photos of our sweet Cedar*

(taken with camera phone)

(taken with camera phone)

Just arrived home from the hospital a few hours ago. Home meaning our hotel. We are in our little love bubble. Trying to sleep while Cedar is sleeping and eat and play when he is awake. So far we are in awe of how simple he is. He only squeaks when he is hungry and the other times he just looks around the room and marinates in us (as we gaze at him inches away from his face).
We are madly in love. Truly, madly, deeply.
In a few days we take him back to the pediatrician here for a check up regarding his bruised face from the birth canal, as well as making sure his jaundice is getting better. Will share more soon.
We are so grateful for all of your support, love, enthusiasm, tears, joy and for feeling it with us as we know you've all walked the very long path to our son right by our side. Warm hugs to each of you.
Warm hugs right back at you.
What an adorable young man you have. I can hear the fairy singing and know that with his first laugh another fairy will be born in his honor.
Fairy blessings,
I love his little "loved" outfit! I also love how blissed out you two are in the photos and the stories you share about your time right now.
hugs to the Boho Family,,thankyou for having us with you, enjoying such a personal loving time ,,beautiful photos,,, daddy looks a bit tired:) Love XXXOOO Carole
He is so beautiful and you are all truly blessed... may god bless K. and T. as well for their love, strength and selflessness...
Cherish every single moment of every single day... because in a heartbeat he'll be starting kindergarden and you'll be wondering where the years went... :)
he is amazing.
my first baby had jaundice. we had to wrap him in the light blanket. he was a little 'glow worm'. many trips to have his tiny heels poked for blood work.
wishes for a speedy recovery for cedar.
you are in my thoughts.
loved he is...he is beautiful...and I am really digging his name...sending you lots of love and strength, Jessica
you all look so happy and in bliss! what an amazing time. my son had a bit of bruising after the birth as well. I rubbed a bit of arnica ointment on him and then took him to a cranial sacral therapist. Both worked wonders. Cranial sacral is a lovely therapy for babies since it is so gentle. Hope this helps.
Enjoy every moment--they go so fast...
i can feel the warm sweet all the way accross the country. so tender and perfect. so beautiful -thank you for sharing these moments with us on your magical journey. huge love -- debra
oh my where have i been!!! such fabulous news!!! congratulations!!! i'll keep this short, eventhough i have so many words to share with you... my little daughter will be 18 months soon and so much has happened since her birth, such beautiful things, challenging things, but always things that have taught me a deep deep sense of love... she's the best thing! i hope you all are doing well with new little boho boy. if you're ever interested i can share with you a whole list of books that have helped me navigate new motherhood, that have given me beautiful insight on my new role and life...
hoping you all the very best and safe travels back home.
What a cutie patootie! I love love love the newborn stage. It was always pure bliss for me, as I can see it will be for you, too, for obvious reasons. Bask and enjoy. You two...I mean THREE deserve it!
Oh Denise...
He is just so scrumptous, isn't he? I so remember when my little one was that small. I miss that yummy warm cozy smell of little a little babe.
Just think- He is FINALY here. He will soon be in your house in California... You get to savor him every single day...What a lucky boy this little man is...
Sweet dreams tonight with your little one....or at least try to sleep... ;-)
~Jennifer xoxo
Isn't it amazing how small and perfect they are? Truly, madly, deeply is a perfect way to describe the love one feels for their Wee One. It doesn't seem like only 9 months ago we were holding our Precious One.
How wild is that?
How does it feel to have your dream come true?
So, so sweet. You both look full of bliss. Sleep, stare and be merry.
Oh how I remember those days. Both of my babies had jaundice, and they almost kept one of them... but it is generally nothing and will work itself out. It's something about a build up of bilirubin? they need to pee it out. gosh it's been a while, and my explanation is confused, but I'm sure it will be wonderful.
Oh it's all so wonderful
Boho Mama and BoHo Daddy,
Your Little Boho Angel Boy is in your arms and what a wonderful feeling and amazing journey you have had, and now it is just the beginning! Cedar is adorable! I wish you all and his birthparents all the love and happiness in the world. Peace be with you all. Enjoy your Thanksgiving! From one adoptive family to another, the Lord has blessed us with little Angel Boys!
i/we are madly in love, too.
What a wonderful Thanksgiving. He is beautiful.
look at those sweet cheeks! bet he's getting lots of kisses on those.
he's beautiful, thanks for posting these!
He is amazingly beautiful, as is your family... Congratulations!
keep sending the photos ma and pa. . .
oh how perfectly angelic he is.
he so belongs to you.
he fits just right.
hearing how happy you sound makes me heart totally exhale.
love you all
jen gray
he is so lovely as are all of you. go, go marinate in each other. hugs!
Oh, that brand new little baby is the sweetest face ever. Sending you all love. xo
He is just beautiful. You and boho boy are glowing. Enjoy this's beyond precious!
Sending sweet dreams, good vibes and much love your way.
so happy for you and that all your dreams are manifesting to reality. Can't wait to watch little Cedar grow.
Lovely just absolutely lovely.
I want to be sensitive about throwing advice at you, so inside of that...
Breastmilk can help with jaundice. Sometimes there are breastmilk banks or people who can help you find some. I had a child birth educator who was helpful in this. I also shared some of Eli's with a little baby who was adopted by some dear friends. I don't know if you know anyone near you who could share some with you but if you get frustrated it could be worth trying to make the connection. (I am guessing your birth mom is working on having her milk dry.)
Either way Cedar will be healthy and well as ever very soon. Enjoy your resting and nesting.
I'm so happy for you! I love the photo with the baby and his Daddy. Your boho boys. How fun. It really is like falling in love isn't it? I'm just so happy for you!!
Congratulations boho family...I couldn't be any happier for you! I squealed when I saw he had arrived and excitedly told my boyfriend who's been following your story through me. Enjoy your love filled days :) xo
Can't help to notice the peacefulness, awe (yes! I know that feeling - heart is so happy that we are experiencing this magic at the same time!), contentment, happiness...and an overall softness in your beautiful face!
Have fun! Teehee...and yes...your hearts are wide open...and you never ever imagine that you can love this much!
Big hug to you and Carsten...sweet dreams xx
what a beautiful, chubby, loved baby boy!
i love that smile that plays so gently on his lips...
You are such a beautiful family, congratulations again!
I have two children, and I find, when I sit down (reclined) and put them on my stomach with a blanket over them, it feels just like when they were inside.
Warm greetings from Switzerland!
he's gorgeous. so many hugs and congrats to you three.
he's gorgeous. so many hugs and congrats to you three.
This takes me back 15 years ago when we received our daughter and 8 years ago when we received our son. It is such a special time,enjoy every moment with your chosen child - parenthood has begun, you are now a Mom. Congratulations!!!
oh he is just so wonderful
as are you & your precious boho boy
.... and let ceder bathe nudey in the sunlight through the windows. It will help his jaundice no end.
I'm one of your "quiet" but faithful followers - this journey of yours has really touched me (how inadequate that sounds) and now I can sit here on the other side of the world and just feel your bliss (and of course, the wonderment and trepidation and everything other thing that I expect is passing through you at the moment).
Knowing you have the love and silliness and depth and everything else you will want and possibly need on this journey called boho family. XXXXX
Congratulations! I am so happy for you, and thank you for sharing this wonderful journey with us!
Isn't it amazing how much you fall in love with them. My heart still aches with the fullness of love sometimes when I catch a glimpse of mine (and they are 14 and 9). Enjoy every blessed moment.
cedar has a perfect rosebud mouth - i love that photo of his sweet lips. xo
back this morn for more glimpses -- thanks so much for posting -- i am loving every bit of this -- so thrilled for you! and i keep thinking of that ab fab marvelous name cedar -- on the road yesterday to get my girl at college for thxgiving i'd think of your cedar and then look up and see a sign that said cedar street, sturbridge and so on...he is just in time for your holiday season...lovelovelove and good wishes...
Congratulations beautiful boho family! :) What lovely parents you make. Little Cedar is a darling.
beautiful, beautiful cedar. he is so lovely.
the jaundice should go away on its own in a matter of days. my first boy had it too and i was recommended to let him lie naked for short spells (in a warm room) basking in the morning sunlight as it flows in through the window (something to do with sunlight triggering vitamin D absorption, i think). i really think it helped.
it's so wonderful just soaking in your pure new baby bundle!
He is beautiful. Congrats again
Boho Family, Congratulations!
You have waited a long time to be exactly where you are right now. Enjoy every moment in the present. Your new baby boho boy is beautiful!
Oh, look at those cheeks! Just perfect for smooching.
Enjoy these first few wonder-filled, scary, delightful, nervous, thrilling days as you get to know each other.
Sending happy wishes to your new family, as well as to K as she, too, begins a new journey.
Squee!! Yay!!! He's so handsome and cuddly!! I hope he's doing better soon- my nephews had a bit a jaundice as well and it seems to clear up well enough with sunlight. xoxo to all of you!!
wow! he is beautiful. bruised face and all. and that pucker is to die for!
Congratulations sweetie ~
He is beautiful*
He is so gorgeous! Enjoy every single second with him - I know you will. Congratulations.
Yay for photos of your sweetness!!
so handsome. so tiny. so sweet.
Love you so much. I can't wait to meet him.
these days are just precious, and so is your son. keep taking pictures and enjoying this fleeting precious time. can't wait to hear more! this is so exciting!
Could you possibly have ever imagined a better Thanksgiving?
God is truly great.
Love. love, love your new family! Congrats to all THREE of you! Super happy days ahead! Best to you and your family. (yeah, I said it.... you were already a family but now you are the family you wanted to be. A plus one.) :) Big happy smiles and love to you.
Rochelle, Sam & Samantha
those cheeks!
those little puckered lips!
his tiny shirt says it all...Loved.
You are a beautiful family.
yay! congrats, I'm getting teary over here, with so much joy for your family!!
I am so happy for you and your beautiful family. Thank you for taking time out to share.
I feel blessed to have read about your journey to parenthood. Thank you for sharing.
Cedar, is gorgeous.
am so pleased for you that he is here...
and thanks for the opportunity to be able to 'meet' him, he is so sweet.
oh, your son is beautifully sweet! love the way it looks like he has a halo of nature in the picture as he rests on bohodaddy. it is just perfect to notice that after watching his video gift from the fabulous fairy godmother. :)
enjoy the bliss!
Congrats on your beautiful new boy
oh gosh! so beautiful, so amazing! that love bubble is tangible.
much happiness to you three!
he is beautiful and perfect and that onsie in the last two photos is right on...I can feel the love from here and I've never even met you all.
congratulations on embarking on this amazing journey and thank you for sharing it with us.
awww .. he is adorable!!
I have been following your bloggy' for such a looong time and I feel sooo wonderful...just sooo wonderful for you and your family!
I can still remember that picture of you in your kitchen. Oh yes, I do because it inspired me to fix up mine ha!ha! In less than a couple of years there will be someone tugging at your pants as you go whip up something juicy in that pretty kitchen space of yours.
Love to all you :)
Totally crying tears of joy for you...and your beautiful family!!!!!!
Your family is beautiful. I am crying for you.
Blessings to you all.
Welcome to our world, Cedar!
Welcome to the world, beautiful Cedar ~ you are so deeply loved by so many already!
And happy happy happy mamahood and daddyhood to you deni & carsty... the most beautiful journey of love of all :)
Brightest angel blessings ~
there is just so much goodness here.
so much love.
i used to just lie next to liam and smell his head...inhale that sweet smell of his hair. i did that for hours while he slept.
i am so happy that you can feel this joy. all three of you.
What a lovely little Boho angel....
Such warm sincere love is coming from this pictures, they make me cry with joy.
Big hugs and love to you all,
P.S. did you receive my little gift?
So sweet :o)
he is so beautiful and you are all so beautiful together!
Denise, I am so incredibly happy for you, Boho Boy and the entire Boho Family...congrats on the arrival of your beautiful baby boy Cedar...
Denise: You are going to be a wonderful are sweet... gentle...wise...and full of love for your child. You have so much to share with this tiny new person... I can't wait to read more from you in your new role: Boho Momma :)
Cedar: Welcome to the are about to embark on this wonderful and crazy ride we call life alongside 2 wonderful parents who love you more than words can express. And may I also add that you have an army of cyber-aunties and uncles sending you blessings. God bless you sweet Cedar.
Denise: here is something you have to look forward to, and I can reall see a video just like this turning up on your blog! (this is a co-worker's granddaughter).
Congrats, and look at those chubby cheeks. awww. He is just perfect. I love your choice of name too!
And then there were three....
Love and hugs to the Boho family.
All is well with the world.
how cute is this site...just in case anyone needs to get cedar something special ;)
wonderful wonderful wonderful!!!
I am so happy for you-
The Cherokee people believe that the Creator placed the spirits of their ancestors in a tree created in their honor. This tree was the Cedar tree.
Tradition holds that the wood of the cedar tree holds powerful protective spirits. Many Cherokee carry a small piece of cedar wood in their medicine bags worn around the neck. It is also placed above the entrances to the house to protect against the entry of evil spirits. A traditional drum would be made from cedar wood.
Cedar is strong and powerful. You picked a wonderful name.
How is it possible to express the absolute delight this news brings me, and why does it feel so important to do so, when I don't really know you (except through what you share here) and you don't know me at all? But I AM delighted. And SO thrilled for you. And I'd like to let you know that... Congratulations!!! He's a treasure! Very good name too.
Bohos--And all was right with the world. Once again, the Universe smiled.
K and T are amazing. But so are all the Bohos...especially precious Cedar.
Amy Godwin
Olathe, KS
he is beautiful! congratulations and hugs!
He's so tiny… I love his little "loved" outfit too!
I keep thinking of a phrase in one of your earlier posts this year, where you were sitting on rocks somewhere near the sea. You remembered how it was to sit ans listen to what was inside of you. You said you heard a voice saying that he would come and that it was important that you would take care of yourself first.
And now here he is, boho baby, Cedar. I agree with Laundrygirl, how does it feel now your dream has come true… And I agree with Christine in Florida, may god bless K. and T. as well for their love, strength and selflessness...
Thanks for taking the time to share those beautiful photos and moments with us.
You are in my thoughts.
Oh he is sooooo adorable! xxox
Congratulations... he is beautiful
Love the Loved shirt. I'm "expecting" my first grandbaby soon. Can you tell me where the Loved tshirt came from? I would like to get one for our new grandbaby.
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