friendships in my life*

my sweet friend Letha Sandison..who is currently in Uganda, Africa
helping those that need her and her gifts, canon digital rebel xti
The past few days my heart and I have been celebrating the close friendships in my life, including those within my family. I've allowed images and scenes of these relationships to come into my mind and I feel an overwhelming gratefulness in my heart.
I love that I have a choice in who I surround myself with and that they too celebrate that choice. It's empowering to spend your time with people that lift you up, deeply care for your heart, are consistent in who they are and take responsibility for their own happiness.
I recognize that I am blessed to share myself with people like this. I am blessed that they inspire me to be a deeper, wider, more daring and adventurous me.
My friend Jen said it so well in one of her most recent posts. This really hit home with me...
" can be tough enough without negative, gossipy, judgemental, jealous, people sucking you dry. its nice to know i have a choice about the type of people i am willing to let influence my life and share my time."
I'm learning how to open my heart but also keep boundaries when I feel any of the things Jen mentioned above. This is a huge step for me in maintaining healthy relationships.
As I've said before, the past few years have been some of the toughest days, months of my entire life. With all this, some amazing people have circled me and allowed me to circle them. Old friends, new friends, family. I've learned so much about what type of friend I want to be...and what type of friends I need in my life.
Some amazing things are beginning to transpire for me and I so appreciate my friends that are cheering me on and believing in me through it all. My eyes fill with tears as I write this. I didn't realize how hungry I was for this type of unconditional love and support. I could always give it so freely but never expected it in return.
Now I am learning the balance and it feels so awe-inspiring.
oh so true, girlie. can't wait to see all of your new happenings.
D, I know your baby is out there, in spirit, waiting for her momma to be totally ready for her.
Hugs to you.
I found a comment you had left on my blog way back when and decided to read again. What inspiring, introspective words you write. That is the beauty I have discovered in blogging. Years ago, when My Handsome Prince was diagnosed with cancer, I had the same thoughts of chosing who I spend time with and making sure they carried positive vibes. I also choose to be a better person for those in my life. It's a tough thing. Take care, find peace. I'll be back to check up on you.
keep soaring angel. love you. xoxo
I'm always so joyous coming here, and hearing how aware you are in your life. An inspiration, you are, lovely Denise!
anyone who can call you a friend miss denise is lucky. :)
having healthy boundaries while celebrating all the goodness to is a great gift to hold. i have struggled with this too-past and present-and admire the gentle and compassionate ways you express yourself.
oh my goodness, denise,
i hope you can feel me wrapping my arms around you...
so very tight.
love to you.
hey, i'd love to talk to you about where your located and how you work. your shots are beautiful and i need someone to shoot my self and my daughters. if you're interested, please contact me(couldn't find an email for you on the blog)
*take responsibility for their own happiness*
my journey and it REALLY hurts, but so necessary or I'll never be free.
i've cut so much friendship dead wood from my life these past 28 months, but that has left the space for new soulmates to come in.... and that includes you, my little MB... i'd be lost without you on the end of the phone.. we gotta start planning our road trip, k? send me a map and we'll do it together :-) LOVE you xxoo
I've begun to actively seek this kind of community in my life because it's sorely lacking. That's not to say that I don't have friends and family members whom I hold dear, but I can sense a void. I've put the request out into the universe and am trying to figure out how to do my part to find my tribe. Thanks for the affirmation that such a community is possible.
absolutely stunning photograph. stunning. and your words make me hopeful that i can continue to move towards building a nurtuing community of my glad you've managed to create/find such satisfying interpersonal relationships!
Hello there!
I thank my lucky stars every day for you! I knew I was lacking people in my life who were equal friends (not all me giving to them!) and I never thought I would find my tribe - my soul-friends. But I did!!!!!
I'm SO glad you are feeling it - because you DO give it and you DO deserve it.
LOVE to you!! xoxoxoxoxoxooxx0
When you give, you shall receive. I am glad you have surrounded yourself with people who uplift and enlighten you. You totally shine.
We all need these wide circles of unconditional love and support, and I think we can receive that even from strangers...I am sending big love to you right now, my dear!
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