Ordinary Sparkling Moments*

"Ordinary Sparkling Moments", limited hardcover edition by Christine Mason Miller
The other day I received a package in the mail that I've anticipated for months. My dear friend has poured her entire heart and soul into this book and to have it in my hands felt like a precious treasure. This was the first time in my life when I have been really close to someone that has gone through this entire process from beginning to end. Learning all of the many steps needed to accomplish this gave me a whole new appreciation for this vulnerable, yet empowering path an author takes.
Each day since I received Swirly's book, I've carefully read a few pages at a time. Each page is an art piece in and of itself and I soak up every morsel. My heart swells with pride and awe of how she has been so absolutely raw...wide open...for the world to see. I told her that lives will change the moment they begin to read her story...and I have learned from others that have read through these pages that it is indeed true.
This book came into my life at the most perfect time. One of the first things I read...
"I am finding myself once again.
She is waiting with open arms."
The image of this inspires huge spilling tears each time I imagine my true self, waiting to embrace me, as I take baby steps closer and closer towards her.
If you are in need of inspiration that feels so in reach...know that it is here, in the pages of my beautiful friend's life book.
edited to add: for those of you inquiring on where to get a copy, she is selling them on her website, as well as in her Etsy shop.
i have been taking mine everywhere with me so i can get a few pages in here and there... even in the bathroom.
i have shed many tears reading her story ~ i find a familiarity in her words... a love letter to her journey.
beautiful in every way.
Oh! I can't wait to get mine!
i think my book is on the way...
can't wait!
just the previews pages were absolutely gorgeous :)
Ooh... I just can't wait to get mine, oh yeah, since I am getting laid off in nine working days, I have to wait. But I am counting my pennies until I have enough to get it!!
Where oh where do I get a copy?
oh! I just got mine today! :) I'm in such awe of our friend Swirly! Such talent and such a warrior spirit for making it happen! I feel so blessed to have this book as my companion from here on in my life. xo
I finally got my copy yesterday and read it from cover to cover...tears streamed down as I read her inspiring story. Of course I will read it over and over and over again. Your photos in the book are just gorgeous! xoxo
I ordered Swirly's book and cannot wait for it to come in the mail. It looks so delicious. I am also really looking forward to SQUAM and getting to meet Christine myself. It is going to be an amazing weekend. Although I am very nervous about going because I don't concider myself an artist. Will your inspiring soul be at SQUAM as well?
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