new superhero pendant and other news*

me & boho boy wearing our uber cool Superhero Pendants, canon digital rebel xti
We are finally home from a beautiful time away. I have some photos and adventures of Vancouver & Victoria to share but need to marinate for a bit (and do loads and loads of laundry). It always takes me some time to transition into the flow of life and work.
Until then, I wanted to share with each of you this new delicious Superhero Pendant designed by my dear yummy friend Andrea Scher. Both Boho Boy and I love it and can't help but feel empowered and superhero-ish when wearing it. I think it looks sexy on both guys and gals and just happens to go with everything in my wardrobe. Gotta love that. I think I can speak for so many in that it feels good to wear a piece of the magic that Andrea spreads throughout our world.
Another bit of juicy juice for you:: Two of my friends, Mati Rose & Kelly Rae are hosting a workshop in Italy this October. Can you imagine spreading your wings creatively with two lovely, talented beauties in Italy?!? Hello goosebumps all over. So, if you're in need of a vacation plus arty inspiration, I would definitely check out the details.
I'll be back soon once it hits me that I'm not on vacation anymore. ; )
welcome home, i know i speak for everyone, we have missed your Boho magic, marinate and hurry back:)with love Carole XXXOOO
hi mrs boho,
thank you for the shout out - we would LOVE it if YOU could make the trip. thank you for the support. it feels deep and wide, my friend.
i love that the two of you are wearing the pendant. so perfect.
so together.
italy with those two lovelies and their workshop would be awesome, sigh.
look forward to the pics you will share. happy washing.
Welcome back, bohogirly! I hope the time away was peaceful and restful and invigorating...basically I hope it was everything you wanted it to be.
You were missed.
Oh I'm so pleased to see you back! I'm glad that you had such a beautiful time.
Glad your back!
Missed your missives... it is always wonderful to feel your strength and wisdom flowing...
welcome back!
i've missed reading your words :)
YAY!! I will continue to check in here everyday in anticipation of new good stuff to read. Glad you had a great time.
glad you are back, refreshed and happy.
oh, and the trip to italy sounds like a dream come true. thanks for sharing.
look at that beautiful smile! :-0) xx
looking forward to your words again. happy washing.
i have that superhero pendant on my birthday wish list...
hope you had a fabulous time...welcome home...
Those pendants look amazing on both of you! Glad you are back... I miss reading your posts.
thank you darlin' for spreading the word about spreading our wings! yay!
hugs to you,
mati rose
hope you had a wonderful time!
cant wait to see more photos-these two are so super happy and fun.
Hi Love~
missed you soooo much!
These photos are beyond yummy. Holy cow you guys are hot.
The pendant-wow-just perfect. I think I could use some of Andrea's superhero lovin myself:)
Love you
you photographs are so gorgeous, i love this beautiful blog :)
your hair is getting so long (it's been a long time since i have seen you) and i am loving bing's sexy facial hair.
you both are smokin' hot n' sexy superheroes...
Welcome back, Denise! I always forget that you've gone away, so I still check your blog every day and feel a bit sad when there's nothing new to read. But I'm so glad you had a good time away --- hopefully BC was nicer than it is here in Alberta (nearly two feet of snow since Saturday!).
An out-of-left-field question for you: what products do you use on your face (moisturizer, namely)? I remember a post of yours awhile back that was about clearing your home of parabens, and I've been trying to do the same, but I can't find a moisturizer that does the trick for me! What's your secret to lovely, organically glowing skin? -chan
ohmygosh, are way too kind saying this about my skin.
what a warm fuzzy. ; )
lately, i am using EvanHealy and MyChelle. got them both at Whole Foods Market and i LOVE them.
Schmoopy is using them too. check them out and let me know what you think!
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