unbridled joy*

boho boy and me on saint paddy's day a few years ago at our favorite Irish pub
I found this photo today and it warmed my heart. I remember this day clearly. We had arrived at the pub early on Saint Paddy's day and sat up at the bar for HOURS making friends with all the adorable bartenders from Ireland. Carsten and the boys behind the bar made me laugh so hard my cheeks hurt. It made me long for those days when we'd indulge in a few drinks on the weekends without worrying if it would make his spermies drunk or give my ovaries a hangover. ; )
We're learning balance again with all of this. Retraining our brains to hush those voices that make everything our fault. Learning how to have joy again and lightness and laughter to the point of holding our stomachs and wiping giggle tears.
I felt unbridled joy this past week when with Swirly and I plan to do so again this week with my Boho Boy. A few of our amazing love-soaked tribe gals gifted us with a romantic getaway because they all instinctively knew we needed to do this. It's one of the most outrageously awesome gifts we've every received and we are going to enjoy every single morsel.
I am so very grateful for the love that has surrounded us throughout this journey. Most of the time I am speechless because I can't seem to find the words to express how humbled and honored I feel to be wrapped up in such unconditional support.
So, my girls have asked for a music video from Boho Boy and I on this trip. Hmmmmm...lets just see how totally relaxed we do get. ; )
Thank you, lovelies...for knowing what we need and surprising us with a trip to get totally blissed out over and to heal our hearts. We love you truly, madly, deeply.
Looking forward to the Boho duet video!! Enjoy your time together, I am always so envious of the bond you two have, and enjoy reading about your adventures together ;)
ahhhhh yummy....sure it will entail giggles into the early mornings... those where you giggle so hard that you don't know if you should cry or keep on laughing.
Hope your trip is magical....hilarious! yummy food....compassion.... and passion! and love! All that you desire...xx
Add me to the list requesting a duet!
Soak in the magic, enjoy the love, and practice for your music video ;)
Those are the smiles i remember, us all in the living room, talking about your bathroom ;-) The lightness always rushes in, as the darkness fades away....
and you're so very welcome, my beautiful friend.... we wanted to help, and we knew some healing time spent together, just the two of you, was the ticket... have a wonderful time! i love you guys xo
This brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful gift. Have a fabulous time!
Unbridled joy. That is perfect love, and what i would do to see a video of you two.....that would be yumji.
Love and snuggles
love the photo!
enjoy that clawfoot tub! hope you found some yummy bubbles...xoxo
I feel like I will be there with you!
grinning the dorkiest of grins at you
from the clawfoot tub and saying over
and over again "Isn't this great?!!!"
Love to you both.
Great pic!
Hope your getaway is everything you need it to be!!
Dearest Goddess Denise -
Your joy is our joy.
Your smile is our smile.
I am so grateful that you are in such a good place.
Blessings upon you and your Boho Boy.
what a wonderful pick! enjoy your getaway.
take a lot of pictures
call your sis when you get home
we need to connect, my love
miss you
love you
xoxo b/sis
that's a pretty amazing gift! it touched my heart and makes me think out of the box when i think about my own gift giving...
the image is priceless. the fact the fact that it was taken in an irish pub - even better. have
an amazing time. i am sure you will. you guys are so damn cute!
God its so good to see you giggle and smile....it reminds me of our togetherness in California.....I miss being around both of you laughing...GOD DO I MISS YOU BOTH>>>Having fun together and laughing together I feel sometimes is the most important time for a couple..I am glad you both had fun
With long distance love from the Northlands Boho Brother, Jon-Erik and Ghozt
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