It just is...

gorgeous thea, canon digital rebel xti
Wow. I am totally spilling over with gratitude for all the sweet and fabulous comments I received in my previous post. Its like I have this Manifesting Pregnancy Dream Team (MPDT) backing me up and supporting me through this. Some comments brought me to tears and some made me giggle (love the sparkly shoes, girlfriend) and some made me raise my hands up in the air like I just don't care.
This is definitely the kind of support I need and that I am choosing to surround myself with on this journey.
I was having a conversation with my dear friend/beloved pregnancy coach the other day and I noticed she kept saying..."When you get pregnant this and When you are pregnant that". She ended the conversation saying, "When I talk to you about this, I am going to say words as though it IS happening...not what if...not maybe...not "trying"...but it just is." It felt scary and exciting all at once but it was then that I realized, this is the language I speak in regards to my business and my dream home and my travel desires. Why not with this?
So, all this to say it was so fun hearing all of you speak this language with me. It feels right for me right now and I respect and understand deeply that it may not feel right for everyone and at one time it didn't feel right to me and that is just where I was at. It didn't serve me then but it serves me now. It makes sense with the flow of all other desires in my life at this time. I love it. Bring it on.
I adore how Glo said in a comment that my readers are magical and give off such a great vibe. I am inspired by her suggestion of "lets build a village and move there...". It reminded me of one of my favorite quotes "Be the change you want to see in the world" by Gandhi. We can definitely build a village that reaches across the globe by starting to do exactly what Gandhi suggested.
Thank you for these boosts and encouragements, my sweet MPDT.
MPDT...oh, i love this!!!
believing in you all the way, my friend!!!
It reminded me of one of my favorite quotes "Be the change you want to see in the world" by Gandhi.
Just before logging on to your site, this quote popped into my head as I considered making a big life change. That you also posted it today really consolidates for me how there is a magical connection between bloggers/readers who are of a similar mind-set.
P.S. I vibe very strongly that things will happen for you very soon.
MPDT, love this! Actually i love this entire post. Your strength just sparks right of my screen!
Let's build a village and move there, let's be the change we want to see!
And yes, let's feel what feels right for ourselfs and respect the feelings of others.
Sending you, boho boy and boho bebe much love and a warm hug.
It is interesting, every time I log onto your website I expect to find your pregnancy announcement. I can't really wait to see that day. :) It will happen. It will.....
Canadian hugs and love!!
Rebecca F.
i have goosebumps...i feel that i am in the presence of magical miracle making. thank you for inviting us in.
I love that you have named this amazing support group of blogging friends MPDT. *Team* being the key word. Love it!
We are all a part of changing this world we live in, be it one teensy-tiny step at a time.
Let's all get steppin'.
i don't know if any of your lovely readers watch grey's anatomy...but i totally thought of you tonight. they used the quote from your post today..."be the change you want to see in the world"!!!
so if there are any grey's watchin' boho girl lovin' peeps out there they will all be tickled !
blessing on you~ michele are surrounded...
xo, m
I saw a segment on this book this morning and thought of you. You probably already have heard of it or read it, but just in case I wanted to share
Good luck to you...
I didn't have a chance to comment yesterday but consider me part of your MPDT!
Thanks as ever for sharing your journey with us. You have such an openness that I find so warm and comforting.
take care
right here with you baby baby.
Love you soooo much
I love this way of thinking. It was actually you who suggested it to me on my blog some time ago. My husband was going in for tests on his brain tumor. I was constantly worrying myself over whether it was going to be okay and whether he would live or die. You suggested to me that I begin thinking of it positively. It WILL be okay. The tests WILL turn out the way we want them to. You told me when I thought of my husband's brain to think of it as healthy and whole. My thinking changed everything. I stopped worrying so much about it. He still has a tumor, it didn't go away magically - but my thinking about it has changed drastically. I have accepted it and we face problems head on full of positive energy and hopefulness. Changing my thoughts has changed everything. Thank you thank you!
Hi Sweet Denise,
The power and importance of positive thinking and surrounding yourself with positivity is the greatest! We are sending you all happy, positive and magical wishes ~ you are in our hearts and thoughts ;)!
With our love, n, r, l and d xoxo
I am behind you 100%
I too KNOW that you will be pregnant this year and I can't wait to read about the new journey your life will take you on this year!
I don't know how long you've been trying but my story was trying for a year with nothing, investigations showed up severe endometriosis. Following surgery tried for six months, got pregnant - thought my problems were over - lost that baby at the eighth month and my first daughter was stillborn. My world just ended I thought that was my only chance. It took us a whole year to get pregnant again (why does it take so long - we did the same thing every month!) Nineteen months after my "little pioneer" as the midwife called her, I had my second daughter, a beautiful, big and healthy girl. I was 35 and we had been trying to have a family for four years. I know your pain, and I believe it is good for your mind and body to believe that it will happen, you are young and healthy. Six weeks before I became pregnant for the second time, I had a laparoscopy which confirmed that my pelvis was still clear (I had been worrying that the endo was returning), and my gynae told us to 'go forth and multiply'. Maybe that relaxation did the trick. I do believe now that your mental state has something to do with it. Stay positive! Good Luck. It will happen!
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