true to who i am*

angela's reflection, canon digital rebel xti
I have noticed that since I became aware that I am in a tender place and put it out into the world that I am feeling protective of my heart, I have attracted so much gentleness in my life lately. I am so pleased to discover that it is truly just a matter of knowing what I need and expressing it in order for those necessary shifts to begin to take place in my life.
So many times I busy myself and don't stop to pay attention to what is triggering me and it begins to pile up and feel cluttered in my heart and mind. When I get in that space, I notice I forget what feels truly nourishing and fruitful.
This week, the act of decluttering my home and my workspace has essentially helped me to declutter my mind. I feel spaces opening to invite more gentleness in. Not just with my heart but with my business. I notice my latest photographs have taken on a quality that express the smooth, quiet, liquidy, protective, gentle, careful, mindful place that I am surrounding myself with. I spent a whole day at my desk processing these photos without music...just listening to the birds and windchimes outside. Simplicity is beckoning me.
Something is shifting in a way that feels so true to who I am; the very core of me that is most comfortable in quiet, soft, gentle, wide open spaces.
But what feels even more amazing than all of feeling completely okay with where I am and not second guessing it or trying to make myself be or feel something other than tender.
you're such a beautiful, peaceful soul. I've always seen you this way. :)
I'm so happy that gentleness is flowing for you.
And so happy you're listening to the windchimes. I love mine. And since I'm in Florida, and we have storms EVERY DAY, my chimes have been singing very loud. :)
stay true to who you are and how you feel...beautiful things will become exposed.
-namaste, erin
good morning sunshine!
I feel as though these days I am in a constant act of decluttering. It is very freeing though, isn't it?
Right there with you.
This tender place.
this complete rest and freedom to be nowhere else than where we are.
what sanctuary.
Be good to your heart and may your world continue to offer such gentleness in return.
i feel it baby and it simply takes my breathe away-and leaves me with a soft humming warmth in my chest.
Your photos reflect you so perfectly so gently so amazing and soft and full of amazing talent.
I adore your work.
Rockstar you
It's good to hear the peace in your writing. :)
I second Megan... The gentleness just flows naturally out of you, Denise. And this post today is extremely soft and yummy ~ I can almost hear the ocean breathing in the background...
I too, find that there is always a gentleness to you writing...and indeed you soul...
I love, and appreciate what you have said here. It's hard sometimes to not second guess yourself...and to not try and make yourself feel the way you 'should'. It's a big milestone for us when we can just simply be okay with how we are from one moment to the next.(I can say I'm not quite there yet...but I'm working toward it. :)
Lovely...lovely photograph,by the way...
yes. yes. yes....
you deserve the same gentleness you give to others...
jen gray
A clean workspace fosters great creativity so I am looking forward to see what inspiring new things you bring about. :)
Keep on keeping on. I too tend to purge in order to get back to myself again. I had a huge purge and clean moment last week and quite frankly I don't think I could have made it through this week without having done it. (OK Well I would have made it through the week but wouldn't have coped as well.)
I am excited to see what comes from your new space, both physically and mentally. I am sure it will ROCK!
How completely beautiful your soul is :)
i'm away from home, taking steps on a new path, and i thought of you this afternoon ... this photo is so serene and beautiful x
It's amazing that you have reached this point in all your vulnerability. I wish I could feel completely okay with where I am and stop second guessing myself. I hope I find a similar balance, calm, and simplicity soon enough...or I may go on cluttering and not cleansing.
I totally hear you on this one. Great post. I can't wait to read more and more of your blog.
hi gentle bean,
sending you some quiet loving today.
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