a superhero is born!

me & andrea, taken by boho boy, canon digital rebel xt
Yay...baby Ben has arrived!
I couldn't be more thrilled for their precious family. It has been such an honor and blessing to walk on this journey to conceive along side her.
I woke up last Thursday morning with a feeling deep in my gut that something was stirring in superhero land. I phoned her and as soon as she picked up, she asked..."do you have a feeling?" Little did we know then that just hours after we hung up, Ben was well on his way. I still get chills thinking about it.
It tells me that my intuition is usually right on and lately its been telling me that our time to conceive is soon. Gotta sponge up that baby mojo! It's just a feeling...
So, spread the love and welcome baby superhero into this world, if you haven't already!
And isn't he the MOST beautiful little being??? Oh my gosh!
I am going with your intuition, because it is strong and true. And you have had so many blessing and gifts lately...signs I do believe. I absolutely believe in you, and the fact that your boho bebe (with special superhero powers of his/her own)is perparing to come to this earthly place.
Love to you sweet D.
Oh trust that feeling, wise one. I've found that when we trust such things, stuff comes to fruition. Your time IS coming! And you will be such a gorgeous exquisite mama!! YOU WILL.
Your joy for Andrea is so lovely and full of grace, Denise. I know your time is coming soon, soon, soon. Trust that intuition.
Love to you!
Loving the intuition. Bless you and your sweet superhero friend!
Yah for intuition!
Seriously wonderful!
Such a lovely tribute Deni!
And I agree with Jen... Boho bebe will be here soon.
Hmmmm soak it up baby doll.
love you
Got goosebums just looking at his picture!
Intuition is so pure...so baby Ben will have a new best friend in the near future :)
xo Sophie
Aw, that's a great shot of you and your friend.
I think intuition is God whispering in your ear- all we have to do is believe.
Yes, that is a wonderful picture of you and Andrea- and Ben is simply precious. I was so excited when I went to Superhero yesterday and found that Ben was here! I hope and pray that we will see a similar post for you one day, dear.
I watched a documentary about how lots of women who hadn't had children yet, conceived shortly after their sisters or close girlfriends had babies. It was one of those things they couldn't necessarily explain except it falls in the same category as women falling into synch if they work together all day/live in the same house, etc..
So I think your premonition could be true!
Yay for new babies.
soon, my angel, soooooon. i feel it in my bones... lovin' on you monkey girl xox
I love this photo of you two!
Sending lots of Baby Mojo your way!
happy birthday, superhero baby!
and i echo the lots of baby mojo your way.
So very happy the litle superhero has arrived..the picture of you two tells the tale...another little miracle is near..sending you loving baby mojo from here..m
Ben is absolutely adorable - he's so delicious you could just eat him up!
Your time IS coming and I'm getting very excited about it. You are going to be great at this...
such an adorable photo of the two of you!
and ben is quite the cutey!!!
Beautiful Boho Girl,
I visit your blog so often for inspiration, warmth and womenly goodness. I live and work in a remote part of Afghanistan surrounded by men. They are lovely, good, brave and hardworking men but sometimes i crave the warmth of a woman.
Your post about the birth of your friend's baby moves me and inspires me for the grace and love it shows. You are a true wonder!
Your journey towards being a mother is so rich and deep that I feel awed by the wonderful gift that your child will receive once he or she comes into your lovely family.
I'm sending all my love and spirit-mojo your way!
Ben is gorgeous! I burst out crying when I saw his picture - he is so precious and I want a Ben too!
Our time is soon, D. My other "in the process of having a baby" friend sent me an SMS this morning saying "next year will be our time to have a little bundle of joy".
I believe this for us - I really do!
Denise, you are a beautiful soul who has an angel looking down at you and waiting for his turn to come down and join you on this beautiful & sometimes complicated journey called life. God bless you!
2 angels
xox dar
You soon will have baby in your arms and will be 3 years old before you even notice... its happening to me!
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