
mati rose, canon digital rebel xti
Savor. To appreciate fully; enjoy or relish. ~ American Heritage Dictionary
What are you savoring today?
Denise Lynnette Andrade :: Photographer of Artists * Writer * Designer * Wife * Mother * Daughter * Sister * Friend * Bohemian * Tree Hugger * Seeker * Gentle Warrior
your amazing artist portraits!!!!
sign me up!!!!!!!!!
i am savoring cooler weather, true love, and changing colors....
mati...i dig her. she gives the best hugs. i love the gyspy view.
i savor the excitement of an event i am about to host tomorrow, trying to fully be in my courage and power!
happiness and freedom
savoring the gray*ness that is today in my city and in my heart...allowing for this, too, to teach me.
That I have a whole day to do with only as I please, with no plans or clock to have to refer to... That I can sit here and enjoy my coffee in the morning sun, reading my favorite blogs, and not have to rush to the next part of my day...
x e.
savoring my lovely friends...I just wish they lived a little closer :) xoxox
girlfriends. however far away they all are, i feel them close to me in my times of grief. i'm savoring true friendships and true sisterhood.
spring sunshine.
being home alone...
Freedom... the possibility of starting over and being done with an unhealthy relationship. I'm savoring my dreams of starting over in a small cottage in a new town.
today its the chicago fall weather,
leaves beginning to drip with color,
getting pinked in the head by acorns,
crisp cool evenings,
apple orchards and pumpkin farms...
i totally savor this time of year,
i only wish my friends could share this with me.
Hands of nature
wild and flowery,
pigments express
colors of the heart
flowing to canvas
through supple fingers.
My marriage. I asked my husband of 14 years to marry me today (I bought new wedding rings for us).
He said YES!
paul newman...
I've been reading your blog for awhile and just tried to befriend you on myspace, but i wasn't able to because I have a music page.
Anyway, thanks for sharing.
My page is
corn... i'm proud of the 14 bags i did today. i love to freeze fresh fruit and veggies so i can enjoy them in the winter months.
warm sunshine, cool breezes, my family:)
I am savoring the little chat and big laughter we shared today. What a bright spot in my day. xo
the new colours of the leaves.
i am savoring
the grooviness i feel
when i read your blog
and a third(!) cuppa afternoon coffee
Reaching out for help when I need it. And enriching my mind with love and caring.
the sense of hope which is blossoming in my heart once had disappeared for a while there.
spice jars and mango lassies.
hugh making us dinner tonight!
love you,
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