braids are healing*

sweet jen, canon digital rebel xti
I woke up this morning feeling like the grumpy grumps were approaching fast.
So I parted my hair on the side and made my bangs into a braid that swooped down.
I started to feel happy again.
I love how sometimes its the simplest things that shift your heart.
Tell me one thing that does it for you...every time.
i am very pro braid.
but one thing that does it for me every time, hands down, is getting somewhere out in nature and listening my favorite tunes....
Making cookies or brownies for scratch - whipping up something in the kitchen that I can delight other people with, too.
Hugs! Hugging my hubby, my puppies, my sister, my best friend... a good, solid hug can pull me out of the grumpiest of grumpy moods!
A beautiful scarf wrapped through my hair and a good book makes life so sweet:+)
doing something goofey - on purpose (a funny jig, or strange noise, try yoddeling) and if that doesn't work add chocolate!
Hmmm what a yummy photo love.
I put my hair in pigtails last night for this very reason:)
love you
lately, it's kate nash or radiohead. if that doesn't work, it's a dash outdoors to breathe in some fresh air and nature.
I'm also VERY pro-braid...I'm also pro-Beagle. I swear one snuggle and I begin to heal...a walk outside with my super hound will cure almost any least temporarily.
There's something about my sweet, sensitive canine that sooths my soul. I can't imagine my home without him.
My dogs- they're always so happy to be with me, how can I stay grumpy for long?
one thing that does it for me everytime... putting my hair in ponytails. instant shift.
love you. xoxo
Board Games. Nothing cheers me up more than a game of Pictionary or Monopoly with a group of old friends, or even a group of people I just met. Even just watching people play makes me happy.
I'm all for hugging the dogs too! I love picking up my magpie and squishing her face!
If I'm not around Maggie May...I'm almost embaressed to admit this...lipstick does the trick.
I am all about turning on a good song that makes me want to dance. I know it is totally cheesy but "staying alive" does it for me every time.
Aw, the grumpy grumps....
boooo. Anyway, a few surefire mood lifters for me are:
1. a trip to my fav. local thrift store
2. coffee
3. a yummo orange
4. tunes and some rump shakin'
Voila, instant smiles!
Putting on my tutu, which I actually haven't done in a long time. Way too long. Oh, and one more thing - thinking of you.
Going for a long, long run.
Ooh, heaps of things - a hug from my man, coffee, a funny book (David Sedaris or Augusten Burroughs are book good for this), red lipstick and a sassy skirt. Preferably ALL of those things! x
how did i not know the powers of hairdo?
crying...big sobs or just silent, rolling long as it gets out, i'm good. and music...always music.
Music. Hands down. Works every time. Going to a coffee shop to journal. Reading inspiring blogs.
jimmy buffett. :)
and my family.
I LOVE that you do this, too! I make messy double buns and wear red lipstick when I need a boost. I call it Happy Hair. It is 98% guaranteed :) I, like Swirly, break out the tuutuu when it's looking particularly gloomy around here.
Hope your heart stays ungrumpy for ages.
LeSophie ~ so funny that you mentioned that do. today i did a braid AND messy buns for uber happiness! ; ) i think the red lipstick would look far better on you though!
i heart tutu's.
these are all so fun to hear! keep em comin'.
i suppose my non-vain uppers are:
walking on the beach with iPod
snuggling into my hubs chest
girlfriend hug fests
hiking in the redwoods
putting on stripy, funky socks with a skirt- it is hard for me to be serious with those on.... if that doesn't quite do it i add a mug of tea and some music... like regina spektor or tori amos and then all is well.
Recently I've found that nearly any song by Prince will give me a lift, particularly "Kiss," "Little Red Corvette" and "Baby, I'm a Star." :)
Head out to the resale shop, walk around whole foods sampling food or apply sample face creams and body lotions I can't afford. When I'm having a really weepy crazy confused day, I reach for the bible. I CRY out for help and God faithfully & gracefully fills me with His most amazing peace.
Semi Sweet Chocolate baking chips - just let them melt and feel the endorphins rush
Pigtails - how can you feel bad when you look like a cute little kid
Anything by Jane Austen or Lucy Maud Montgomery
Spooning with my husband
Kissing Liam's (my 4 year old) neck and making him giggle..hearing that laugh does wonders
putting on my Swirly mix tape and dancing on the roof like a crazy woman.
walking out the front door without a fricken security guard and carrying on right out along the waterfront.
monday night yoga class (sure fire beat the monday blues)
looking up at my photowall and seeing the cutest monkey in the world pouting back at me.
baby-sitting thomas and watching him show off to impress me, his girlfriend.
climbing mt victoria every morning as the sun rises and looking out over the harbour.
Hula hooping!
My husband picking me up, like a giant bear picking up a doll.
Gerbera daisies.
A good game of Quiddler.
Costumes, any kind any time.
Your lovely blog!
a chai tea; hair in 2 braids with sparkley barrettes or 2 pony tails; wearing my fave yoga pants ( - pricey but delicious; jump roping & hula hooping or a long held bliss inducing yoga pose (reclining bound angle) coupled with inspiring music; my cat sitting on my chest purring loudly, a warm herb filled heating pad wrapped around me; some down time in a coffee shop with the ny times sunday style section or maybe the wedding section; perusing my favorite websites and blogs and bright fresh flowers - especially yellow ones lately!
When I feel grumpy I look outside through the window and watch the chipmunk !! I feel better in a moment !!
Making a Good Things list. Even if I'm the crankiest crank when I start, and even if it's like pulling teeth to even think of what's good in my world, I can't help but smile by the time I'm through.
Hmmm... nothing seems to work every single time for me. But I've really been trying to count my blessings. Find things to be happy about and thankful for. Sometimes I don't feel like doing that at all! Seems like too much work! I want to feel better by "magic"!!! :-) But when I have tried to look at all the good things in my life it has seemed to be good for me. It maybe hasn't completely "cured" my funk but for sure makes it better! :-)
exercsing, yoga, or great music can instantly improve my moood. must try happy hair!
p.s. luv your blog!
The things that does it for me is making a hot cup of coffee and snuggling up and reading something good.
Thanks for always sharing from your are such a beautiful person!!
Am I the only person who hides out in the bathtub??? The water... It works everytime. Or long, long drives is instant healing for me. Apparently I need to get a tutu though!!!
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