community love*

Asqew Grill in Haight Ashbury, canon digital rebel xti
I'm so in awe of the sense of community and support that we have received from all of you about our decision to move forward with adoption. I realize a lot of people out in blogsphere have their own opinions on adoption and/or fertility stuff and I am so grateful for how respectful my readers have been about our choices throughout this journey. I am blessed with how gentle you've been with our hearts.
Our journey to conceive has been a challenging road from the very beginning and exploring all my emotions here on my blog has been so healing for me. On those days when I was hanging onto thin threads of hope, I would feel you all circle to lift me up and breathe more strength and life into me.
Our decision to adopt has not brought this journey to an end. In fact, it almost feels like a new beginning as we tread into waters that yet again feel so unfamiliar.
The last few days I have been sick with what feels like a combination of strep throat, bronchitis and the stomach flu. This has pretty much forced me to sit still and ponder a lot of the emotions that are rising and falling in my heart. I've realized that the past few months I've been running around with photo sessions, the holidays, a road trip and a creative project. I haven't allowed for much time to slow down and marinate. This past week I've been able to do this. In fact, I like it so much that I think I am going to continue to try and slow down over the next few months. I really need to wrap my head around the idea that we'll be parents soon...perhaps very soon and with adoption, there is so much that needs to be done between now and then.
Day by day.
Step by step.
Breath by breath.
All of this BIG~ness feels so much lighter with the support and love we've received from family and dear friends.
I am so grateful for this community corner that I can bunker down in when it all feels overwhelming.
Thank you.
Denise, even though I don't know you, your posts always squeeze at my heart and give me little tears in my eyes. I'm so excited for you and your husband and the little babe that's going to be in your life.
I think I've mentioned this in a comment before, but my little sisters (ages 12 and 9 now, but brought home to us when they were each 3 weeks old) are both adopted and it's been such a tremendous blessing in our lives - I can't even say how much. My world wouldn't be complete without them. So I know firsthand that however your babies come to you, they'll complete things for your family.
Many happy wishes to you both!
New reader to your blog. I have just completely loved your posts. They are so genuine and inspirational.
I can't wait to hear stories about your journey into parenthood (should you chose to share them). Wish you nothing but the greatest of joy!
it makes my heart beam to know that eventhough we are so far a way we could comfort and touch your heart...we love you and Boho Boy! xx
Good luck with your journey to adoption. I know you and Boho Boy will make such wonderful parents. I wish the both of you the best on this precious journey.
i enjoy your blogs so... your words are beautiful and you've inspired me more than you know. i am incredibly happy for you... thank you for sharing your journey with us.
I don't often comment, but I read! I wanted to share a quick story. Years ago, my aunt Carolyn was having trouble in her baby journey too. They decided to adopt, and they did - my cousin came home! And just a few months later, they found out that Carolyn was pregnant, with my cousin Kevin...
Miracles happen - adoption, conception - it will all work as it is supposed to! Have hope!
I am so genuinely excited for you...the anticipation of a new addition to the boho clan must warm your heart and bring an immediate smile to your sweet face...this is such a wonderful gift you giving to the world-- opening your heart, soul and home to a special little being...this is a miracle in to you...jessica
so thrilled for you and the boho family expansion! i love how open you are all to all possibilities. amazing!
All the love, light and power to you, you are seriously inspiring! I wish for you so much bliss...
Boho - I haven't known what to comment. It came to me this morning. I was adopted, as you know, and it was really hard. Here's the thing: love. The power of love is remarkable and amazing. Love can heal and it has marvelous powers. As with any parenting experience anyone has ever had: buckle up for the ride of your life!
Congrats and much love -
Hey Denise. I've been following along, reading all this wonderful news of the new directions your journey has been taking you. I'm so happy for you and Boho boy. Much love and congrats to you both.
ps.. very cute celebration pic of you two.
I have to say, as soon as I read you were adopting I grinned. Simply beamed. And then I had this image flash through my mind: I can picture you in your kitchen making yummy food with your beautiful little one grabbing at your skirt--and your belly round as a gibbous moon. I can just see that: you getting pregnant and suddenly your house will be ruckus with joy and little hands. I can just totally see it--and your kids--wherever they come from--will be the luckiest kiddos ever.
Oh the sweetness! How wise you are to realize the need to slow down. These are such tender days for you and Boho Boy. Relish in them before your little Boho Baby arrives! Blessings to you!
I've been reading your blog for a long time and all that you've been waiting for and I'm so happy that you're going to adopt.
I have friends with children adopted from Korea, China and Guatemala....and tomorrow my great niece is having a baby via c-section and the adoptive parents will be standing there waiting to see their baby girl that has been growing in their hearts for months now.
She was not prepared to be a momma quite yet as she is not married and decided to go with an open adoption thru a private agency and everyone seems to be very happy about all of it !!
Congrats to both of you with your decision !!!
i am so, so glad for you both. i can't wait to "see" you become a mommy.
you will rock.
I love this photograph, and that all the warmth you share here comes back and cradles you in such a special way.
I love the
Day by Day
Step by Step
Breath by Breath
perfect mantra my love
Denise and Carsten:
Congratulations on your decision to adopt. I think the two of you will be the best parents ever. The baby you adopt will be smothered with love and affection and will be one of the luckiest people in the world to have the two of you as parents.
I wish you all the best in your new journey.
Chris H.
i only know you thru your blog so I'm not sure how it is that I feel this way, but I'm so proud of you I think I'm going to cry.
you're going to be one fabulous mother, denise.
Came to your blog via Portabelopixie - and want to thank you for "Day by Day. Step by Step. Breath by Breath." Truly inspiring words that I am writing down and will read often. With that kind of attitude you will make great parents. Good luck on your journey to parenthood - on whatever path gets you there.
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