summer bringing joy

suzanne, canon digital rebel xti
I had a dream last night that I was fully pregnant. I mean..I really FELT what it would be like to be pregnant. This has never happened. I've always had dreams with babies or children but not pregnant. It was delicious. I felt so connected to the baby and my husband. Boho Boy and I walked together holding hands laughing about our bliss...and feeling grateful for the journey leading us there.
Totally joyful dream.
The guided imagery exercises I am doing in my waking life must really be absorbing into my subconscious. I love it and am grateful for these tools.
Another thing bringing me joy right now is this weekend. Saturday I am doing a Hip Cooks raw food & juice class with Schmoops and on Sunday the hubs and I leave to go camping for a week in the Redwoods of Northern California.
Yumiliciousness all around.
Happy Summer Solstice you beauties!
mmmmm.... summer solstice.
What a beautiful dream!
Can't wait to get raw and juicy with you on Saturday!
Kiss a redwood for me next week, I heart them.
What a wonderful dream!
Wishing you a great time Saturday with Schmoops and of course a great camping trip!! Looking forward to reading your stories :)
xoxo Silvia
i get you on the dream front... similar to what i saw :)
have a gorgeous time up north on your annual connect with mama earth.
like, a REALLY gorgeous time!
brightest of blessings from us winter solsticers ~
it's a chilly day here in Sydney so i love all the summer images you're sharing.
i just finished reading The Wild Trees, mostly about the Californian redwoods. it's a fabulous book.
hope you enjoy your lovely adventures.
best wishes
amy d
What a fantastic dream to have right before camping....
where it's cold
at night
in a tent
xOx d
Sueños son como gotitas de agua - refrescan y dan vida.
Dreams are like little drops of water - refreshing, and full (giving) of life.
I see this for you and your family.
I pray this for you and your family.
Happy camping & dreams...
what a delicious dream, something to savor!
have fun camping!
I am now reading The Fertile Female and it's doing me good! The other night I lay in bed and let myself imagine I was pregnant. It felt like such an indulgence because usually I don't let myself do that - too much heartache. However I did it with a positive spirit and it DID feel so good! I properly enjoyed the feeling of happiness and delight that went with the physical feelings.
I'm so glad you had a wonderful dream. x x x x x
beautiful boho,
i love that the dream journal and exercises are making such a positive impression on your subconscious. you are going to be the most delicious pregnant mama :-)
sounds like you're well on your way to having an incredible summer...looking forward to hearing all about your time away with schmoops and your boy, when you return.
you are joy :-)
hmm.. what a beautiful dream! just as fabulous your plans for the weekend and next week! i hope you'll have a wonderful time! :)
Happy Summer, and may the warmth of summer enlarge your womb and bring a baby to your arms.
Beautiful dream that was - and to feel that strong of a connection within the dream just proves how ready you are. I always say a little prayer for you and your hubby that your baby and you meet one day soon.
Enjoy your cooking class and camping trip. Redwoods.. I've never seen one. It's on my list of things to see and experience.. one day.. The beauty must be overwhelming!!
ahhhh, beautiful. you taking notice of your dreams is really paying off. who else dreams about brangelina and getting their whole hearts desire. kudos girl!
i just tagged you with a meme. i would love to know random silly things about you. ;-D
hope you have a beautiful weekend!
I LOVE that you got to experience a pregnant dream. That must have been so special, something you can hold onto in your mind. Dreams really are amazing... I dreamed once that I had a little baby daughter and the reality of the feelings IN the dream were crazy. I woke up truly feeling I had experienced what it must be like to be a mother. And it was insanely beautiful. I don't think I've ever had a pregnant dream though.
I'm always hoping inside for your baby to come to you.
I believe that our dreams prepare us for reality! I am glad you had such a peaceful dream.
One of my dearest friends has been trying to complete her family with a child for nine years and today told me that she read a book called The Infertility Cure, that had given her some new "insight" into her journey. She said she thought she had read everything twice over about trying to conceive, until she read that book. I have not read it, or you may already have read it, but I thought I would share the name of the book with you since I stop here from time to time and enjoy your poetic blogs.
The dream sounds really special. I am so glad for you that you have experienced these feelings in your dream!
I hope you enjoy your trip to those beautiful places and had a good weekend!
love, Flower
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