Four Years*

our wedding day, photo by robin nations
Happy Anniversary, my love.
Last night, as our home filled up with the smell of incense, I looked down at you from the loft above. I saw you sitting on the couch, with the beautiful curls from your hair sticking out behind your ears because you're growing your hair out. You were talking on the phone with your best friend and I smiled hearing your Canadian accent come through. Always happens when you talk with him and hear his. The kitties were curled up near you. You were laughing and glowing. My heart just totally swooned like a school girl peeking at her crush around the corner. I love that four years later...I still feel so in love with you. In that moment, I felt truly, truly happy to the core.
Thank you for marrying me by the sea four years ago today. I'm a lucky girl.
Happy Anniversary to my favorite boho couple. You two embody love like no other and I feel honored to know you both. I heart all your wedding photos.
Sending you both love on this beautiful day.
happy anniversary! you two are boho BEAUTIFUL!
there is nothing like {real} love to make you feel fulfilled.
i know a "koala hug" from my husband always chases the blues away and, no matter what else is going on, makes me feel the luckiest girl in the world xx
Happy Anniversary!
Hope you guys have a great day...
such a lovely post...
i love this post.
happy anniversary!
*isn't that belly butterfly love thing just the best - i still heart so much looking at my man and feeling like my heart is skipping a beat!
happy 4th,
Happy Anniversary to the cutest couple ever! xo
Hey boho boy and ocean were both in my thoughts today.......Actually all day......I wish and manifest 4 x 400 years of years of wonderment in the reality of "LOVE" and "ADORATION"...........I remember this day so well.......I am the proudest brother and brother in law the world will ever god my excitement for you both was so overwhelming...........I am proud and honored.........may you both celebrate nakedly on rose pettles in candles ......and within the bliss of two human souls CONNECTED in love and partnership........I am proud you both are living examples of what soul mates SHOULD BE.....
May peace love and friendship be remembered you celebrate as NEO Adam and Eve........I love you both very much...Jon-Erik and the Ghozt.........NAMASTE........:-)
Wow cant beat the post above!!
Happy days to you both.
its mine on sunday.. 8years married.
Love is a beautiful thing.
lorraine uk x
happy anniversary!
hope today is full of little surprises..embraced in love!!! at the sea....another reason why you love the sea just as much! xx
May the sea gently embrace your united hearts; may the well wishes of yesteryear bloom into beautiful daisies of tomorrow; may the connection you and your hubub share flower all the more fragrantly in the days to come. Happy Days Boho Girl,
Your fan,
... and i think he's one lucky boy too!
your love story warms my heart. happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Your guys' love makes me smile.
You are beautiful! I love reading your's blessed and inspired me in many ways.
Much love,
a million happys on your anniversary.
Happy Anniversary gorgeous...I miss you.
happy anniversary. i only hope i can find a timeless love like yours in my future.
happy anniversary. It is so easy to celebrate such an inspiring union.
love you!
happy anniversary!
i am so happy
for your
and wish you many more years
of it
happy anniversary!
i am so happy
for your
and wish you many more years
of it
Happy anniversary!
This was so sweet...Happy Anniversary!
Boho Girrrl: I get in so much trouble when I click on strange links.
Yours sites spoke to me. Your photography is special. Your blog even better.
How is it so many women, it seems, are into photography & are so goooood at it!!?
Special websites need special mention so I'm adding you to my blog links. I trust you won't disappoint -hohoho, BoHo!!
Of all days to find you - when your latest post is on your anniversary! Congratulations! I wonder if he fully understands just how lucky he is to have sumone so special who loves him...
2 peas in a pod- you were both made to love each other x
Happy Belated Anniversary my loves......
Swooning here over the two of you
This is truly what makes the world go round...Happy Belated Anniversary to you both...
hello there : )
my names julia and im am jsut starting my senior year of highscool..
i was looking up people to take senior pictures and your website came up and im so glad i found it. you inspire me so much i cant stop reading. i only i wish i could be jsut like you. you remind me of the old me, so upbeat & happy to be alive, totally into art and photography,& so completly genuine and sweet. these past couple of years i have complely lost that part of myself..I used to have so much confidence( i even used to to do beauty pageants) now i dont have an ounce of confidence left in me and rarely feel beautiful. This year has been tough, my parents are struggling with money, i have experienced quite a few deaths, and also i dont drink im saving my self til marraige and im a nice girl.. highscool these days are rough and arnt exactly so accepting of that. i have become so shy and unsure of who i am ( something im not used to) luckily i have the best friend in the world for 12 years now and my parents, they support me no matter what and surround me with their love but sometimes its hard not to feel alone. Im also such a hopeless romantic and every guy that has liked me is a total jerk i hope i can find love like yours ( im the biggest hopeless romantic) But i wanted to for real tell you your blogs bring a huge smile to my face and many tears ( good tears) good to know that there are people out there who are as kind as you are. you have helped me find that old me loud and fun and outgoing but at the same time sweet and gentle.. i jsut wanted to say thanks from the bottom of my heart : ) and sry this message is so long i jsut had to let you know haha
infinate X's and O's - julia
Happy Anniversary. I've been reading your site for a while now. What a coincidence that we have the same anniversary, 8/14/2004.
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