mosaic of me*

Mosaic idea inspired by my dear friend Meg.
I like how mine turned out. I feel like these images truly do express a lot of bits of who I am. I'd love to see yours. So, if you decide to play, do leave the link to your post in the comments.
Here´s how you do it...
Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr search, using only the first page, choose your favorite image, copy and paste each of the URL’s into the mosaic maker (3 columns, 4 rows).
The questions:
1. What is your first name? (Denise)
2. What is your favorite food? (Mexican)
3. What high school did you attend? (Granada)
4. What is your favorite color? (Pinky-Beige)
5. Who is your celebrity crush? (James McAvoy)
6. Favorite drink? (Yerba Mate)
7. Dream vacation? (Ireland)
8. Favorite dessert? (Brown Rice Pudding)
9. What do you want to be when you grow up? (Dancer)
10.What do you love most in life? (Romance)
11. One word to describe you. (Sensitive)
12. Your Flickr name. (Boho)
Here are the links to the photos in my mosaic above:
1. road less traveled, 2. Mexican restaurant, 3. Choperas de Fuentevaqueros, 4. Serenity, 5. James McAvoy, 6. Grand Mate (& Canyon), 7. ireland, 8. Decipher Reflections from Reality, 9. qui danza, 10. young love, 11. she loves without holding back: dreams with everything she has, 12. Lullie Vintage
I thought this project was so cool, although it took me forever. I like how yours is so moody and misty, many grays and blues and beiges. Mine is surprising to me a little, but it is definitely a portrait, full of the energy of deeps and brights, and yet a stillness. I still haven't figured out exactly what it is saying about me, but I like it.
i had fun with this too, heres my link:
This was a fun's mine..
these photos are so dreamy and yummy ethereal like you, in fact i thought the b&w one of the girl with the camera was you.
I want to play!
word up on James McAvoy.
How stunning is yours, love it!
I did one of these a little while ago...
Absolutely Beautifullllllllll!~M
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That was fun!
Mine is here:
I decided to play too.
That was pretty cool! Unfortunately, right before I found my #12, my browser crashed and I had to start all over again! Ack!
Anyhoo, here's link:
~ Kim
giggle - I wondered where people were coming from & now I know! Yours is so you! I love it!!
I got your message & will email you when I get home from work tonight - all is well!
yours is you to a T, absolutely, and i'm still swooning over James McAvoy. Scottish men are so hot :-) i just played too...
yours is lovely!
this was the perfect task for my mood so thank you for your inspiration...
here is mine
i love how your meme reflects you, all the colors and swirliness and romance that is you. yours finally made me jump in. mine is up if you want to check it out. :)
Thank you - this was a really fun distraction for me today!
here is my mosaic
I love this and reposted on my own blog. Here's the link to mine:
okay, i played...
that is absolutely breath-taking and of the most beautiful sets i've seen. Wow! I'm so inspired to try. It looks like it's straight out of a magazine...only better because it's so personal. I love it!
Thanks for passing this along! I love your #1 the best.
Here's mine:
hope you let me know when you are coming to ireland!
Love it sweet boho girl. Thank you again for inspiring me.
Too fun (and a bit addicting)! Here is mine
Thanks for sharing xo
Mine's kind of funky and fun and tweeked. Hmmm...yep, that's me.
this was so much fun!
this was too fun, i had no choice but to play
I couldn't get it to work-- maybe I have too few photos or something. :P
I love your mosaic though and I am happy about the dancing you are doing! I used to love to dance- I thought I was a Solid Gold dancer back in the day- so much fun!!
This was fun. Thanks.
I caught it from Ony...
Yours is so beautiful!
This is mine:
This was fun. Thanks for sharing !
I loved this!
Lots of fun - thanks!
very fun!
So glad I dropped by your blog - this was great fun - it's amazing how different they all are!
I played, too... just thought I'd let you know that I found yours by tracking back through two people to get to you (and seven more after that)! Everyone's linked on my blog. :)
:D So, on my 4th try- I'm slow sometimes- I got this to work. Here it is on my blog.
This was great fun and thanks for showing us this. xo
Thanks for all of the instructions. I really enjoy your blog. I did it on mine as well.
Hi BoHo Girl,
Great inspiration for a rainy tuesday morning...
I'll be back again,
This is such a great idea. I've had a lovely lazy time looking through all of the images to pick my favourites.
Here is mine:
I know it was ages ago and you may never read this but I have just done this and i am feeling really pleased with myself
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