finding my voice*

me & boho boy dorkin' out, taken by andrea scher
This morning I was sitting in my new little rocker chair near our window (which is three stories above the ground). As I sipped my tea with my eyes closed, I felt the first relief from my headache that I have felt in days. Taking a deep breath I sent out so much gratefulness to all of you for taking time to lend your wonderful home remedies so that I could feel relief. I am amazed at the wealth of knowledge out there from my readers. I am feeling so blessed that I can come to you at times like these and gain wisdom from your experiences. I don't typically get debilitating headaches and what I discovered in all of your responses was that it is a very common thing. So, I am hoping that it was not only helpful to me but to all of the others out there that suffer from these on a regular basis. If it happens again, I now have a plethora of things to try! Boho Boy was totally getting into it too and was so sweet about working on my pressure points with tiger balm and oils. Thank you for this gift.
Now that I have surfaced from that dark place ( my dark indigo walled room with candles lit for three days), I am aware of the positive effects from my new thyroid meds. My sweet doctor has increased the dosage slowly, monitored by blood tests. I feel like the recent dose I am on has made a remarkable difference. Not just physically...but my head fog that I have subtly felt for years now is clearing. I also noticed my emotions are more balanced and my happiness is hitting higher levels of bliss. I'm just blown away by it all.
In fact, the Universe gave me a little gift this morning. As I was rocking in that chair, I looked over towards my new Body & Soul magazine that was sitting on my coffee table and noticed on the front page "No Energy? It could be your thyroid. Learn to spot the signs!". When I grabbed the mag and flipped to that article I saw the words "infertility" right away...among other symptoms listed, of course but my eyes went right to that word (habit, I suppose). In this article it talked about something my doc had mentioned that I wanted to mention here. When most people are tested for their thyroid, they are tested by mainstream doctors for the hormones TSH and T4. When I was tested, my alternative docs checked those levels, as well as my T3 (another thyroid hormone) and it was my T3 that was the most whacked out of the three. The article explains it way better than I am here (check out the May 2008 issue). But for those of you who have felt symptoms and had your thyroid checked and they said it was all fine and dandy, check to see if your T3 was checked as well. It has saved my entire being.
There was a bit towards the end of the article that spoke to me this morning; "some holistic practitioners view low thyroid function as the result of a blocked throat chakra, or feeling like you can't speak your piece." They suggest exploring creative ways to "find your voice", such as singing, writing or creating art. I felt tears come to my eyes when I read this. I've been having dreams lately of singing out loud. I wondered why and now I think I get it.
Now that I am surfacing from all of the muck I have felt over the past four years, I truly am finding my voice. Some of it is old tunes that I have missed and some is totally brand spankin' new and beautiful. I am discovering which places in my business feel like home to me and make me feel like a woman in love with her work. I am making healthy choices in my life that support the direction I want to go with health, vitality, love and relationships.
I suppose I didn't realize what I am doing is finding my voice. I am now recognizing the connections between my thyroid healing, my throat chakra opening and my heart singing a tune that feels right to me.
that's really beautiful.
the way it all connects.
that makes me smile for you.
Knowing that you are on your path to wellness makes me happy. I feel so strongly as if I know you though I have never met you. I absolutely and completely and totally LOVE that picture of you and bohoboy. It is the BESTEST of the BEST.
I love this picture of the two of you!! You are so in love and it is sweet to see. I read that article as well and thought of you! Wishing you love :)
Congratulations on the new-found information and path to recovery! Since your hormones are currently changing, I thought I'd let you know that I used to get terrible migraines (several times a week). Once I went off of my birth control pills (after nearly 6 years), I stopped getting the migraines. That's when I realized that my headaches were all hormone-related. Best wishes to you. Take care. Diana
Oh Sweet Bohogirl....
"Oh! The Summer night has a smile
of light, and she sits on
a sapphire". (Thorne)
Soooooo soooo happy for you!
Big hug, xx
really. this post gives so much to think about.
Ive been reading your lovely blog for several weeks now and thought it was about time i said "Hi" Im a photo lover, thats how I found you.
If you have been in a head fog for several years and have managed to live such an inspiring life (as I have read here) with that going on, then I am expecting unbelievable things to start happening here now that it is clearing!
I am totally imagining you pregnant.
your voice is powerful, beautiful, and strong.
so glad you are feeling better, friend.
(and love the pic of you two!)
mccabe x
Too bad no audio accompanies blogs :) As I read your words, I was hearing the song from Harold and Maude (If you Want to Sing Out by cat stevens...)
Yes, the throat chakra has so much to do with self expression - how we show up and express our amazing selves. It also has to do with whether, when we do express, do we truly feel understood and heard.
I know that so many of us do hear you and love and dream for you too! Even when your singing turns to a whisper. But we do like when you sing! Maybe another you tube video creation? lots of love
It is all interconnected...more than we realize I think. Here's to not only finding, but sharing, that beautiful voice of yours. I love you.
Been working on clearing my throat chakra as well. Get yourself a few turquoise pendants - turquoise is good for the throat chakra. There are many different kinds of turquoise - I have a purple one and another that's mixed/mottled with brown. I love wearing my pieces and feel totally empowered when I wear them.
Hold on, world! Here she comes!!
Denise, there's a short piece in this month's O Magazine about the healing power of song. Also, Wayne Dyer has a good meditation CD (I think it's called Meditations for Manifesting) that uses sound to create and/or heal. I got mine at my local bookstore, but you could probably find it on Amazon too. Sounds like you're being guided to explore this vocal part of yourself! :-)
I had to let this post sink in because I was so moved by it, and how all of this is so beautifully working in your life.
How you are working it-creating it-all this joy all this vitality. I can feel it through the screen as I read your words.
When I did some soul retrieval meditations-I kept feeling things in my throat chakra. I am now interested in doing the meditation and see what arises. This connection is really interesting.
You my love have been so instrumental in me finding my creative voice and treating myself with love and care. You are a wonderful teacher my darling.
I love you
I had to let this post sink in because I was so moved by it, and how all of this is so beautifully working in your life.
How you are working it-creating it-all this joy all this vitality. I can feel it through the screen as I read your words.
When I did some soul retrieval meditations-I kept feeling things in my throat chakra. I am now interested in doing the meditation and see what arises. This connection is really interesting.
You my love have been so instrumental in me finding my creative voice and treating myself with love and care. You are a wonderful teacher my darling.
I love you
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