
Boho Boy & his best friend's baby Mia,
canon digital rebel xt
Is this just delish? There is just something about a man and a baby that is all kinds of sexy. Are you feelin' the boho baby vibes? Damn...I sure am!
ps. please pray, light candles and dance for Thea today as she is doing an embryo transfer into her beautiful, perfect, fertile and abundant womb.
Oh, yes, absolutely delicious - the baby vibes are strong enough to be felt all the way over here.
geez, even i feel broody now :-) Ck is gonna be the most handsome dad on the block - you know it.
and yes, yes, yes, candles and lights for our darling friend ~
love you xxoo
i can feel these really vibrant baby vibes over here. and i'm sending more your way.. and lots for thea, too. xo
I love this picture! And that wee one is ADORABLE!
I woke up dancing today :) And i am working on a painting oddly enough called "Belly Dance"... go figure. I just hope it turns out how my mind imagined it :)
Been thinking about you alot lately.
Oh, yes, VERY delish honey! C looks like an absolute natural holding this little darling.
And, I started dancing last night. When C got home from work late last night and asked me what I was doing, I told him that I was dancing for T...and he started to dance with me....sweet man. More dancing and spinning to day.
Love you,
What a co-incidence Boho! I just posted on your sis's Blog about the first song that popped out of my mouth this morning was "I HOPE you DANCE!" and I come over here and everyone is dancing!! LOL Yeah!!! Boho man looks just right with that sweet baby, I'm feeling those Boho baby vibes loud and clear!!! and I'm lighting a candle for Thea ASAP!!! Happy Week-end sweets! xo, Cinda ps. my word verification is :myymar so does that mean MY Marnie???
oh what a wonderful photo - the peaceful babe and the joyous look on Boho Boy's face. I will keep your friend in my fervent wishes for success. As someone who lost the plot for a child (5 invitro attempts) I hope with ALL my being that not only is your friend blessed but that YOU and Boho Boy are as well. I understand so well the plight of wanting it so bad you can taste it.
Awww.. so cute.. Love the wee little babies!
Carsten looks so comfy in that photo...
I see a baby in your near future!
Much love,
it is true that there is something sweet and wondeful about men with babies. and good wishes to you both, and thea!
Oh my goodness girl you are making me cry a good way. Boho boy looks perfect with a baby in his arms.
So perfect.
I am loving you both.
I hate to set up for disappointment-you know my cautious side but darling I think your time has come-I can't explain the feeling I have but I am dancing for you.
Great pic...
Just sent out a positive thought for Thea...
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