
model for portrait session, canon digital rebel xt
There is something about the landscape of a woman's body that I cannot get enough of. It manifests itself in my drawings, pastels and now my photography. Perhaps it stems from me always being that curvy girl and having to embrace the hills and valleys of my own flesh. When I envision myself photographing a model, I cannot imagine her without curves. My desire is to help women accept them, to revel in the sexy~ness of their bosoms and hips and the trails down their waist to their thighs. We are all a unique masterpiece.
My lovely model above melted into me after a few glasses of wine. I felt myself flow into a different dimension as I moved her limbs and curves to my liking. I witnessed her transition from being a bit awkward and unsure to opening the flood gates to her sexuality and self esteem. Her willingness to be open with me was an art form in and of itself and I was honored, so honored to be a part of this awakening.
p.s. i am grateful for each and every one of you for your words of support on my last post. you carried me through a rough day and this morning i woke up to a release. thank you for holding my hand, always.
Den, this is a beautiful pic!! You are SO good. I know what you mean about the figure as a landscape..I have saiid that same thing in referance to my paintings. Miss you soul-sister!
Lovely to see a woman with curves being celebrated. Tired of the waif's...
Good Job on this photo session!
Gorgeous photo, girly!
Curves = yummy goodness
I am glad you are feeling better.
Your blog, your are such an inspiration!
Positively ~*~BEAUTIFUL~*~
Curves are always to be celebrated.
as a fellow artist, and one who has done life drawings, portraits and such of both woman AND men, i highly relate to what you say about the beauty of curves.
goto my other site somethinsketchy at some point, check out my work...
there is something so powerful about the shape of a body.. and like you said, watching and rejoicing in a model RELAXING into their own skin is a marvelous and flattering experience.
your work is stunning, as have you always been as well.
that is such a beautiful picture..
coming from a family were being skinny ruled, i'm still trying to accept (and hopefully in the future love) my curves. i'm getting there, i'm sure. posts like yours do help a lot!
Girlfriend, i have two words for you.... Marina... and Shane
Wonderful picture and I agree with your sentiments... I just love how much YOU love- it radiates from you in your creativity, your words, photgraphs... yes, you are an inspiration to all of us.´s so pure...beautiful!!
I love your use of black and white to emphasize the "terrain." Beautiful.
i love this...
i wish we lived closer so we could go on a photo taking excursion together...
Oh, I love love love this!!!!! These are my FAVORITE kinds of art (that didn't make sense but you get what i mean) I used to sit in church and draw naked ladies... I got alot of funny looks. :)
Great picture and loved to read what you had to say....
you are so talented...
This is for all of you.
That picture is beautiful!
much <3,
What a beautful desire to take into your portrait work.
People tell me that they think I'm doing important work here in Afghanistan. You are doing wonderfully good, important work right there.
how gorgeous! at first i thought this was self-portrait and i was all a wonder at your bravery, but now, i just remain astonished by your excellent eye!
Your photography is amazingly beautiful honey. And I know that I will need to read this entry more than the few times I already have just to remind myself that I don't need to be so shy when it comes to my body.
Love you,
I too love the way a woman's body curves. I am starting to actually love the way my body is coming into shape. Though I've got a long way to go.
Keep up the great work,
Love Toni
what a beautiful picture d.
This is such a lovely photo. I shy away from doing paintings of figures, but I enjoy seing other artists doing it so well. I hope you are having a bright day!
urg! I have just read the last two posts and I want to be there to silently hold you, witness your emotions and to let you know how loved you are... come and see me ANY TIME - I have wide open spaces here and a different ocean and cliffs to walk on and photograph and ancient monuments to wander through... just a thought my friend -
I love you - I can't wait to get back to the land of email!!!
This is beautiful.
Gorgeous photo!
beautiful photo and model! you are so talented!!!
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