgeous being sweet D.
All my love to you...xoxoxoxo...J
You look amazing with make-up on too!!! With or without you are gorgeous.
Your trip with the hubby sounds like it will be fantastic, and you both deserve it.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the necklace below. I am so glad to hear your shop is going so well. I fully intend on ordering a few goodies from you as soon as I can :)
looks like you are doing a great job applying that make up!
i love you so much...thank you for being so amazing. what would I do without my kindred???
Whooo Hoooo
Sexy Mama
I'm going to miss you at thankgiving, but Vancouver sounds fabulous sissy.
love you a bushel and a peck!
xoxoxox dar
all I can say is this is an amazing post, you and your husband are truly recognize what is important and together go after it..lovely, thanks for sharing such an intimate portrait of your life to go along with the glam shot that says it all shining from your face..
p.s. have fun on your may be full of future always as interesting surprises waiting for us around every corner..
Good Lord, this is a fabulous photograph! Strikingly beautiful.
You look wonderful! You asked the question a few weeks ago and now we definitely can say - YES, boho can be glam...
Very, very, very good for the two of you!! Yes, reconnect in that space of joy and laughter. Remember yourselves most of all and enjoy - enjoy! Many happy thoughts for today, tomorrow and always...JP
I love this post! and the picture..... so very sexy! You look lovely! xo
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