mermaids live in cottages too...

dancing mermaid, canon digital rebel xti
i walked up to her blue cottage by the sea, breathing in the ocean air as though it was the first time i had taken a breath in a long, long time.
she had tiny colorful rocks gently laid on both sides of the walkway to her door, inviting a faerie spirit with their whimsical painted messages..."joy, wisdom, heal, laugh, love...".
she opened her door with her bright smile, yoga pants and cool funky head wrap. one couldn't help but fall in love. the smell of incense brought warmth and the feeling of home. suddenly my eyes were feasting on all the colors and textures of her abode. saturated walls. silks draping over tables lined with crystals, rocks, and candles lit. white lights hanging on a window. a turquoise bowl filled with purple flowers. i didn't want to stop marinating in the gorgeousness, the peacefulness of what she's created. it was a dream cottage. the one i had always imagined SARK would live in. perhaps its because they're such kindred spirits (and friends).
i immediately curled up on her couch beneath a window and dove into girlyness with her. i don't do this enough. i've been pretty solitary where i live for a while. it's just where i've needed to be. but suddenly i want to get out, to connect, to breathe the outside air and gaze into the eyes of a friend that i can touch.
i've been craving gentleness lately. i know i have written that word a lot this past week but it is just what i need right now.
this is what she blessed me with yesterday as she handed me a salad tossed in a rainbow bowl and listened, truly listened. and i truly listened and we were gentle with one another.
i also met another gentle bean. her companion. we call him couch boy. because she first met him on the couch at a coffee shop. he's all kinds of cool...and heartful~ness and the way he loves her makes me swoon.

mermie & couchboy, canon digital rebel xti
i think this adventure was a healthy step for me. you know how i feel right now? like i am stretching wide and deep after taking a very very long nap.
mermaids have that effect on you.
Denise, i just got home from work. tired. mind spinning. restless. and then i read this post...
...they way you write. you´ve got some talent! i feel as though i was with you on this adventure. like a mini version of me sitting on your shoulder.
work´s gone. my mind is calm. i feel rested and ready to meet mermie and couch boy on the internet.
thank you for this. yummy you.
xoxoxo silvia
Just gorgeous. Mermie rocks my world. Thank you for sharing your experiences at her new place - I haven't been there yet and after reading your post - I feel like I just left (refreshed!).
Thank you.
the way you describe her and the place...and her couch boy, sounds like the perfect place for you to have been.
oh sweetheart....
thank you for making my day yesterday.
thank you for the beautiful flowers.
thank you for accepting me in my messy state.
thank you for taking beautiful pictures of us, and honoring our home with love and detailed desciptions, that only someone special and sensitive like you could do.
my heart and home are always open to you.
i love you,
sounds so delightful this visit with a kindred soul! i hope you drank it all in. i can envision you nestled into her beautiful luscious nest perfectly. what a lovely connection. xo, mindy
yummy, yummy words...
She is so beautiful. I feel so warm and happy reading your words. What a perfect way to spend the day. xoxo
p.s. I need to find me some fun head wraps...
So glad that you had such a beautiful, relaxing, connected day. M sounds like a definite kindred.
Love you.xoxo
You and she are absolutely gorgeous. Denise, you have an amazing talent and you've made a real difference in my life.
Amy :)
Your words and pictures always make me feel so many emotions. You are very vivid in your writing and it's beautiful! I've never seen anyone capture mood the way you do with your photography. So beautiful!
i heart mermie. <3
what beautiful photos of her and her loverrrrrrrrr.
and what a beautiful gathering of two mermaid ones!
blessings, blessings, blessings,
I want you to know, dear Boho, that your prose is as exquisite as your photos. You are always such a bright spot in my blogging day.
Again...gorgeous are so incredibly gifted with a camera. Your way with words walks me through all those emotions with you, if you wrote a book I'd be first in line to purchase it!!! :)
Thanks for always being so open and honest...
Have a great day girl!!
You are awesome!
this post made me SO HAPPY. i don't really know if i can express to you how often thoughts of you cross my mind throughout the day and how often i send little seedlings of light and peace to you...your words and photos (both poetry) affect me that much.
mermie sounds DELICIOUS. her home, her lovely energy bursting out of your pics, i'm so glad you have made such an incredible friend.
there's this song i've been listening to a lot of lately, by feist. it's on my blog, if you would like to listen to it. you probably know it. it's called "i feel it all", and it REMINDS me of you. granted, (this part doesn't) it's about breaking up a love relationship, but certain lines,
"Fly away
Fly away to what you want to make
I feel it all, I feel it all
I feel it all I feel it all
The wings are wide, the wings are wide
Wild card inside, wild card inside"
are YOU to me, especially the way her voice holds the words.
you are flying to what you want to make, my sweetie.
and i could not be a more joyful witness.
~Sigh, I loved this line esp:
i didn't want to stop marinating in the gorgeousness...
She is very lovely and that photo of her with her mate...(gasp, clutches heart)
((((((sister of mine)))))))))
this made me cry...
and it caught me by surprise because i was not feeling weepy around the edges.
i realized that everything you said, how you beautifully described your surroundings and how it made you feel...
i began to miss and long for the presence of the mermaid in our family...
missing you
gentle love
xOx your sister
Just thinking of you... not much more to say, but just that I'm thinking of you today. I hope you're having a peaceful one.
Amazing ~ everything.
sounds like a refreshingly beautiful time...
How lucky you are to live near such amazing people and places. and how lucky they are to have such a gentle and beautiful soul to grace them with comfort and love as only you can.
Oh, and I love your use of marinate here...ever since falling in love with the movie Kissing Jessica Stein and hearing it used that way for the first time I have been in love with that word used in such a manner :)
love to ou xxoo
beautiful boho,
my days are filled with many wonderful sounds, but quiet isn't one of them...even still, i can come here to your space and quiet my mind.
you have such an amazing ability to draw me if i was sitting right beside you in that extraordinary space...surrounded by the gentleness of friendship, nurturing and sharing...and i leave feeling refreshed.
blessings to you, denise.
have a wonderful weekend,
She LOOKS like a mermaid!
It makes sense to me that you would
enjoy one another's spirits -
I particularly enjoyed your colorful
delightful descriptions of her cottage.
A word I have been caressing lately is
"delicate" and "tender" other
"flavors" of gentle:)
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