hope and release*

em, canon digital rebel xti
This week I've been bitten by the sore throat, achy body bug and have had no choice but to slow down and rest. I've been quite busy preparing for Squam and tying up loose ends so that when I leave on the 9th for the trip, I can take a deep breath and be able to completely absorb what is transpiring around me by the lake.
I tend to have guilt surrounding the idea of me resting during the day. When I woke up this morning with a throat that burned so badly that I couldn't swallow, I let go of that guilt. Boho Boy made me an icy chocolate banana egg white protein shake before he left for work and now I lay here in bed while the icy drink sooths the burn.
This quiet time the last few days has been what I have needed to ponder some feelings that are surfacing about my journey. A beautiful soul guided me to the book Spirit Babies
I needed this hope.
So, today I am going to read through the book, rest, take naps, listen to a podcast by the author, create new playlists...all from my cushiony bed. Since Squam is around the corner, I truly want to feel 100% and this means resisting all the active things I am tempted to do today.
This photo of Emily above emulates the hope and release I feel in my heart today.
Hello dearest! I unexpectedly spent the day with you! I was reading Christine's book today & there YOU were! Giggle!
I'm sorry you're sick. Sink in and let yourself heal as much as you need - I wish I could go to Squam with you - but I'll SEE you shortly after that - eeeeeeeeee!!!!!
every time i read or say squam, in my mind i say squam-a=long-a-ding-dong...so silly.
i've been making lists and starting to gather art supplies and making music lists for the journey north.
feel better.
Such lovely shots of Em. You captured her spirit. Do feel better.
oh baby-I wish I was there with you to pamper you.
I am so happy at least I get to connect with you on the phone but being with you is even better:)
can't wait to see you in a little over a week.
i hope you feel better very very soon. squam is going to be magical for all of us.
Cuddle, rest, relax. Sickness is our signal to slow down and put the busy-ness aside for a bit.
i love hearing about how everyone is preparing for squam...knowing that the experience will change our lives forever. the anticipation is marvelous! hope you feel better soon...enjoy your sweet rest.
I am a new reader of your blog and I have really enjoyed what I have read so far! You are a very enlightened soul with such a warm spirit. Your words and your photography are lovely.
Please honor your body by taking all of the time that you need to heal. Sometimes our bodies slow us down when our minds try very hard to keep us running too fast. I hope you feel better soon!
I echo the thoughts above and hope that you are feeling rested and better as a result of taking the time to look after yourself - inside and out.
And I also wanted to say "Thank you!" for the exquisite photograph that arrived in my post this weekend. So beautiful! I am delighted to give it a new home and will enjoy the emotions it evokes every day :)
Kindest regards
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