boho girl vlog {2}

new dark hair, canon digital rebel xti
click once to play
A sweet friend of mine blessed me today with much darker hair. She is an artist with color and I love to watch her work and get in the zone. Another stylist walked up to us to watch and she was 7 months pregnant. I asked if I could touch her belly and she lifted up her shirt for a skin on skin contact. I swooned over her stretched tattoo. When she walked away, my friend stroked my shoulders and said "you are so strong..." and I got all weepy.
I did feel strong today.
Then I came home to a soft wind blowing from our veranda. A wind that smelled like coconut and flowers. I wanted to share it with you. In the background, you can hear children playing in the water. This next weekend Boho Boy and I are going to plant a lot more flowers and hang prayer flags out there. I'll be sure to show you.
My recorded footsteps are inspired by my soul sister love...Jen Gray.
I MUST invest in a real video camera soon so my vlogs will be much clearer for you.
dear blog reader kerilyn...i am unable to respond to your message inquiring about photographers in your area because the email address you sent to me through my photography website is not working. please send me the correct email so i can get that info to you. thanks so much!
your new hair is yummy
i hope for you that soon your tummy will be gorgeously stretched and caressed by admiring hands
ooo! i love your hair!
and i love your vlog!!
thank you for the affirmation from the other day. i'm still holding it for us both.
love love love, kath
i love your new v-logs!
can't wait till the day you invest in a video camera so we can watch {you} caress your growing mama belly! i feel it's coming soon... xx
Love your new hair and that beautiful scarf!
If you're just looking for simple in a video camera, I came across this link yesterday -
I really enjoy reading your blog!
Your hair looks very pretty!!
You are so strong and I am so moved by that story.
Thanks for sharing the soft delicate breeze with us. :)
*coming out from lurking closet*
hokay, i just have to say... yay denise! love your new hair, love your vlog, love your cat, love your sweet voice, finally we know what you sound like *smile*
sending lotsa love your way! :)
YOU ARE STRONG Denise :) And I celebrate that with you and others who are achieving that! Am working on being stronger myself in various areas of my life and I personally find that I am getting stronger as I get older and learn from the good and bad experiences in my life and am not sweating the small stuff as much as live and learn.
Like the dark color...pretty hairband too :)
I'm trying to reconnect more with the playful and experimental side of me...maybe going for highlights or a funky shade of red this week. We'll see...
Much positive vibes to you and your visitors who transmit beauty, serenity, strength, inspiration through the posts I read here...
xo glo :)
you are strong and brave and gorgeous and have the yummiest collection of headbands i have ever seen!
I just went dark again too. There's something... empowering about it.
One of my favorite songs includes the sounds of children playing in the water under the instrumentals... timeless.
This Marmie loves your new hair color and to hear your voice makes me miss you even more. Love the veranda and the table that Amber was sitting on. Much love and affection flowing in your direction.
Love Marmie
What a lovely soft voice you have Denise. A pleasure to listen to :-)
Ahh! You are so beautiful!
When I checked my Bloglines account and saw that you had a new post, I secretly hoped it was a new video blog. I love when my secret wishes get answered. :)
It was so sweet to see your kitty sitting pretty and watching nature and to see the gentle wind blowing on the flowers. Thank you for sharing. This is fast becoming my favorite feature of your blog.
What a young girly voice you have!
i love your video blogging!
love this and love the hair! i could listen to your lovely voice all day long :)
These vlogs are sooo new to me.....its so great to put a voice to your blog.I admire your courage in trying something new and the braveness with which you face things in your life.
Luv the hair too x
Very hot indeed! I am so loving that new colour on you, Yummy Yummy.
I am feeling inspired with your vlog's, maybe one day I'll pop them up on the interweb, to share with everyone.
There is something very peaceful you have going with your self portrait on this post.
Loving you always,
Big hugs, Toni
I adore your vlogs!
The hair so lovely. I've always wanted darker hair and everytime I try something is just not right. You have it nailed though, just gorgeous!
Your hair is gorgeous!
Your headband is making me wish my head wasn't so angled (can't keep them on)
and Your vblogs are making me wish even more we could someday meet. :)
Your voice is sweeter than I ever imagined...
oh, and i have a song on my blog today that I thought you might connect with... (weepy alert!) :)
Great photo ,great hair.
Have a blessed day lorraine uk x
You were in my dreams all night. It was funny--nothing in particular, but you were just around. Maybe because I watched your vlog?
hope you have a great day:)
it is nice to hear your soft and sweet...thank you.
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