healing pictures

family portrait session, canon digital rebel xt
Here are a few pictures from one of my portrait sessions this past weekend. Looking at them has actually made me smile and has brought healing within. I haven't smiled much in the last few days.
I cannot tell you how much the bloggie love across the globe has meant to my sister and the rest of our family. I just spoke to Darlene a few hours ago and your loving comments were the one thing we talked about in the midst of all the fear and horror, that has brought her some peace. So please know your prayers, thoughts, warmth, love is noticed and deeply appreciated during this time.
My husband and I are heading home to my family very soon. It has been so difficult to concentrate. My mind cannot focus on any one thing but my nephew Mark, his face and all that has transpired in the hospital while I have not been there. This feels like a nightmare. Something that only happens in films. We are all in shock. I need to be by his side. Yet, I am also afraid to be by his side. Afraid to see the changes throughout his body and all the tubes to and fro. Afraid that as I hold his hand and feel his grip, that tears might stream down my face. I want to be strong. I want to hold my family together. I usually do.
I love Mark so much. He is only 10 years younger, so he feels like a friend more than just a nephew. We spoke on the phone just days ago...laughing. This is so surreal.
I am grateful that we will all be together within hours from now. Circling around Mark and one another. Our family is full of strength and we will all help him get through this. I am willing so many positive thoughts about him and his recovery. Even though things seem to not be looking very good...I must believe and know he will come out of this stronger than he ever has been. I must believe and I will.
Thank you for taking precious time to think of us during the holiday. By posting these pictures, I am attempting to make you smile as well. I know you've spilled sweet tears for us. Now I need to know you are smiling.
Deep mushy love to all. See you later next week.
Your sister radiates so very such warmth and kindness and goodness. I always appreciate and love her posts and comments, and your nephew and sister have been on my mind constantly since reading about this tragedy. I'm so glad she - and you!- are reaching out and not baring the pain on your own. This is a beautiful, deep, wide network of women who reallly know how to be there for one another and I hope the collective prayers going out to Mark vibrate in the air all around him and your family. I just can't imagine what a tough time this is for all of you but do know you are being thought of often with much hope and love and many prayers. My biggest hope is that this time next year you will be blogging about how very far along he has come in his healing process.. Blessings to your family.
not sure the thanks is necessary.
the amazing thing about distance is that it's shortened to the point of a pin when the internet is concerned.
we're all jesta post away.
take care of yourselves..
very frightening times. go and be with him and your family and we will all be thinking of you and sending the spirit of strength on gigantic wings of love towards you now.
Safe travels as you make this journey. Your sister has been like a ray of sunshine to me; I know she needs your love and support. Help her to feel our love as you hold her in your arms.
Sweet sweet you....my heart is breaking for the pain and fear that you are all feeling right now. I just can not imagine. I do have faith that the immense amount of prayer and healing that is being sent, combined with the strength that Mark inherently has will make a huge difference in his healing. I refuse to think any other way. You already know this, but I am praying and you are in my heart and thoughts at all times.
And yes, your pictures did indeed make me smile. They are truely amazing and beautiful. You have such a gift, and I could not be happier that you are now able to utilize this gift in the way that you do. It is wonderful.
I wish you a safe trip and positive news...
I love you....J
Such beautiful photos that indeed made me smile...so thoughtful of you to post them in the midst of your own heartache. Love and prayers to you and your family and especially for your nephew. Thinking of you...Nel
it is very kind of you to be concerned with other people's smiles at such a difficult time for your family.
it says a lot about the strong spirit that will carry you, your sister, nephew and other family members through this horrid experience.
your photos are gorgeous. i especially love the one on the sand, exploring the shells. it is easy to imagine how good the wet sand would have felt between their toes.
thank you for your generosity.
take care,
we continue to light candles of healing and blessings here. know that jon and i are thinking of your family and praying for you all.
your family is amazing dear girl...amazing...and the strength that you show here with your words will be the strength you rely on in the days to come.
these photos are incredible. you have such an eye! delicious photos!
peace and light to you,
Family love is teh most beautiufl. My prayers are with your nephew.
I didn't know Darlen was your sister, this internet is makes the world a very small place. The inner connections holding hands and praying together.
God bless you and your family.
Lovely photos!!
We are all praying God Be With You.
Dear Denise,
Thank you for these lovely photos in a time of crisis ... obviously the world goes one, no matter what any of us are experiencing.
I'm so relieved that you and your husband will be by their side soon ... and that all of you feel the love, support and prayers from your blogging community.
Much peace, love and many, many prayers to each of you ... xo, d
The world is such a small place...
Your love for your family warms my heart. Even in this most difficult time for you all, I can feel your strength and it inspires me. And how can does photo's not make me smile?! :)
Your in my thoughts, xo Sophie
Thanks so much for these beautiful photos. Amidst the heartache your family is enduring, they are a burst of warm sunshine. You truly are a talented lady.
Your gorgeous sister Darlene is so dear to me and it breaks my heart that her dear son is so broken and burdened now.
I am sending all my strength their way and wish you a safe journey to their side.
You will be strong and your dear nephew will be so very warmed by your sweet presence.
he *will* come out of this stronger than ever, and i know you will help him to see the blessings he has in his life, and will let him know that he will find love, and all his dreams (i just read on D's blog about the scar he has and it touched me so much - R had a scar. when we love them we love all of them - one day i hope i'll meet Mark and tell him this)
your photos are wonderful - YOU are wonderful. have a safe flight and make sure you look after yourself as well as your family. i'm only a phone call away, monkey. i meant what i said in my email... love you so much xox
Beautiful photos. Saw on Darlene's last post that Mark's been taken off the respirator...that would seem to me (based on what Taylor's been through) very good news. So feel hopeful! Will continue to send prayers and love and healing energy and light in his direction.
have a safe journey and blessing
galore this holiday season. mark
will know the strength and love
as your family circles.
here to much healing!
I believe very deeply in the power of a family's love, strength and faith - even when that faith has to be picked up off the floor and put back on again after it slid off in a waterfall of tears.
I relate very much to your desire to be strong and hold you family together as you always have.
If your wonderful family is anything like mine then you will all have your time to be the one washing yourself and each other clear with your tears. And you will all have your turn to be the one picking up the cloak of faith and putting it back on the shoulders.
You remain in my thoughts and prayers.
These photos are absolutely gorgeous...you really do have an incredible perspective. I am continuing to think of your family and wish you well. Holding you close,
Boho Girl - traveling mercies we pray for you. Do not be afraid of the tears. They help to wash healing from your body into Mark's. We are all circling - just like the rings that form when a tear falls into the river - these circle keep spreading and continue to surround your family at this time. You are those close in and around the world encircle and shelter you with prayers of many faiths.
Keep pointing MArk towards the light, until he is stong enough again to see it for himself.
While I don't know you and your family personally, I am continuing to hold you all in my thoughts and prayers. Your strength and spirit is shining strong through your posts about this situation and I just know your nephew will be able to draw healing strength from you as well.
And yes, your photos brought a smile to my face. My dad is a professional photographer so I've seen a few photos in my day. You have a true talent there! I'm (selfishly) glad you are able to share your gift with all of us through this blog.
You are being hugged in a huge circle of warm arms and hearts from strangers and "real life" friends alike. Constant prayers are being sent out, and hopefully you are feeling healing powers.
I'm sorry I missed the first post. I will definitely say a pray for Mark.. and for your entire family. We have recently had miracles in our family - prayers answered. I do believe in the power of prayer. Keep the faith. I will send positive thoughts and prayers your way.
Hugs and be safe in your travels.
sending lotsa love your way. prayers to mark and whole family. you are strong boho girl, he'll need your towering support to get through this. yes he can, darlene can, you can. you are surrounded by love and love can do wonders!
Thank you for sharing these photo's with us, they are BEAUTIFUL!!! If I ever can get my family out to california I want to pay YOU to do a family portrait session. You are so talented.
You are your sister and your families are still in my heart and prayers.
I have been reading your blog in the shadows for a while. I needed to let you know you and your family is in my heart and prayer.
Your sister has been a new reader to my blog, and her comments are always SO amazing and warm and loving. She is such a good person, and she touches me so often!...I was away from blogging while this all happened, and when I heard, my heart just broke!
Please know your family is on my mind and prayers for Mark and your whole family are on my lips throughout the day! I have survived a car accident like this, and so I feel so deeply for what Mark is dealing with! But I know he is strong, and I have faith for him.
Please hug your sister for me. A big, giant hug!
Peace and love to you, and yours.
Hi Denise
I haven't read your blog for a few days (computer's sick and I'm at the office now) but just want to send hugs and more importantly, prayers your way and to Mark and the rest of your family.
Travel safely and have a blessed Christmas.
Lots of love
The pictures are indeed beautiful, and lovely to see. I am sending you all warm wishes of healing and love and strength. xxx
You and Dar together... what more healing love can be gathered.
I know you will be a wonderful addition to the circle surrounding Mark.
You are right to believe Deni. Mark will be stronger than ever...
My love and healing thoughts are with you all.
visiting from darlenes blog; wishing you peace and silent prayers
i am only finding out about this,
have not been keeping up...
i'm so sorry to hear of this
and send your family best wishes
and hope and hugs....
I have been sooo busy - just finding out about Mark. Best wishes to him for an extra speedy recovery. What a time to be in the hospital. He's lucky to have a great family like yours.
Thanks for sharing these beautiful photographs, and the strength and love of your family. I, too, am praying for your nephew.
I post a message every day for Darlene.
Merry Christmas to you and your clan. I don't post as many comments here as on Darlene's blog, but I still enjoy visiting.
hey boho girl. i didn't realize that darlene was your sister. i've been working hard on healing vibes beamed over from new jersey, where i am. i hope mark heals in the most gentle way possible.
big bear hugs,
hi there - without email I wanted to wish you a very happy holiday! I know that things are not good right now (did you get my message?!?!) but underneath all of that I hope that you have some moments of peace. I love you!
I've been following Mark's progress on Darlene's blog and thinking of you all and praying for you. I have written about the healing journey of my own precious Marc on my blog and how that experience has given me faith in the power of positive energy and thoughts and more than anything else the power of love.
Sending you love and lots of courage in these days.
Dear One...
I continue to have a candle lit for Mark, Darlene, you and your family. You are all constantly on my mind..
much love and peace to you
Lovely photos -I didn't realise Darlene was your sister until this crisis with Mark. I'm sure it must be a great comfort for him to have such a loving close-knit family around. You and your family are very much in my thoughts and prayers as you rise to these challenges. xo
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