making music

guitar in sand, canon digital rebel xti
boho boy and i just got home from seeing the film Once. it is one of the most moving, genuine and touching films i've ever experienced. a friend suggested it last week, telling me it was a gentle film. i figured gentle was just about what we needed right now. she was so right. what a perfect description.
it has inspired both of us to make music together. he has been writing some music for a song and wants me to write the lyrics. i've never done that before. i've written poetry but never lyrics. i think it's time to open up my heart to write...and also to sing again. i used to love to sing but was always so shy about it. my husband thinks i have a beautiful voice but i have battled with a scar all my life from someone once telling me i was tone deaf as a child. then i joined choir in high school and was told i had a good ear for someone who didn't yet grasp notes. i sang at graduation. i sang in college...but that scar still lingered and continues to do so. it has prevented me from truly singing out loud with abandon...unless i was alone.
i felt the scar melting away today. as he was playing his guitar and i was humming a melody that flowed through me...something awakened within. so much of this ties in with me finding my voice that i've mentioned in my last few posts. perhaps this is another piece of it.
it can be another medium for us to express ourselves on this journey, helping us recognize that we truly are always conceiving together. today it is melodies...
So happy to see you draw a happy face on your scar and sing out loud love. I love the vision I have of you and Carsten conceiving lovely music together.
So happy you saw Once. I can't wait to see it again. I have a hunch your voice is perfectly suited for the songs in that movie... I would love to hear you sing one.
Hmmmm I swear I can hear you from here.....
your voice seems to whisper in my ear so often, in a melodic and beautiful tone.
Love you
that is powerful and potent stuff :)
bless you and carsty making beautiful music together (in more ways than one!)
blessed be,
That is absoutely beautiful regardless of the scars there will always be a song we are willing to sing.
Denise - I have heard you sing and your voice is absolutely beautiful. Write your lyrics and sing it proud girlfriend!
Much love to you!
With rings on her their fingers and bells on their toes, they will make music wherever they go.
i'm a wee lurker here on yr blog, and felt so moved to write and say hello after this post. Yr posts are always like music to me - they inspire, they bring a tear to my ear and a smile to my face. It's only natural that yr song will be loud and beautiful... I have no doubt.
Enjoy this new turn! x
I have been thinking and writing about this a lot lately. See my post called We All Want to Be big Big Stars...
judging by all your talents, i am sure your singing is just another thing you will rock at. can't wait to hear it. I hope you post an mp3!
Miss you over at the Flame, but I know you are finding your footing again. Your pictures and your words have been moving as always.
Summer is coming....
Each day the two of you are connecting in new and exciting ways. The two of you are the most important and really the ONLY people who matter on this journey, so this is PERFECT honey. This made my heart smile.
Love you
Goodness, I just love the relationship you and your husband share. Sounds like y'all were made perfectly for each other.
I hope you find your song! I struggle with not being able to sing in front of anyone but my husband and I LOVE to sing. I'm a closet rockstar! I think you and your hubby will make beautiful music.
Is there nothing yout wo can't do?! I know how beautiful your SPEAKING voice is - your singing voice must be lovely! I can hear you healing each other and all of us from here!
Sounds fantastic!! let me know when your cd comes out...oh wouldn't that be fabulous??
I LOVE LOVE to sing but I only sing in my home in front of my kids and hubby along to music and hide in a choir....not brave enough to sing alone!!
Glad to hear the smile in your words!
Have a great day!!!
so beautiful and so true. enjoy.
i had that same scar until i took vocal lessons as a teenager. and guess what, neither you or i are tone-deaf! i think we were just finding our own tune.
what a beautiful image the two of you are. singing, creating, loving. so blissful. ;-D
i bet your singing voice is gorgeous - i can just imagine it :-) can i have a private concert? xxoo
hi, sweetie...
i'm so happy you're singing. this thought occurred to me, as i read this post, about the throat chakra.
you probably know this, but the throat chakra links up the esoteric chakras (the third eye, the hara, and the auric field, to go all HIPPIE on you) with the earthy, body ones (heart, solar plexus, sexual, base). and while a lot of emotional upset resides in the heart chakra, (for sure...) a lot of times, if that hurt is deeply incised, it manifests in the throat chakra.(i know some of the symptoms, but rather than post them in a comment, i can tell you more privately.)
anyway, interestingly enough, one way you can heal your throat chakra is by singing...air, filling the diaphragm...
and singing with your boho boy sounds so extremely healing and beautiful for you. you do create, and conceive, every day...
oh, and my goodness...i am sending you a tender hug for both the little girl who got hurt and the woman who is in such a gentle space right now...
much love.
beautiful boho,
"Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.”
- Ludwig van Beethoven
you and your boho boy will create magical music together.
sing sweet one...sing!
ps-- your photos...*sigh*...i love them...
Dear D~
i have always thought you had a beautiful voice. another gift for you to share with the rest of us!!
so sing angel sing!!
& to be able to conceive these heart songs with your hubby...that is a gift in & of itself!!
love to you & blessing on your head
I am new to this world of blogging
but I have been so inspired by all
of your blogs. I wish you the best
in finding your voice.
Sweet sister ~*~ I'm feeling the time that has passed since our last visit.
:( + :( = :) :)xoxoxoxoxo
I opened my eyes Sunday morning to my daughters big eyes and the morning brain fog, I thought it was you :) shucks!
But, we had a blissful lovabunch time. I kissed her good-bye today at 2 p.m.
We both love and miss ya a ton
xOx big sis
This post made me so happy...:*) there is a real therapeutic value to creation....of all kinds.
I'd love to know random things about you BohoGirl, I tagged you with a pressure though!
take care
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