self portrait challenge ~ celebration

me & boho boy in berkeley, taken by andrea scher (click for larger view)
you could say we're pretty excited about this new journey to adopt.
after seeing this photo, need i say more?
i love how images express feelings that are difficult to put into words.
a dear friend wrote to me today and said that boho boy and i are "expecting".
and its so funny because that is exactly what it feels like.
see other folks celebrating here.
ooooowah what are you celebrating are you ... are you...????? XXXXOOOO Carole
What an adorable photo of the 2 of you!!! So cute! Congratulations on your decision to adopt, that is so incredibly exciting!
i love that picture! it seems like a number of us SPC folk felt like jumping for joy this week!
My family doesn't know your family but...I send you nothing but love and blessings:+)
Ahhh...that is so true! matter what you are stepping assuredly on the path to pitter-pattering little feet.
It sound like your heart is feeling very light and sunshiney...
I've been reading this beautiful blog for a few months now, and have loved every post...even though I can only imagine what you have been going through.
I'm sending the brightest of blessings to you, your hubby, and that beautiful baby soon to grace your lives...
You ARE Expecting! That baby is coming to you the only way he or she can, and that's with love! The little details don't matter.
Congrats on your journey! You're going to make wonderful parents and some little kid is going to be very lucky indeed.
Soooo cute!
congrats on coming to this long and hard decision.
babies are sweet, warm and wonderful no matter how you come to have them in your life (and snuggling in your arms.)
Giving you big hugs!
What exciting, unsure, alive, scared, loving magic moments awaits you...remember to breathe! :-)
So excited with you xx
today, i found your blog.
and i found it absolutely lovely!
<3 k.
awww you can totally see the excitement : ) congrats on this fabulous decision. xxx
yippee yay yay yay! to say the least.
(from a fan of your blog *and photography* from the east coast)
I'd said that to a friend of mine who recently adopted. I said "you're expecting! Now you have to start getting a nursery ready!" From the day she started paperwork to get things rolling she had her own newborn exactly 9 months later (and not long after she started distributing her letter to the birthmothers). And she was there for the birth. They couldn't be happier and her little man is so sweet!
oh yay! what a happy time for you both:)
I am SO happy for you. As a child who was adopted by one parent I can tell you from my heart, creation is not what makes a mommy and a daddy. A mommy and a daddy are created from the love of their child.
YAY for all of you! fun are you two! looks like tons of happiness and joy. just what we all need.
this is possibly the best photo i've ever seen! such an exciting time for you.
the truest celebration of all!
look at all the life in you both! all wide open and ready to share.
this is wonderful,
this has to be one of my fave photos of you two. so filled with joy, i can't help but smile everytime i look at it. love you momma!!!
That's an awesome photo! Congrats on your choice to adopt.
SO, SO, SO very happy for you two!! You exude such a tremendous amount of love that the sweet little one you adopt will be blessed indeed. : )
This picture is awesome!! I love you to bits and I am so excited that good people are about to become good parents. CHEERS! Much love :)
We found out the other day that our home study was done and being sent in to the judge for certification. I felt the same way as you guys in the photo. :)
What part of the adoption process are you guys currently embarking on? We've already done the first meeting, classes, and now the home study. It's stressful at times, but we are excited for sure. We're hoping for the best!
I'm thrilled for you both. As you know, we adopted, and on our journey we also felt like we were "expecting". It is such a miracle and I'm excited to hear more about your journey as it unfolds! xoxo
After so much heartache it is pure delight to see this photo.
oh, oh, oh...what a joyous picture!
and congratulations to the expectant parents! (that's one lucky babe...)
what a beautiful, fabulous and joyful photograph. you both deserve to look this happy always x
i'm excited for you. i think a jump shot is the most perfect celebration.
i love that you and boho boy have your arms waving in the air, it's very festive.
Expecting is half the fun!
I am so thrilled for the both of you. This is just wonderful. :)
oh, congrats! what a lovely way to come across your blog for the very first time. and also, your photos are gorgeous.
I've been out of the loop for a bit, but after catching up on the last 4 posts I am so happy I chose today to check on you. You bring such happiness to those touched by you, I am truly excited for you and everything this year will bring for you and boho boy. Congrats!
Congrats! I'm so excited for you and the decision that you have made. I love following along with you. I wish you both so much happiness. The baby that blesses your life this year is going to be a lucky little one to have you for parents. God bless you on this journey.
BTW - this is a wonderful photo of you! I just love it.
Many, many blessings to you and the child you'll be welcoming into your big hearts!
WOWIeeeEEEEEEEE! I haven't been here for a while and what HAPPY NEWS!!! you have posted January 23, my baby's birthday was yesterday! Mario is 24! Phew! This is the GREATEST pic I've seen for a while on SPC!!!This is my pick!!! Congratulations!!! YOU should blow this picture up!!! Love and prayers, Cinda
you are TOTALLY expecting!!!!!!!!!!
love the photo too.
yeeeee haaaaw! Get on, girl! time to riiiiiiiiiide!
I love this photo - it completely captures the joy I felt when my husband and I decided to adopt!
Best wishes to you!!
Denise ..or lovely bohogirl .. or pastelwomyn
I've been following your journey for so long .. and while I've not posted .. know that I've held your dreams in my heart .. and sent you love and hope and clarity of thinking.
all good things, all ways, always
clarity / Lynne
Hooray! This picture makes me want to jump for joy, and your decision to adopt is absolutely wonderful. This child will be tremendously blessed to have such beautiful parents. Congratulations.
Wow, I have been following your saga for many months, whatever you mean by "expecting" (it can be taken a couple of different ways!) I hope everything works our perfectly!
ohhh! this is just fantastic. i come around here, but don't comment enough. i must say this photo is just oozing joy and love. you two are going to be the best parents. whatever baby you bring into your life is going be just as lucky and blessed as the two of you. congratulations!
oh the glee! fantastic!
best wishes to both of you!
the photo is brilliant.
AW!! CONGRATS!!! That is so so so wonderful.
I read your blog once a week and finally I am leaving you a comment to say how happy I am for you and your adorable husband.
You deserve the best!
Blessings and light to both of you!
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