gratitude giftie*

"hanging to dry" print in my shop
I am feeling so very grateful for the gentle and endearing support of my readers that I want to give something tangible back. If you would like to have one of the 8 x 10 prints in my shop, please leave a comment, so I can find you. Boho Boy and I will put all the names in a hat, draw it this weekend and announce the owner of the print on Monday. They can choose whichever print in my shop speaks to them. I will send it to you for free (shipping included), with love and spirit and Boho-licious vibes. A friend of mine that has a few of my prints said they have spread ethereal magic in their home since she hung them. Do you need some ethereal magic? Mmmmm...don't be shy. I'm so happy to give something back.
I should be so lucky!
I sooo need some ethereal magic!
I would love to add my name to the hat :)
What a wonderful idea. :)
Wait - I would get gorgeous art AND Boho Girl magic? That would definitely fill me with gratitude! Thanks for thinking of us!
what a treat! denise, your generosity is beautiful. thank you for spreading your love and light :)
oh... how would i choose just one?
Reading your blog fills me with hope and magic on days when I find myself drifting off into the big blue. Thank you. Btw, your photos are beautiful... I love the ones of Tara and Em. Ethereal magic, indeed.
Oh, I just found your blog through Emily Falconbridge's link and I truly stumbled upon it at the perfect time - but then again, there are no accidents, right? I would love to be entered in the drawing. I look forward to reading more of your insightful posts. The "Garden Friend" story is so beautiful and really speaks to me. Thank you for sharing it.
Love and Light,
Andria B.
I would love some Boho magic in my house!
I don't comment a lot but I read everyday.
Would love to have one of your beautiful heart and soul prints. :)
i definitely want some more ethereal magic . . . especially boho girl ethereal magic! your photographs are TRULY GORGEOUS. i hope my name is chosen!
Me too!
always in need of boho magic ~
How very sweet to share even more of yourself! May my name magically be pulled . . .
ooohhh, magic over here please (crossing fingers)...!!
i love all of them, but weepy branch and vintage bottles are my favorites. love your blog!
What a generous soul you are! I have pored over your site since I stumbled across it yesterday - so honest and beautiful! I'll be back for sure! Would adore a piece of your art in my home! Hugs, Donna
i'm a fellow artist at heart. Love your beautiful blog & your wonderful spirit. I could really use a bit of magic thrown my way too!
I have been following your blog for a few months now and am soooo in need of some magic. Would international shipping be included, too?? ;)
I may just stop by and order a few prints today...
Wow what a beautiful place!
I arrived on a link from Ems and I never want to leave...
I just love the art work, much more thyan photographs.
Oh yes, I would LOVE to have one! Etheral magic would be perfect in my life right now...
I read your blog almost every day but never left a comment so far - thank you all the same for letting me come along on your journey that is so similar to mine.
You can reach me at
Hoping that I will get lucky...
I found your blog through *e*!! Your pictures are fantastic! I really (REALLLY) could use some ethereal magic!!!
Boy, do I ever need some ethereal magic. So much so, delurking is clearly required.
Thanks for continuing to spread your beauty. You do such amazing work.
I would adore one! :) I could definitely use some magic!
boho magic needed here too,, With love Carole XXOO
i would love to be added to the mix. ethereal magic is always welcome.
I'd be honored to have one your prints in my cozy space - and we all need as much magic as we can possibly muster! Lots of love.
Your work really is incredibly beautiful. =)
I have loved your work from the moment I first found your blog. I would be honored.
I have had some of your prints marked as favorites for some time now and one day I plan on ordering them when I have the money to spare.
Thanks!! This is a wonderful thing to do and I'm sure whomever hangs your print in their space will carry with them a piece of your energy.. Beautiful! are so generous!
i could use some magic.
and i just wanted to say that i love the pics of em and tara. they are beautiful.
your words spread ethereal magic in my soul-I could only imagine what having one of your photos hung in the house every day must do...
<3 to you, my sister.
would love to have a chance at your lovely and generous give-away. your photos are dreamy and peaceful and i have enjoyed finding your blog. many thanks.
i've been a fan of your work for a long time. i would love to have a piece of magic on my walls.
thanks for giving.
Your work is lovely. Please throw my name into that hat!
i could always use some magic,
but especially today...
we have to cut our trees down,
and it is
breaking my little-lorax-heart.
your photographs are absolutely lovely. i would be honored to have one in my home!
lovie what a special idea......
Christine's comment stood out to me....artist at heart....
I wantedt o share with any one who happens to read this that when I first met you and we began this life changing friendship that I didn't feel like an "artist" and how getting together in Seattle solidified my claiming and feeling 100% that in fact I am an artist.
I hope that any artists at heart that read your blog, consider investing in a photo session with you, as I couldn't think of a better way for them to identify, claim and embrace that they are artists indeed.
A photo session with you is like a years worth of life coaching......your solid yet etheral bohemian ness does something so unique and special to those on the other side of your lens.
So ladies and gentlemen if you are thinking about hiring Denise to photograph you, do not hesitate, it is a priceless experience that you will have memories of forever through the photos she takes of the artist in you.
You are magic. I would love it if you would share a bit with me. I could use it more now than ever.
i just found your blog through emilys and your photos are just beautiful and so artful. i would love to hang one in my bedroom.
i love your photos. thank you for sharing your heart with all of us!
I am sooo in need of some magic and ethereal magic sounds wonderful.
BTW--I love your photos!!
i would love to have the chance. :)
I love your beautiful photos and words. Thank you for your softness and honesty. I am still learning to be brave with my camera and you are a true inspiration.
PS What an awesome sense of style
I feel kind of naughty for entering, since I just recently found your fabulous blog and amazing Etsy shop . . . but I can always use a bit of magic in your life . . . and your prints are just beautiful!! Thank you!!
Hi ,dont know if you will consider me as i in the uk.
But i love the tiny blossoms picture, i keep thinking of new beginnings when i look at it.
Also. its pouring with rain this afternoon and i need a littlemagic in my home..
Blessings to you for your kindness.
lorraine uk
Oh I would love some inspiration in my transitional times. It gets tough sometimes, and then you just search out the beauty. It would be great to have one of your prints to turn to.
I could really use some magic, and boho magic is the best. :)
Yes... I can imagine the magic. Let's see what kind of luck I have this weekend.
heck yeah!
where do I sign up??
Magic is really in your hands.
wow, what amazing competition! oh how i would love some boho magic in my house! we are moving into a new loft that needs a little boho style! i'll cross my fingers and wish to be so lucky!
I love your blog and your photography. Please add my name to the hat :)
Thank you for this offer...I would adore one of your pieces. :)
i fully welcome ethereal magic in my home! and some boho inspiration too!
you're too sweet! I would love one of your prints.
oh, yes please, count me in!
ox kelley
you can never have too much good magic...
Hello there Denise/Boho Girl,
Many thanks to you and Boho Boy for your generosity. I am seeking some much needed 'boholicious vibes' and ethereal magic. I recently suffered a miscarriage and I was told of what would occur on my birthday (7/11). My heart has been splintered into pieces. The 'Tiny Daisies' portrait is the first 'bloom' that I have felt within my heart since losing my baby. I would be so grateful to see this beautiful reminder that growth and miracles can blossom. Thank you for spreading your sunshine and helping to heal my spirit and restore my heart.
I have FIVE of your dreamy photos happily hanging in my home, of course three of them are of me... hee hee.
Don't add my name to the hat, I just wanted to comment and say everyone should have some boho ethereal magic in their home.
SO much magic has happened in mine since hanging your prints on my walls.
love you,
glad to hear you are in such a special place *emotionally* now. the dancing classes must really be more wonderful than you describe. best of luck with the millions of comments :)
Oh, yes please! We just bought a new home and the walls need love.
:) rosie
What a grand idea -- consider my name in the hat, but if you draw it, I want you to give the print choice to someone whose comment really touches you, ok? I love your photographs, don't get me wrong, but I'm in a place right now where I want to add my gratitude to yours and 'pay it forward' to someone who may be in greater need.
I was just telling some friends how much I'd love to have the work of artists I admire hanging in my home.
Your dreamy images would look so beautiful in my bedroom, where I'm going for a soft and restful look.
Beautiful prints, Boho!
Thank you for this generous offer!
~ Kim
Could use some of that! Thanks for the posts and your honesty, it's very inspirational and refreshing.
Un abrazo y beso!
this is so very kind of you.
having your prints in my house make me feel
much cooler than i actually am. :)
Oh I absolutely could use some of your ethereal magic:) yummy
I love reading your blog and would love to have a print of yours - thank you for the opportunity.
I love your photography - there was one you took in Canada a while back that I rock!!
Your prints are lovely and I could definitely use some ethereal magic.
Daily reader de-lurking and it's because you have no idea how much I could use a little of your magic right now.
you give me the gift of ethereal magic each and every time you post, my friend, but i certainly welcome the opportunity to surround myself with a little more...i mean goodness, who could resist.xo
I think that etheral magic is needed in all homes. I know I can always use the magic in my home and if it is boho magic I know it will be filled with energy.
I'm in! I've been blogstalking you for a while now ;) nice to finally "meet" you!
I've been coveting your prints forever, so I'd be delighted to have one of my very own.
Even if you don't win, you are a fantastic (and sparkly) addition to my blogroll, so thanks for everything!
I would love to hang one of your beautiful and inspiring prints in Madison's room. I was just thinking this morning that I'd love to add more art to her walls. You have access to my blog so you can reach me by commenting there.
i really love your work (and magic!) so i would love to be added to the hat!
I could definitely use some magic. And your prints are GORGEOUS!
Carrie K
How kind of you! I would love to add some of your magic into my home!
WOW oh WOW yes please!!!
The only problem would be which to choose!!!
I do hope shipping to New Zealand is ok, if I win I wouldn't mind paying the extra shipping...
ohh, pick me! pick me!,
As I have three of your lovlies hanging in my home, please don't add my name to the list.
I just wanted to leave you a little something to say how sweet you are.
Your parcel will be sent out next week, my lovely, I've been been down with a cold these past weeks not to be able to send it out sooner.
Loving you and your sweetness.
P.S. I am having a print give away myself this weekend, feel free to drop if you have a minute.
Whoops. Make that 4 prints. TE HE HE HE
such a beautiful generous soul :)
Your work is truly beautiful and speaks a story of it's own. I love that you see the finer details and capture the beauty of everyday
Charlene Camilleri
Count me in!
Magic is always welcome here.
So sweet of you to give back.
impossible to resist an offer of ethereal magic... how lovely of you to make it - thank you! although it has to be said that visiting your blog is like touching magic anyway, so even those of us who don't win, still win. x
i *heart* reading your blog. thanks for sharing the magic.
Tonight I threw a penny in a fountain because I'm in need of some magic!
oh I just stopped by again (it's been a while) after seeing the pic of Emily and Tara on Emily's blog...I LOVE the stories and love that you all know each other (I have participated in Emily's art deck and journal challenges...i feel like i KNOW her altho we have never met in person.) I love the vibe you ladies give off and the beautiful stories and pictures you share so generously. So cool that you'd be that!
Fairy Magic!! I'd LOVE A print to gaze at and inspire me and bring magic into our home!
Wow! That would be great. :) I really love your blog, your work, your magic. I would be so happy to hang one of your prints out in my home. So I will keep my fingers crossed!
Wow you have so many wonderful pieces that it would be hard to choose you add boho magic to that and you can't go wrong.
would love to have my name in that hat :)
who could resist a chance for a little extra boho magic...
I cannot resist a little boho magic for my home...
Honestly, reading your blog is magical to me, but I'd love to add a piece of that magic to my home!
Yippee!! I'd love for you to put my name in the hat.
Moxie Candice
me! pick me!
Your work is great !!
Warm Dutch greetings from ,
you already give so much...
Oh Denise I would love to go into the draw. I have just found your blog through 'E'. Thankyou for your wonderful spirit.
Maursie xoxo
I could use some magic.
Your photography is beautiful, I should be so lucky to have some of your magic in my house!
i am so grateful for you. thank you for all that you do when you pour your heart out.
as for magic- one can always use some- and your beautiful photography- would be very magical indeed.
thank you for sharing,
Oh your images are soooo beautiful! I only just found my way here but will be sure to return. My poor empty new house would love your art. lucky I know about your etsy shop now ;o)
Please add my name to the hat as well.
Thanks, Carla
I love my morning smoothie and soaking in your blog. This whole path to family so perfectly reflects the same path we've been on for what seems like an eternity. Much love to you and your blessed boy this morning.
Francie Pants
your writing and images have spread ethereal magic in my heart...i am so wildly hopeful that you will draw my name!
how the words "ethereal magic"...hope you send some some my way!
Ethereal magic, spreading itself throughout my home....yes, please!
a bit of boho would be lovely
If it comes from you, it must be ethereal magic!
i would be so honored to display your beautiful magical work in my home! lucky soul who is chosen!!
so very nice of you.
love your blog and would love some of your art! :)
Hi Boho Girl
Sorry if this is a duplicate...I'd love to be gifted with your magical artwork....
how fun!!!
every time i come to your special space i feel such peace through your words and images. you never cease to spark my heart with warm creativity.
the thought of having a beautiful piece of that essence on my wall is delightful :)
Most Sincerely,
Maggie Ann
Oh, Boho . . . how sweet are you?!!
I found you through Cage Free Family and then went on to find Superhero through you! I feel as though I know you even though I am miles away in NYC. I love following your journey! You are an amazingly spirited woman and I wish all wonderful things for you and your hubs.
I've been to your Etsy site and have been dreaming about owning "Whispers of Spring" for a while now. It is a gorgeous photograph and I would feel honored to have a piece of your magic in my home.
Wishing you peace and gentleness . . .
Wow, what a lovely idea. I'd love to have a chance at your lovely photography!
Thanks for the opportunity! I love your prints.
Bring on the ethereal magic!!! Thanks for giving.
Oh my gosh I would be so grateful to have such a wonderful piece of you hanging in my studio apartment. Solace truly speaks to my heart. This is an amazing opportunity. I appreciate you throwing my name into your magical hat :)
Denise, your whole life, as witnessed on these pages, is an incredibly generous and loving work of art, so it's no wonder at all that your photos contain magic that is passed on to whosoever views them. I would be honored to receive such a lovely gift.
your honesty and openness is refreshing and encouraging! thank you for making yourself so vulnerable to us!
what a gift, to grace one of our homes with your expression of beauty. crossing my fingers. amiee
i would LOVE one of your prints but most of all i would love for you to have the gift that your heart so desires most!
so, i send this out there in the universe for you to have the gift. for it to be reflected back to you, for you to have all your magical beautiful heart desires!
that's my wish...
i love your words, your blog, your spirit, your soul. wish i could be your friend in real life, i could use a girl like YOU!
may all that is magic forever stay in your heart.
I put my name into the hat! I keep meaning to comment, I am in Victoria and if you ever want some advice on which beaches to go to or places to eat, drop me a line :)
Lovely lovely photos, hoping you pull my name!
I live by ART, with three kids and a full time job i sooo need some ethereal magic...i'm grateful that artists like you love to share their beauty..
keep up the beautiful work.
I'll add my name to the list! Just got a new house with a few blank walls that could use some decor!
I would love to enter my name into the drawing- your work is beautiful!
oh magic hat...pick me, pick me!!
i would so love to have a small piece of you & your beauty here with me!
blessings on your head~
Oh, some ethereal magic would be very welcome here!
Love the friendship pics of Em and Tara. Wish me and my bf of 39 years could do the same...someday I hope!
lovely lovely lovely!
could definitely use some of your art and magic in our new home...
Oh wow, you are a very generous person! I have just recently started reading your blog, came to it from Tara's. I have had a look at your Etsy and it's wonderful, you take gorgeous pics! I especially like the "whispers of spring" one - GORGEOUS!
I am in AUS, so I don't know if I would still be eligible for winning the print, but if it is open to internationals, then please add me! If not, can I ask, is the postage still $4.60 to Aus?
magical things sometimes happen! love CASH Christine Anne Scott Hudson
I'm in! i'm excited...i'm going white water canoeing in quebec i have something to look forward to when i get home :) fingers crossed.
HIBOHO, Youaresomuchyum. Iwouldlovetodisplayyourartthattouchesthesoftspotsinmyheart. Thankyoufortheopportunitytowin.
Send your magic this way! It has been a bit dreary lately.
i would love some magic, especially ethereal. there's so much true life beauty in your photos.
Oh succulent bohogirl...I *am* feeling shy, but also feeling the need for some ethereal magic in my life right now, so in the spirit of the magic and beauty that you send out into the world with your journal/blog, I put my name into your Magic Hat. Thank you for the nurturing, shimmering, magical, healing, dancing energy and words you put out there for everyone reading.
oooh, what a sweet idea. I love your blog and your work! I would love to put my name in!
I absolutely love all the prints of glass bottles because they are one of my favourite things and your prints have such a vintage edge to them.
I'd love to have one! They are always so beautiful!
x Sally
how wonderful! your photography is so beautiful!
I would love to add my name to the hat! Your photos are really beautiful and calming!
your photography is so beautiful,thanks for the chance to have one in our homes
Lora B
I always read your blog when I need a little pick-me-up and this was a great one! I'd love a print...sign me up!
Count me in! xoxo
Count me in! Hmm I don´t remember how I stumbled into your blog but anyway your inspirational words about the Nia dance have made me sign up for classes later in August!
All the way from Scandinavia,
Dear dear Denise,
I would so absolutely ADORE to have some of your photography magic hanging in my loft at Esalen. I'll cross my fingers to be the lucky one ...
love, Annie
d -
i wander through, and love, and admire your works at least once a week...
so much beauty, so much depth and life
thanks for sharing .. and for your joy in life
no matter what
I'd love some of your magic !
all good things, all ways, always
been following your blog for a long time now, laughing, crying and loving with you. Your photography is just getting better and better, more and more beautiful. Thankyou for all your inspiration.... Chels xox
Yay! Your work would create magic in any place it inhabited :). But I'm secretly hoping it spreads some good vibes my way...
Hugs to you,
Ethereal Boho Magic sounds yummy!!!
Wishing you,
Peace & Love, Just Because,
Goddess Diana
Boho-licious vibes. That would be lovely.
Thank you for spreading true BEAUTY around the world. Love your photos, every single one of them.
I'm so sure I'm too late, but I have to tell you that I read often and comment very seldomly. You are an inspiration. Your posts are so raw and real and I appreciate them.
You are amazing to give something away and want to give back.
thank you
oh wow! i would love to add my name to the hat! thank you what a wonderful idea. wonder if i could do something similar? thanks for even more inspiration, Maria...M
boho girl,
Thank you for inspiring me to create my own magic and to find magic everywhere.
It was last October when I found your blog and it was so beautiful visually and so lyrically written that I felt compelled to share my story online as well.
Recently I got my very own Canon Rebel after much deliberation. I feel a need to capture the beauty of the world as I see it. As I thought about where this desire originated... I traced it back to my grandfather's love of photography and your amazing images were the spark that rekindled my interest.
I would be thrilled to have a piece of your etherial magic in my home. And if I am too late for the drawing, I'll just have to buy one;)
Thank you for being you. Your fairy dust reaches farther that you realize. (I live in the Atlantic side of this great country.)
On no, I may be too late but I would love to be in the hat!
Tough choice on what to pick though...
ohhh Id loooove to have my name added to the magical hat! I would also love love love to win! What a fabulous prize!
Peace be with you..
Hopefully I'm not too late!! Lady Luck smile on meeeeee!!! (please!)
Cheryl, GA
everyone needs some ethereal magic...i would love some...hope i'm not too late...
love your work...
amazing and beautiful.
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