sunday scribblings ~ {fantasy}

boho boy and his cuteness, canon digital rebel xt
When I was a teenager, my best friend and I used to watch the mini-series Anne of Green Gables religiously. We resonated with the whimsical and passionate character of Anne and loved to be taken away on her adventures. I had a fantasy for years to marry someone like Anne's best guy friend and love interest "Gilbert Blythe". Many times my friend and I would sigh at his adorable Canadian accent. The way he said "sorry Anne" with a British twist in his tone. There was something about it that felt so familiar and would give me chills. I used to lay down and imagine walks on the bridge with Gilbert and dancing the waltz in a field of flowers with him. He had a pureness about him that was alluring to me. What I adored most about him was that he loved Anne for years and was patient with her realizing that she loved him all along too.
Fast forward 15 years. I am sitting on the couch and my husband is near me in the kitchen. I hear the word "sorry" come out of his mouth and it hits me. I married Gilbert Blythe times ten. I am not quite sure why it had never hit me before. The spirit that attracted me to the character of Gilbert lives and breathes in my husband. Besides the fact that he's Canadian and has the yummy accent! Who would have known back then that my fantasy would manifest itself into a true blue human being that is Boho Boy.
Fantasies are powerful. Our dreams are powerful. I believe they are there to guide us on our life's journey. Sometimes we are living our lives not even realizing that those dreams and fantasies have come to fruition. Sometimes it takes just opening our eyes a bit wider or in this case...your ears!
I was 16 when I first read the books of Anne of Green Gables. Strangely enough, I hardly remember the story line. I do remember that the books left me daydreaming for hours. I wonder in what ways those dreams have guided me. Maybe I just need to open my heart a bit more to let the voice of those dreams in.
Something to think about tonight :)
xoxo Sophie
I almost heard his voice there.
You two may be the cutest couple I have ever known.
Love to you both
I LOVE the Anne of Green Gables series and as an adult woman could still watch them. To read your post is to feel the love you have for Boho Boy and to know that your coming together was always meant to be - even before either of you knew it.
I loved those books (and the movies and the TV series). My guy doesn't come with the Canadian accent, but in all other ways he meets or surpasses Gilbert (ok, so maybe he's not a doctor, but we once stayed at a Holiday Inn Express ;-) ). You're living a true fantasy come to life.
i adored those books when i was younger (and still do), reading and re-reading them. i'm so glad you found your Gilbert Blythe. he most certainly found his Anne (with an e).
a lovely post.
Loved this post ~ it's amazing how our fantasies can come true, isn't it?
Loved the Anne of Green Gables series, books, et al. Prince Edward Island is on my top 10 list of places to visit :)
Anne Shirley is the quintessential dreamer and my role model!! I love her deep emotional take on life, her ability to describe life with such gusto............and always remain optimistically headstrong.
"Tomorrow is another day, fresh with no mistakes......" I love your post.......... just one thing though.............I thought I had married Gilbert Blythe. Hmmmmmmmmm........ every headstrong woman, with a creative heart and the gusto to take on the world needs a Gilbert in their lives to help keep their feet on the ground and a dream in their heart......
See you in Avonlea................
I LOVED Anne of Green Gables!!! My best friend Hanna and I used to watch it for hours and I would be left day dreaming. I too was hopelessly in love with Gilbert Blythe... Soooooo in love :) Lucky you to have married him!!!
I remember visiting Lucy Maud Montgomery's house on PEI... that was a fantasy come true!
I am so glad you found your fantasy to not just be a fantasy but a reality!
my mom and dad took turns reading chapters of anne of green gables to me when i was 7--later, when the series aired on public television, we watched them as a family. i feel a deep connection to anne shirley...i recently relocated (temporarily) from san francisco to the adirondacks, and one of the benefits is that i am so close to parents are planning to visit this spring, and the highlight of our time together is going to be a trip to PEI...i can't wait. also, i just found your blog, and i am already a devoted help to ease my homesick feelings for Cali and the good people who live there...NAMASTE.
The whole Anne of Green Gables series saved my life as an adolescent - I read and reread them, and would cry for my own Diana. Now I have friends who are truly "kindred spirits" and soul friends, like Diana (and several other of Anne's good friends along the way.) I love that you found your Gilbert - what a good sort of man to yearn after, and especially to find! You and Carsen's love is so beautiful, I love reading about the two of you and your boho adventures!
Oh, I just love this post! I also adore Anne of Green Gables (and just bought myself the whole series AGAIN, and I read my last one into tatters).
I agree with the poster who said that your love for Carsten comes out in everything you say and do. The two of you are an inspiration.
And hmmm...I wonder how much my life has been shaped by those early fantasies.
I loved Anne of Green Gables so much. I looked much like her, with my long wavy red hair, and my eccentric ways and love for books. And in the end I married myself a british boy, who, it is true, sounds so lovely when he speaks.
Wonderful post!
LOVE the Anne of Green Gables series.
I grew up near Green Gables, Prince Edward Island and am always amazed at those who know who she is. :)
Oh how wonder*filled this story is. I had to work this weekend and so Saturday when I got home I watched "Anne of Green Gables" then Sunday when I got home I watched "Anne of Avonlea" so tonight I will watch the continuing story. This is my very favorite movie. I love having my daughters and my granddaughter over for a slumber party on a rainy weekend and popping up some corn, filling up our mugs with our drinks of choice and sitting in on an all day/night Anne journey.
If you Boho boy is a copy of Gil you my dear are a very lucky lady indeed!
Much love to you both.
How funny that we all share so much! My mom and I used to watch Anne of Green Gables all the time. We watched the series from its very beginning to the very end when Anne is all grown up and a school teacher herself. I loved Gilbert Blythe. He was soooo cheeky.
This post really brought back the memories!
I totally agree with you! When I look back at what I wanted and wished for in my childhood, I actually am living so much of it right now!!
I love Gilbert but I loved Anne almost as much - partly because the actresses name was Megan... I wanted to have an equally exciting life!
Yes, Canadians DO have yummy accents - heh heh heh!!
I adore the Anne books -
I used to wish I had bright
orange hair so that a "Gilbert"
would call me "carrots!"
....and to this day i
call my dearest friends
"kindred spirits"
beautiful post - loved how
it came full circle
to your lovely boho man:)
no "trepidations" here -
just the realization of your
dream indeed!
*big sigh* This is such a warm and romantic tribute to your dear C! Fantasy does come true...dreams do come true. Here is yet another beautiful example of that.
What a great post! Being Canadian, I never think of our guys as having exciting, yummy kinds of accents. My Gilbert Blythe is pretty wonderful too, accent (that I dont' notice) and all. I fell for Gilbert (fictional and real), and could never understand what took Anne Shirley soooo long to figure out what she was missing!
I absolutely believe our fantasies can lead us to sweet reality. I'm so glad yours came true.
I loved reading this! You turned me onto Anne in grade school, or maybe junior high, at any rate I love her too! I can see the connection between your boho boy and Gilbert. Life is funny isn't it?
You got your dream man my dear!
I loved reading Anne of Green Gables
books years ago! They got a bit too whimsical/sentimental sometimes, but
Gilbert! was the best.
Love this post.
I love that you found your Gilbert! I have been in love with Gilbert Blythe and the Anne stories for years!! I found my Gilbert too! :) (although he's not Canadian and doesn't say "sorry" correctly!)
anne and gilbert fan checking in here. i can think of nothing better than marrying a gilbert. good for you.
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