the girls

pamela (left), angela (top center), boho (right), darlene (bottom center)
click for larger view
I was feeling some anxiety a few days ago while at my sister's house. We were just about to head over to the hospital again to be with Mark and I was full of worry for him. Then I found a perfect gift to calm my nerves.
My husband, Angela and I were cleaning out Darlene's studio to make room for Mark when he is home from the hospital and needs help. I stumbled upon this picture above while cleaning. I felt a huge warmth spill over me. It is rare to see a group picture of just the girls in our family. I was bummed that my niece Kelly (pam's daughter) wasn't in this one because then it would seriously rock my world.
Here you can see how my two older sisters (pam & darlene) look like porcelain dolls. What beauties they are! You can also see how much me and my niece Angela look alike. This was taken at her high school graduation about 5 years ago. Everyone said we were like twins. Even to this day it can still be freakish how similar we are.
I laughed at my blonde hair a la Jennifer Aniston. Oh geez. At least I tried, eh?
Was hoping to make you smile too.
I'm smiling
It's so good to see you guys smile... because though the photo may be old, the beauty, the love, the bonds have done nothing but grow.
goodness this is a gorgeous picture of all of you. wow. love it. just love it. all your smiling faces together.
it did indeed make me smile along with you.
so glad you shared it...
who could help but smile too.
such lovely, lovely faces.
Sweet! Sweeter than honey! honey!;)
What a beautiful family! Sisters that are friends also is the most beautiful thing in the world...
Oh, you two do so look alike! Wow. I love to see how people in a family look alike, and how genes pop up. My boy looks so much like my baby brother, like that. It's nice.
I do like your darker hair better, but you still look cute here. ;)
You and your girls are sooooo beautiful!
Much love from NC,
Y'all are a seriously beautiful family! What a great photo find.
What a gorgeous family of girls :-)
you are all so beautiful - i just want to be snuggling in the centre of that girl sandwich - in fact, it would be more of a girl triffle :-) love you blondie xox
that is a gorgeous photo... jen aniston hey? bwahaha ;)
love the family familiness honey :)
happy new year ~
to a happy, healthy, growing, wonderful 2007!
This is so heartwarming darling. You can see the beauty inside and out, here. What lovelies you all are.
It is amazing how much you and Angela look alike.
I am thinking of you tons and tons. Hope you are rejuvenating some.
I love and miss you baby.
What a beautiful family. I love your blonde hair! Gorgeous all of you.
Much love to you and your family!
lovin you as a blondie and as a sultry brunette too!
thinking of you and your family and sending you lots of love x x x
Lovely photo - and you're beautiful no matter your hair colour. Glad finding the photo made you smile. Thinking of you, Mark and all your family as the new year of healing begins. xo
gods you're all so beautiful.
such smiles, identical jawlines and cheek structures...
oi. sorry, the artist came thru there for a moment.
wonderful pic. hope to see more smiles.
hugs to you all.
Happy New Year, Bee Gee! Good luck and love for 2007!
love this photo!
You've made me smile before, and you did it again :)
what a stunning picture!
- meegan
No fair, no fair...(kicking and screaming like a kid) fair at all...
No fair that there are four gorgeous women in one family...
That's why I got left out...haha...there wasn't enough to go around when they got to me..
Very special picture and I'm glad it lifted your spirits...
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