client cards and things*

announcement front (left) and back (right) ~ click for larger view
I'm having way too much fun with these! I'm wanting to provide my clients with an option to have cards, announcements, invitations, etc...designed by me for special occasions (or just because they need stationary).
This one above I worked on this weekend and I'm still working on other styles for them. There's something so restoring about putting earphones on at the computer and listening to some groovy tunes while feeling inspired to create.
I've been in a bit of a funk lately and this has been my ticket out of funkland. This and the Olympics. ; )
More soon.
it looks lovely, and what a wonderful idea as a service for people too...
we have been enjoying the olympics too, stay up way too late at night watching. Especially the rowing, my daughter is a keen rower and New Zealand is doing well so far...
Hope you get your funk back...
Hi Denise! I am not sure whether or not you remember me from Jr. H.S. and H.S.~Jayme Callaghan. I stumbled across your myspace page off our GHS page and then I stumbled across your website. I read a little of your most recent blogs on Tuesday and kept thinking about them, knowing you were going through some pretty heavy things. So, Wednesday I started reading from the beginning and finished today. You are like a fantastic book...I could not stop reading. I too am on the fertility journey so it is unbelievable how connected I felt to your story. I too have a fantastic marriage~so why are we not able to show our love with the ultimate gift of creating a new life? My journey briefly ~ trying since December 2003, tried Western and Eastern (acupuncture, herbs, diet) medicine, tried IUI 3X with no luck, and heartbreakingly in June, we did IVF and it didn't work. I have such a heavy heart some days. So many times while reading your story I was brought to tears. You have inspired me so much~I need to live in the present, JOURNAL, and have faith! So, thank you! You have acquired a new reader and fan! Hope and faith to you and your boho boy! Hugs! Jayme
what a wonderful compliment to your photography. i like. i think it's a good idea.
glad you've found ways to get you out of the funk. i think the Olympics are good medicine indeed!
these are perfect! i am so happy that you have some outs from funkland. i love learning about others funk busters. i am still into the iced chai latte. the little sugar/caffiene buzz helps!
love to you and i bow to your amazing creative self!
Those are just the sweetest cards I have ever seen. I love them. My dear you are truly talented. Continue following your heart.
i admire you for finding such a creative way to de-funk!
oooo, i'm loving watching men's swimming & michael phelps!
This card is divine! I would want one to celebrate these two treasures!!
I've been enjoying the Olympics too- the best was Bush patting Misty May- Treanor's backside - so funny!
great job! so much fun! you never cease to amaze me.
Unfortunately funk is part of life. I have felt it a lot too. But the best part is when you feel the joy of bouncing back!
Love the sillhoute (spelling?) pic of the boys. So lovely...
Lovely! I hear yah...if I'm not plugged into my music (and coffee) then there is no creativity flowing.
did you add the text or did the client? if you did, in fact, put the "totally two" line and the quote on there yourself, then REALLY you should market this as part of your service, DEFINITELY. i would make yourself searchable for personalized photo cards. i'd order them!
Yes, Renee...those are my words on the card. Thanks so much...great idea. ; ) xo
They are amzing! What do you listen too?
Music I am and oh so curious! :)
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