happy birthday boho boy

you + me, photo by susannah
I remember years ago I was sitting in my high school Humanities class that was taught by my absolute favorite teacher of all time and he said something about his wife that I would never forget. One of the many things I loved about him was how in each and every class he talked so tenderly about her. But on this particular day, he shared with the class how he truly falls more in love with her every day and they had been married for about 30 years. He said when he came home from work each day and saw her, his heart skipped a beat and he felt all fluttery.
I never quite understood how a person could feel that way...after that many years of being side by side but I had always hoped I was capable of this love. At that time in my life and for some years to come I was teased by my family and friends for being fickle and they often wondered if I would ever settle down. So, the idea that this type of romantic love would exist in my world was hard to grasp.
Then I met you.
And now I know what my teacher meant.
When you come through the door, each day after work, my heart fills with a love so big I often feel overwhelmed by it. You never fail to hold me first thing, kiss my neck and sigh into my hair. Your face lights up as though you haven't seen me in days. You've been doing this for six years and it gets me every time.
Then there is bedtime, when we are lying side by side each night, facing one another with our arms entangled and I never take for granted the way my heart melts in those moments. I will lay there and stare at you as you fall asleep and try to push away those fears that creep up about a love like ours being too good to last forever.
I often wonder during those few moments before I fall asleep how a love can be so deep and wide and how it is possible for it to keep growing. But it does.
Every day I truly do fall more in love with you...
Happy birthday my love.
Ok. That got me.
I love you babe.
that was beautiful
Sigh...ain't love grand. You two are so lovely together. Happy Birthday Carsten!
Happy Birthday Carsten!!
What more could you want?
you guys inspire me,
Happy Birthday Carsten!!
I'm with andrea, you guys are inspiring and honestly i'm a little bit lost for words after reading this :)
that was beautiful...thanks, denise.
happy birthday, carsten...
Happy Birthday Carsten! How inspiring you both are, love this post. Very sweet indeed,
Big hugs,
Love Toni
I bet that was the best and most meaningful Birthday Greeting he ever received!!!
happy birthday to your other half
today is my other half's birthday as well! June 29th what a great day!!
i love you both as individuals and as a couple, you inspire me and melt me with your love.
happy birthday boho boy!
i love how you both love...
so sweet...
and love the photo.
and happy b'day to your boy...
such a beautiful ode to your hubby!
happy birthday boho boy!
(and hearing a story such as this makes me keep strong hope in my heart for a love that beautiful!)
Beautiful words!
Happy Birthday to Boho Boy!
happy birthday boho boy. . .
makes me feel better knowing my girl has a man like you to share this life with.
love you both!
jen gray
sigh. :)
so beautiful. happy birthday to your husband.
Happy Birthday Carsten!
Hope you get spoilt each day until the ends of this world!
Denise, this year M3 and I have been together for 16 years... it only gets better... more intense... but easier... and funny! The giggles get more and louder... and happiness overflow in every moment!
And to realise just how much you love him, makes it even more...
Enjoy loving him! It's the gifts of gifts to have him to love like that! (and the bonus? He loves you back that way - awesome!) xx
happy bday boho boy.
what a beatiful love letter.
it can last forever and grow continuously. it just needs nurturing. happy for you that you have found such a love in one another. it is what all married couples should build on.
Feliz Cumpleaños Boho Boy!!!! God bless you, your magical Boho Girl who we adore...and your union.
You guys are so darn cute...makes me wanna say....weeeeeeeeeee :)
xoxo glo :)
siiiiigh ... :) oh-so-sweet.
Just wonderful...I hope you had fun celebrating...and to echo some of these other comments...it can, and does last...
(We'll have been married for 17 years this coming Sunday, and my heart still flutters. :)
That was so beautiful Den - i'm sending big belated birthday love to bing the boho boy :-) x
don't get that last comment aka war and peace...but the posting today is quite beautiful, heart felt and romantic. thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
i totally do that too...the fearing that our love is too good that i worry i will lose him too soon. happy bday to your man and many many years of goodness and love.
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