feeling squam-ie

jen, me, swirly, andrea
About 5 years ago, I was reading SARK's book Creative Companion; Ways to Free Your Creative Spirit and I remember seeing a fresh faced gorgeous smile on a page that made me linger there for a while. There was something about this woman Sark was close friends with that felt so familiar and I thought to myself that I could see someone like her being in my life.
About 2 years later, a friend introduced me to Andrea's blog and her and I quickly connected over our fertility journeys and became instant soul-friends. She was the first woman in my life at that time that was struggling and suffering from the longing for a child and I finally felt understood and validated. As time has gone on, we have discovered a connection that goes beyond fertility. We discovered that we share so many dreams, goals and perspectives on life and being. Now I have a difficult time grasping the idea that she hasn't always been in my life.
It wasn't long ago, that I grabbed the Creative Companion book again and saw her photo and realized that these two women, the one in Sark's book and the one I met through a blog were one and the same. It hadn't dawned on me before. You can imagine the chills I felt. It reminded me how powerful manifesting is when long ago I put out the energy that I'd love to have someone like her in my life and years later, she dances into my heart and world.
I am so very honored to help assist Andrea this September at the Squam Art Workshops. She's teaching a class and offering crazy amounts of inspiration in regards to two amazing gifts she brings into our world; Life Coaching and Photography. Harmonizing these two life changers is going to rock everyone's world. A soul-mate of mine, Jen Gray will also be assisting Andrea and I know first hand that the energy between these two women is full of magic, comfort and open arms.
A kindred spirit in my life, Penelope is teaching a few classes as well and the list of outrageously talented teachers goes on.
To make things even more wildly tasty and delish...one of my dearest mates, Swirly will be there to launch her lovely and AMAZING book ORDINARY SPARKLING MOMENTS and the thought of this brings weepy tears to my eyes. The fact that I can be there to witness this monumental event in her life is something that blows my mind. Her book is going to shift lives in a radically magical way.
The thought of so many powerful women and friends coming together at Squam to take risks, open wide, explore, play, leap and stretch just makes me so blissed out. It can be intimidating to do these sorts of things alone but we'll all be together and the fears will melt away and the freedom and playfulness will begin.
I used to love summer camp and this is exactly what this feels like! So, if you are still thinking of going and haven't quite made that leap yet, I would so encourage you to do so if you're inspired. This is such a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded souls on a different level than reading a blog. You know, like actually hugging someone and pinching them to make sure they're real. ; )
Are you feeling squam-ie?
WOW. How wonderful it shall be for you all. How I wish I could join you this year, and meet all you lovlies in such awesome sounding environment. Maybe next time ;)
Sending you warm hugs, from a very cold and rainy part of the world,
Love Toni
how i wish it could be done...
not this year...
maybe someday...
oh, how euphoric it would be... to leave this dusty desert behind and travel to the green, hydrated world outside of Phoenix. Jealousy may not be an attractive feeling, but i SO feel it right now.
Ok. It's gone. Now I'm just thrilled for you :-)
I'll be at Squam (and in Andrea's workshop on Day 3) and am so looking forward to meeting you and the others, including the lovely ladies I know (or know of) through blogging and the ones I've yet to meet!
the universe has a plan of bringing you all together in a magical place, how powerful it will be.
blessings and love
i would love, love, love to go and meet all of you earnest, open souls. but at the same time i'm completely intimidated. i see all of the amazing connections that people have and i fear that i would be the only one without a lunch buddy. eeeeeek, i sit on the fence between my dreams and my fears. am i the only one geeking out about it?
Hey, I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now after sumbling over it by accident/fate/luck.... I absolutely admire you and your fellow bloggers searching for life's meaning and purpose and succeeding in being your true self. I am searching for myself and my own life purposes right now, so it's good to be inspired here and realize it's all just a long journey!
Would love to do the SQUAM photo/life workshop, but am in Germany right now.
Much love. Sarah
so we WILL be able to hug in real life! you don't know how excited i am that i get to meet you and pinch you :)
Oh Bohogirl, I would love so much to be squamie with you and your fellow superheros but the cost is too much this year. {{sigh}} Have loads of fun and blog all about it though and I will be eagerly anticipating it.
i am definitely feeling squam-mie...i am mailing off my registration today! it's going to change my life forever, i just know it :)
oh i am feeling green!
i {so} wish i can come...
i wish i lived in the same country!
it sounds like it is going to be magical ~ and i hope to share some of it vicariously through your blog and pictures!
any chance of something like this, or you bevvy of blogging beauties coming to the UK?
Hi. I've been reading your blog (along with Superhero's, Jen Gray's and Swirly's) for at least a year if not more. I mailed my registration to Squam this week and look forward to meeting you all. Like Jenica, I too am geeking out about not having a lunch buddy, but I don't care ... I can't wait!
This event is going to be madness, I tell you - wild, luscious, creative, sparkly, tingly, succulent madness!!!
We are going to have such an amazing time! I can't wait to see you again and finally, finally get to meet jen and andrea...and so many other wonderful souls!
I totally feeling squam-ie! I hope I can join you beautiful women in such a special event!! xo
pure bliss and crazyness.
see you there!
it sounds so good, and i would certainly love to be there if i weren't so far away! i will instead look forward to reading about it :) x emily.
A fellow blogger just recommended the folk artist Sarah Harmer. Being a fellow Weepies lover I think you will adore her as well...I bet your little bunch will like her too! She is now at the top of my playlist :)Have a great weekend
I will be there, and in the superhero life class of the third day! I'm nervous and excited and can't wait to meet everyone.
Counting the hours until this magical event!
i'm most definitely feeling squam-ie...
the problem is i'm feeling equally as scared!!!
the registration form and money order are all filled out and sitting in an envelope ready to go...
all i need now is to take a deep breathe and leap...
but so far i haven't been brave enough to do it.
This story of how you and Andrea came to one another is awesome and it blew me away. I would have guessed the two of you had known each other since childhood. What a wonderful blessing for both of you.
I remember reading about Squam months ago and thought how awesome it would be, especially after having a look at all the teachers. And you get to go and be part. I'm certain it won't be an experience you will ever forget. So wishing I could be there and watch all these beautiful, wonderfully creative woman lift one another up and share their gifts.
after a long weekend of dread, fear, prayers, encouragement, and tears...
i'm coming.
I'm looking forward to giving you big hugs and pinches! I'll be taking the superhero class on Saturday--the hike sounded fun!
Jenica, I worry about the same thing. Yikes! I don't know anyone!! it's easier to open up to the blogging world, but in REAL LIFE?! I hate being shy.
yes darling I am so feeling squam-ie!
I am keeping fingers crossed I will be there with all of you.......
Love you
hello lovely boho girl!
i only just read this magical post and got (oh!) so excited--- thanks for putting the word out there with so much love and synergy . .
bisous, Elizabeth (who is ALWAYS feeling squammy!-- ha)
I would go to this in an instant if I could. My grandparents used to live on Squam Lake and it truly is one of my favorites places to visit.
Add to its beauty such a cool roster of artists/teacher, it will be a most wonderful place to be.
i'll be there :)
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