into the chaos of his heart...

mermie & couchboy, canon digital rebel xti
"She writes a letter. Single spaced.
Breathless. No pauses. Just lets it
run together and rush like the bottom,
bottom of the waterfall.
She rides her bike to his house.
Takes the long way but pedals fast.
And then slides those liquid words
under his door. Into the chaos of his heart.
She stormed into his life and took control
of the right side of his brain."
Monique Duval, The Persistance of Yellow
I am such a swooner about romance. Mermie let me borrow this book when I went to her cottage last week. I've been devouring it. I resonate so much with how this author writes inspired by her playful imagination.
I love how she describes the anticipation and surrender of love in the quotes above.
I cannot say enough about the connection between mermie and couchboy and how it is full of acceptance and adoration. I loved photographing them and plan to do it again soon. Nothing was ever staged. It was so very organic. Just how I prefer it to be. I just told them I wanted to be in the background while they connected. So they did...and I was lucky enough to capture it.
The exchange that transpired between the three of us that day while shooting is why I am passionate about photography.
Your romantic sensual side shines through you into your subjects when you capture them in photos.
This is a priceless talent darling.
toe to toe
oh, i love this picture of the two of them! how darling is that? i am in love with love too. hopeful romantic i like to say. i'm so happy to see people like this, it keeps me hopefull!! i feel this same way about photographing couples, capturing those moments, its why i do it too...and if you have time do check out my couples gallery at
Your photographs blow me away every time!
amazing photograph. and the words you write about their love and connection are wonderful. i love to see that love really exists.
oh denise,
this is so beautiful.
beautiful (((((((((you)))))))))
i will always have a happy memory of that day with you,
i love you girlfriend,
1.) i love the YELLOW dasiy is your hair below.
2.) do you want to have a peppermint tea party by the sea sometime?
:) ...oh my heart is smiling...
that photo looks like a movie still. perfect and luminous :)
that book is just scrumptious. as is that couple.
your passion definitely shines through in the images and moments you capture. your photos tell so many stories and capture such emotion. you have such a gorgeous and special talent for that.
and I love the new yummy profile photo of you. talk about swoon... ; )
These pictures are stunning - so full of tenderness. Mermie is quite enchanting.
You honestly can see how connected they are. This is truly stunning. I can totally relate.
Not only did you capture their passion in your photos, your's shines through brightly as well. It is quite obvious when looking at your work that you love what you do and most importantly that you are following your passions & dreams...i can only imagine what huge, wonderful opportunities will be coming to you because of this.
thank you for your kind words, they are very inspiring! Your photos are amazing and capture her beauty so perfectly. it was great meeting when you came to visit and look forward to the next time.
oh, and thanks for sending mermie so much love while she's not been feeling well, it really has helped. :)
take care
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