
jonatha brooke, canon 50D
I can't believe its been a week since I've written. Goodness...I know so many of you are on this journey with me and wondering when the heck I'll be posting the photo of our Boho Baby! I didn't mean to linger with details. I've been recouping from a cold that has taken a lot energy from me and has caused sleepless nights, which I know I'll have my fill of soon but oh how I need to soak in the Zzz's now in order to get better.
K had an appointment today and she is still 4cm but now 80% effaced. We are trying to get an inducement date scheduled but she may have an infection and if she does, they will not induce right away. We are now waiting for those results to come back. K and baby are fine, this is nothing serious but just a precaution.
This week I have felt very tender but have chosen to be quiet with my tenderness. My dear husband darkened the room for me tonight while lighting candles, making me tea and playing soft music. He always knows what I need. I wish I could be more articulate but my head is pounding and words are not coming as easily as I had hoped. How can I describe the billions of thoughts that flow through my mind in anticipation for all that is to come? Just know I am laughing one minute and crying the next and hoping that my loved ones have patience during this vulnerable time.
Jonatha was in town this past weekend and we put aside time for a spontaneous, inspired and intimate photo session. I wanted to share the first few photos I've worked on. She soothes my soul...
so good to see you post. sorry for the yuckiness of a cold. hoping you feel better soon.
...waiting. :)
glad you are feeling better!
and these photos are truly breath~taking!
Thanks for the update. I can't believe how wrapped up in your baby adoption I am. I am so excited for you, but can only imagine how much anticipation you must be feeling.
What stunning photos. The top one is amazing!!
Rest up honey a bundle of joy is headed your way. I am so excited for you and cannot wait for the very first photo.
Hope you feel better very soon!
Sending much love, healing thoughts and good vibes your way.
Jonatha is GORGEOUS! What an artist you are!
you're amazing in so many ways...
we all love you!
Get well, and get lots of sleep.
Ms. Brooke looks incredible. You have talent beyond anything I've ever seen!
beautiful work.
Really lovely photos!
Take as much time and space as you need...
we'll be here!
been thinking about you. the photos are incredible. your words are beautiful. i can relate to what you wrote but on a totally different realm...and today i cried.
Take really good care of yourself now, and lets otehrs take care of you as well. You'll need it because what's coming up will require a lot of energy.
I love your pics!
Love the subdued, soothing colors in the photos. Very calming!
You know these are all very common emotions prior to birth? Please rest and be well, the time is coming near, I know you feel it in your a heart. My friend is a doula and we were just laughing about how pregnancy is only preparing one for pregnancy. There is an illusion that we are readying ourselves to become parents. The two states of being are very different. Enjoy the last few moments of pregnancy (yours and K's,) of anticipation, of dreaming and imagining. The lovely reality will soon be in your arms, and you will have entered yet another very sacred space.
take care of your thoughts...and know that there are many more on this path with you than you will ever know.....
and the pictures of jonatha...stunningly beautiful !!
I am counting down the days until I see her here in concert on dec.3....I can't wait !!!.....yet having her up close and personal at squam will always remain special in my heart....
Not to worry Boho Girl, your little Angel will be in your arms before you know it! Be patient, he is worth it. You are so amazing!
Remember to be patient with yourself in these coming days. New motherhood is filled with emotional ups and downs, many of them coming out of the blue. It's all a part of this process of stretching and growing your heart.
Hug your husband tight, whisper words of comfort to each other, and sit in as much silence as you need. You are parents. Your world is changing in ways you never could have imagined.
What you're feeling is normal and beautiful and sacred. I am filled with hope and joy for all of you.
Why do I check your blog 5 times a day? Sheesh! I guess I am just so happy for you.
your words and feelings are totally and completely those of an expectant mother!! ((hugs)) oh, the happy, spiraling unpredictable--- you will be whispering it all to your baby soon.
lovely photographs, you talented momma.
peaceful dreams in this precious time. :)
* beautiful *
oh d......we are all on this journey with you and I have had similar feelings lately. So much going on in my head that I don't feel I could give them justice if I tried to put them on paper.
Just know that we are here....hoping you are well soon and hoping that the waiting comes to an end and that you feel nothing but bliss when you hold that little boy in your arms. :)
We are here for you.
Take all the time you need.
Thank you for the update. You are so good to take great care to gear up for baby. Beautiful photos.
Perhaps you'll be getting life's most incredible gift on Thanksgiving!
Amy Godwin
Your photos of Jonatha are incredible. Wow!
I'm thinking of you.
Jen Diamond
we are all waiting with you, and sending quiet, gentle, patient, loving thoughts.
(and secretly wishing boho baby would just get a move on already!)
Jonatha Brooke is obviously a beautiful woman, but I think these are easily the best photographs of her I've ever seen. Seriously.
please feel better soon & do get rest.
your photos always make me feel tender. like peeking into the soul of another. something really touching captured in each one. loving it.
i am looking forward to seeing this wonderful, magical little warrior soon to come.
love to you both.
Oh those portraits.... wow.
Your art is so moving. It touches me to my core.
& yes, rest now, while you can :)
Sounds like a beautiful serene space you have created for your baby to come home to.
with my first child i had the exact stats that K has... for three full weeks. i will say that i think it was an easier delivery because of it.
i'm hoping that both of you can get feeling well before the blessed day. it's all gonna rock. i promise.
loving you girl.
oh! and linger is my favorite jonatha song.
you've captured her SO perfectly. these are the most beautiful shots of her i've ever seen! (well, jen gray's rock too ;-D)
holding you in the light of lovingkindness. all will be well.
gorgeous shots of jonatha. I saw her in alexandria, virginia a few weeks ago.... she's fabulous!
oh yes, i know the billions and trillions of thoughts going through ones mind...all the time with you love! all the time xx
i just came upon your blog a few weeks back. actually on the day you announced the whole adoption. i'm so excited to hear all about it.
on another note i almost fell off my chair when i saw the pictures of jonatha brooke! we saw her several years back in minneapolis and i was/am such a huge fan. such a small world that i would happen upon your blog only to find that you are friends with her!
best of luck on your adoption. cannot wait to hear the rest of the story!
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