welcome to life, boho baby...

me and boho baby minutes after birth

the boho dudes a few hours after birth
Cedar Leonard Kroon
Born November 22nd, 2008
9:09PM PST
8 lbs 7 oz
He came just a few hours after we arrived. He waited for us. One hour after K's water broke, 9 minutes after she started pushing. Boho Boy and I cradling K on each side, arms around her back, hands holding hers. She was enveloped in our arms and we all breathed and pushed together in unison. She was a warrior through the non-medicated pain. He came just after a few intense pushes. My heart took off in flight when I heard his cry. He's beautiful...absolutely perfectly beautiful (with a purple/blue bruised face for coming out so fast...he will be pink in a few days).
We each have our own room here in this gorgeous brand new hospital. Rooms with a view. Sliding wood doors. Spacious. We hung white lights. The birth parents are next door so we can share the love. Cedar is with us in ours right now. Boho Boy is feeding him his third feeding since birth. It is 3:15AM and we cannot stop staring at him or one another. He's so calm and chill and beautiful. I miss him when I leave for a few minutes.
When I re-entered the room, Boho Boy said..."you are so beautiful" and when I watch him feed our child, I get goosebumps down my spine like a giddy crushed out school girl. We are falling more in love with each other and discovering a brand new kind of love for our son...together.
All in just a few hours. This is just the beginning...
Oh wow, I'm just sitting here crying at this post.
Congratulations to you all - I guarantee that you will have many many happy years ahead.
wohoo! I'm a lurker here, but just wanted to say congratulations!
congratulations !!
Love, peace, cheers and blessings. :)
pure happiness.
At last -
Been checking in everyday.
So happy for you three!
this makes me so happy for your family, truly.
three, it's a magic number.
much love. xo
beautiful girl...
i am so happy for you
and boho boy
and boho baby...
you will be a fantastic mommy...
Congratulations and an arms stretched wide "welcome to the world" to Cedar.
Lifetime of love to you and yours, you have a whole life to love one another but those first few hours burn brighter than the rest of your life.
Welcome Cedar to your new home! Can't wait to see more of you...
Denise, you're words are so reflective of new parents...so love-full...i remember that feeling...it will get even bigger and more beautiful, imagine that! No, you don't have to anymore...
Blessing to you and your new family.
Honest to god, I barely know you...I only know the "blog you"...but that gave me goosebumps and sent shivers down my spine!
Welcome Cedar, you have been loved for a very long time. You chose awesome parents, both birth and adoptive. You are going to have a life rich in adventure, spirit and fun.
My heart is too full to write much more than I am so happy for you all.
He's here! He's finally here!!
Oh, Denise - congratulations.
I'm crying my eyes out right now!! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations, all, on the birth of baby Cedar. He is a very lucky little boy!!
I can barely type through the tears :) They started to flow the moment I arrived at your page and saw that first picture of the two of you. It sounds so "small" given all that you have been through and all you have created but, Congratulations!! Now the real journey begins....
The birth of a child is the most beautiful pure emotion. It really is love in the making.
Congratulations and blessings on this day forward.
Lorraine uk
Wow! Awesome news - so happy that you made it just in time!
Welcome Cedar! Congratulations!!
OF COURSE he waited for you:) It's the way this magical fairy tale continues ... I am swooning and sighing over his pudgy little cheeks and that *hand*...sigh.
Congratulations to all of you. It was worth the wait!
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
Wishing you all so much love and luck and good health.
congratulations, and may i say, that is one fantastic name! i can't wait to hear the rest of your journey!
Denise, I've read your blog for a couple years now.
Your beautiful words & photographs have been theraputic for me as I've been on my own journey to Motherhood. For 3 years my Husband and I were on the rollercoaster of adoption. After a couple situations fell through, I felt so discouraged. Reading your words always made me feel better and helped me to continue on. Thank you for sharing your experiences!
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy! I'm sure you already know....He was worth the wait!
My Daughter was born this year also and our birth experience was similar to yours. We were with our birthmom all day as she labored and at 7:15pm on 6/3 our daughter was born. My husband cut the cord & I was the 1st to hold and feed her. We had our own room on the L&D floor where our daughter stayed with us. We were discharged from the hospital 24 hrs later and she has been home with us ever since. It doesn't matter to me that I didn't carry her, she is 100% my child. I'm sure you feel the same way.
Enjoy this new chapter of your life, it will be the best yet!
Oh, tears of joy. And I've never even met you! ;)
Congratulations to all the proud parents. What a dream come true!
Do tell the story about his name sometime!
-Vanessa (mom to 2 beautiful boys birthed at home)
I am so happy for you both. I am crying with you. I am praying that your little boy be blessed by God and protected by the angels.
Wow. What an incredible story. Welcome to the world Cedar!
Congratulations to the new Boho Mommy and Daddy.
I'm so glad for both of you. Do you see all of us virtual aunties huddled around, encircling you three, bursting with happiness for your joy?
Rebecca F.
I am so excited! Congratulations and welcome to the grace filled journey that is the adoption experience. Welcome, Cedar!
Wow! What fabulous news!! After all that waiting, the best possible outcome. Congratulations.
congratulations!! I'm so happy that you are all doing well. what a wonderful day!
a family is born!
congratulation to all three of you!
Welcome to the world Cedar! You're gonna love it here, with such beautiful and wise parents.
Congratulations and lots of love to all of you.
Congratulations Mama & Papa
This was such a nice way to start my day. Your son is beautiful. I too started crying as soon as I saw the caption and first picture. I love his name. I seem to remember that his middle name is the name of your husband's father.
I am not surprised he waited for you. It is obvious from looking at his pictures that he belongs in your family.
Love to you all!
Congratulations to you all!
Nice name you have chosen, Cedar,
welcome boho baby!
How are the birthparents?
I wish you all the best with your new life!
When I saw your post in my googlereader, I let out a big hurrah!
I'm so happy for you and your (now bigger) family.
Oh, the fun is just beginning.
I'm sending joy and sleep your way.(Because if new parents need anything, it's sleep.)
Welcome to the world of new parents.
Congratulations! Enjoy every moment!
I have been checking in daily with baited breath. Congrats to you with your new addition. What a wonderful start to life. I love his name as well! Looking forward to many beautiful baby photos in the coming days :)
I have been a reader for several years and feel as if I have been on this journey with you because you share of yourself so openly and honestly. I knew your baby was coming, but wondered how the magic would happen. You both had to be parents. Now that he is here I can't imagine any other entrance more perfect. He was channeled, created and called for from deep within you and Boho boy's love DNA. He did pass through you. This wee boy is so lucky. To have you and the wonderful Jen as fairy godmother to guide him through this lovely life. I am a lover of trees and adore the beautiful name you gave him.
So much to be thankful for...
Peace & Love!!
Tears are pouring down my face... I am unspeakably happy for you both.
Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey... your joy!
We all celebrate with you! Praise Jesus!
I cannot stop crying! Congratulations to the new family! This is such a fairy tale ending to this journey. Much happiness and love to you all and little Cedar!
Congrats!!! That is such wonderful news!!!!
Your son. You have your son!!! I am so incredibly happy for you and your little family.
Congratulations to all of you! And welcome to the world, Cedar.
O the love...he's here!
cool name, beautiful boy. happy day.
welcome to the world cedar...
happy birthday!
The end and the begining all wrapped in to one. Your life will finally be complete. I can't even imagine how content your soul is. Congrats
How wonderful Denise...
I am so glad that he waited for you. He is so beautiful. Have fun and savor all the wonderment!
With Love,
Jennifer xoxo
knew it would happen soon but when i checked your blog my heart skipped a beat when i read and saw the photos.
so happy for you right now. cedar is a sweet pea and you are and boho boy are brilliant parents.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I've been checking in regularly to see if there's been any changes!! WELCOME CEDAR!!!!
congratulations! what a beautiful name, an angel. so happy for you and family! sending you all lots of love! :)
welcome to the world sweet baby boy !!!! you are loved !!!
Tears in my eyes, Boho Girl. Congratulations to the Boho family. I can't express how happy I am for all of you. You are blessed, Boho Boy is blessed, and Boho Cedar is blessed. You are all blessed to have one another in so much love. Best of love to you.
Welcome to baby Cedar and congratulations to the boho family!
Cedar is a very lucky boy. Congratulations to you all. You deserve this happiness. Best of luck with adjusting to your new lives. With love xxx
Goosebumps, shivers and tears. What a wonderful day. Welcome, Baby Cedar. You are so loved.
All is right in the world! Congrats, Bohos. Thank you for sharing this journey with us.
Tears. Quiet rich delight in seeing your photos. His name. His tiny hand. Boho Boy's face. Your words. Not enough room in my heart or body for this explosion of emotion. This is the true heart news. How incredible, not to know you, but to be a part of this. The gift you've received, you then have turned and given to all of us. Thank you, from the source of my soul.
My heart lept when I saw that first photo! I'm so, SO happy for you. Welcome to motherhood!
I can not wait to watch you experience what you've been so wanting for so long.
And what a wonderful, WONDERFUL thanksgiving for you all this week.
Your birth mother is a wonderful, amazingly giving woman for doing this for you all. As a mother myself, she's in my thoughts much also.
Happy Birthday, sweet little Cedar! Congratulations--you are finally all here together. What an incredible Thanksgiving this year will be!
Congrats,what a Beautiful baby boy.Many happy days....
welcome to this beautiful world cedar!!!!
i'm so full of joy for you, reading these words and seeing these two beautiful pictures. so many congratulations to you both!!!
what a happy happy post to read first thing in the morning! congrats and many blessings boho family!
Thank you for sharing your story Denise. Thank you for filling me with heartfelt tears of joy for you, for Cedar and for Boho Boy. Congratulations.
Warm hugs and wishes to you all.
ahhhh!! =D
i've been reading your blog with bated breath... i'm so happy for you, mama!
best wishes for your family -
Tears are streaming ~ I'm so incredibly happy for you. When I first logged on and saw he was here, I was so afraid that you had missed the birth....I am so glad you were there and that everything went smoothly and that you have your own room with your beautiful new family. Congratulations from the deepest part of my heart! Can't wait to hear more.......
No one knows this more than you. No one is happier for you than me. Trust your life as it unfolds. It is too good to be untrue.
Oh. This is so beautiful and perfect. The love I feel is far beyond words.
Congratulations, dear, sweet, beautiful people.
Welcome to life, loved Cedar.
Tears of joy for all of you. I'm so glad you were all together to welcome your new son to this wonderful world.
The love you feel for your husband right now? Beautiful and inspiring. And, really, just the beginning of the wondrous ways your heart will stretch.
Welcome to the world, little man. It's a better place with you in it.
Congrats and Welcome to the world little Cedar!
Big fat tears splashing onto my keyboard. These pics are just magical and represent your entire journey.
I am so happy for you guys. Your blessed journey has just begun.
Welcome Cedar...you are the most anticipated and loved baby in the whole world.
Cedar!(I adore that name!)
I have been following your story for a few years now, landing here after lusting over Superhero necklaces, and wanted to say I am so very happy for you and Boho Boy! Your journey is only just beginning!
Adoption is a beautiful way to build your family, and I wish you all the best!!
congratulations!!! i am so incredibly happy for you guys. welcome to the world cedar. you have an amazing, blessed life ahead of you!
Many congratulations to you all. What a beautiful boy and a great name!
What a beautiful name for a magical new life. Heartfelt congratulations and hopes for a blessed future with the newest member of your family!
I've been following your blog for quite a while and have been breathlessly awaiting the arrival of your darling little one. Congratulations to you and to your family. He is one blessed little guy.
It was so very meant to be! Congratulations to your beautiful family!
Oh, my! At last, I am so happy for all of you. Blessed steps on this blessed journey. Savor every moment...
Wow! Such a long journey - such a dream come true. Makes me teary eyed - and VERY excited and happy and filled with an overwhelming sense of hope.
I am so thrilled for your family I am so blessed to have been able to follow on your journey. Welcome to the world Cedar. Welcome to parenthood Mom and Dad.
All is right in the world right now. I cheered out loud when I came across the news and tears ran down my cheeks. So very happy for you and your family.
Welcome to the world Cedar - you have the most amazing journey before you.
Congratulations mama, papa and son!!
Ohhhh at last... so so very happy for you all. Warmest heartfelt congratulations to all the bohos, much love and many blessings always xxx
Wow. Breathtaking. This is it! Everything you have been waiting for and blogging about has come full circle. There is a peace like no other when you hold your newborn child in your arms for the first time. Doesn't it feel amazing to be on a different path than the painful one you've been on for so long? I am ecstatic for you and your family! By the way, what a great name. Love it!
With love,
Congratulations! I have followed your blog for about the last year or so and I am so so happy for your family! I love love love his name! Soak it in! It has been a long time coming. Enjoy those squeaks and squirms!
i don't know if i have ever commented here before, but i have read your blog for about a year and half following your story. i had big, fat tears roll down my cheeks today. SOOO, so happy for you and your new little family. i am so excited to follow this new beginning.
congratulations, boho family :)
Like many loyal readers, tears of joy running down my face right now. Welcome to the world, beautiful Cedar. You are so blessed with such wonderful parents!
Congratulations. I am so happy for you all.
Boho Mama, Boho Papa and Cedar!
I am so happy for you all! So excited to read this post and to see the growth of your family. Sending all the love in the world to you all.
I am crying as I type - such joy for you all.
Congratulations! I am so very happy for all of you.
I am so incredible happy for your family, I sit here on the floor of a hotel room with tears streaming down my face. All is how it was meant to be.
I love the name, so natural and organic and what a lovely middle name. I'm sure Lennie, sweet Boho Grampa is smiling today ~ what a lovely tribute. Honouring your past, embracing your future.
Congratulations, what wonderful days ahead. Peace, love, joy, and plenty of hope.
What a beautiful day. What a beautiful family. I am so happy for you.
love love love
We love you so much lovely Boho Trio.
oh, mazel tov!!!! I am a total lurker here on your amazing blog, but like so many others, I have been hoping and wishing for you to have this moment. happy happy birthday, boho family!!! xoxo, lilia
Beautiful. Many many congratulations and wishes of joy to you all.
Congratulations to the Boho family and welcome to the world, Cedar!
congratulations to all of you...
sending blessings and love (as i type this through tears of joy like so many others who will hear this news today)
Oh, I gasped to see him, finally finally here! He's AMAZING. You are both so beautiful holding him - now I'm crying. So, so deeply happy for all of you. Oh, baby Cedar! We're so thankful you're HERE!
So many huge, teary, love-filled congratulations to you all! K is a truly amazing person.
Cedar is such a beautiful name. And it's so amazing and fitting and wonderful that he waited for you to arrive! Yes, this is just the beginning... and Cedar couldn't have gotten a better start. xoxoxo Vx
Dearest Boho Family,
I have followed you writings here for well over a year now. I have felt with you, felt so much. But in my shyness I have kept relatively silent. Today though, a well of joy has sprung up in my heart for you, your beautiful family. What an incredible journey this has been thus far, and what more joy is still to come! Congratulations dearest ones, may love and light cocoon you.
Most Sincerely,
Maggie Ann.
to the perfect boho family: this is just the beginning of the most beautiful and magnificent journey you will share together.
much love and HUGE congratulations to you all... welcome to the world cedar xx
A big, warm, happy congratulations! I've been following your story for sometime, and I can't wait to hear more about Cedar.
Magical! Wonderful! And he came on my birthday and made it more special for me too. Warm welcomes to little Cedar and happy wishes for the Boho family. xo
... and there he is, his little face peeking out to the world. So happy he is here, safe and sound and beautiful, so happy for you three... sending big love to you and CK ... and little CK! :-) xx
that is what this post exudes.
new beginning.
he is gorgeous.
Congratulations and Thank You for sharing this glorious time with me. I verily appreciate having your experience to add to my own birthing times. These times give meaning, strength, and cohesiveness to all else going on around me. No matter stormy or peaceful, yours or mine, birth experience always brings me center. I love reliving my own six beautiful birthing experiences. Job well done........
I have had such a stressful week....your wonderful, happy news broke the dam.....sobs!!....Congratulations Boho Family....what a blessed event!
Congratulations to you and your beautiful family. What a wonderful close to a long journey, and what a lovely start to the journey ahead...best to you guys. Enjoy this special time.
Congratulations Mommy!!!
SOOOO happy for you! When your page loaded, the tears immediately came. :-)
this is so wonderful. congratulations to all of you. what a beautiful name. welcome to the world cedar!
squeee! much congratulations to you all. enjoy.
November 22, 2007- last year - was Thanksgiving, and you wrote on 11/21/07: I am grateful for our baby that is yet to nestle into my womb and into our arms.
You could never have known what a wonderful journey you would be on and what route Cedar would choose. Just one short year later and he will be joining you for Thanksgiving this year!
i have been following your story for the past few years and have held you and your sweet family in my heart many times.
he is beautiful and is one lucky baby to have such a huge love bubble around him.
congrats and have a wonderful babymoon....
Congratulations! What a beautiful begining. I'm so happy Cedar waited until you and bohoboy were there by K's side.
sobbing happy tears for you.
congratulations! how perfect.
we don't know each other, but i'm way over in holland (by way of texas) and i'm so, so happy for you.
welcome to the amazing world of mommyhood. he is beautiful!!
Can't stop the happytears.
Enjoy, enjoy enjoy!
Denise - I have been reading your blog for quite a few months now and am overcome with joy for the Boho family :) Cedar is too beautiful for words .. the pictures absolutely glow with the love and happiness surrounding you all..Congratulations and I look forward to hearing more wonderful stories and seeing the gorgeous pictures to come.. xo
Amazing! Congrats you two! :-) xx.
i totally just cried. congratulations, mama!!! and to boho boy,too. motherhood is amazing and you are going to be great at it. ;)
Congratulations, Boho Family! I can't wipe the smile off my face. So happy for you! We said we would be mothers and now you are! I'm soaking up your joyous, maternal, paternal, family, loving vibes... and wishing you all the best!
congratulations boho family! welcome to the world cedar:))) what an adorable name and photo. i'm so happy for you all.
mati rose
wow I am so so so pleased and happy for your new family...
Oh, congratulations, Denise and Carsten! What an AWESOME name for the wee one, and he is just so charming. And just like that, you are a family. So, so, so happy for you both. You deserve this happiness. -Chan
I have been thinking about you guys, fingers-crossed that everything goes well and everyone is healthy. You are such a beautiful example of the modern family. Enjoy each other and thank you for sharing your journey with the world.
Congratulations!! I have been reading your blog for some time hoping that you would be blessed with a little one. I am so happy for you both.
Oh, congratulations! What an amazing, miraculous journey -- I'm so happy for you guys. Welcome to the adventure of parenthood, Mama (and Papa). :)
Congratulations from a longtime reader from Switzerland. I get all teary! I'm so so happy for you!
Oh, beautiful day! Many congratulations to you. May we all feel so held and loved as your little Cedar.
-Sarah (a Squam acquaintance :)
What a wonderful way to welcome such a special boy into your lives. He will always know how loved and wanted he is. Tons of happiness and love to all of you. Your entire beautiful family. Congratulations.
I'm so happy for you all!
I only know "you" from your blog, but congratulations! So much love and hugs to you & your family!
I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!
Finally!! All the best - you are a beautiful family already! :)
Much love form Germany! Sarah
Congratulations, Boho Family!
Welcome, Cedar ... love and blessings abound.
Happy Thanksgiving!
What a sweet, sweet Thanksgiving you will have! Keep the beautiful pics coming!
Welcome little Cedar! What a lucky little boy you are. Thinking of y'all enjoying this special time. Thinking of K too.
It sounds like it was a blissful experience...
Love and light.
It’s an indescribable happiness. Congratulations!
I'm so over the top with happiness for you. Congratulations!!!
How wonderful! Many congratulations to you xx
he's here...he's finally here. i'm sooo happy right now. congratulations to all of you. he's amazing.
Congratulations & welcome to the world boho baby. You make such a beautiful family - I am very happy for you.
Oh Cedar, dear little sir, do you know how much your are already loved? Clever boy. I suspect you do.
Much love to mama and daddy, and to the birth parents too, for peace in knowing that they've done a wonderful and right and good thing.
I am already salivating for more photos. :)
Yeah! Congrats to the new little Boho family.. many blessings to you all! :)
I have been reading your blog for about 2 years now- not commenting often enough...but I just wanted to pop in a say how very happy I am for you and your sweet little family! You have been in my prayers many, many times since I first stumbled upon your blog and I am so so grateful that you finally finally have your baby! Congratulations!
I don't know if I've ever commented here, but I'm a friend of Em Falconbridge. Love your blog and have followed your baby journey. I'm so happy for you...what a beautiful story. So glad you were able to be there at the birth. Wonderful. Enjoy the babymoon! xxoo
Boho''s the world is crying for YOU ..and beautiful Cedar (love that name) congratulations and love XXXOOO Carole
The angels sang and God danced as baby boho entered into your life. What a treasure you have and how loved he will be.
Congratulations to you all,
YES!!! this is amazing. i'm so happy for you three.
welcome to the world, Cedar! i hope everyone is happy and healthy. all my best wishes on this next step on your fabulous adventure. take care.
congratulations to all of you!! it would appear that your beautiful boho baby cedar and i share a birthday :) its a good day i think though i may be a wee bit biased ;-)
I've been checking every day too and as I looked for the familiar link of your blog I was thinking Baby Baby Baby and boom, and I knew it! So wonderful to see those pictures of the 3 of you. THE THREE OF YOU!!! How wonderful! I have been reading your blog for a long time but don't comment much... However, you have been in my thoughts and prayers and I am so happy for you, all 3 of you.
Oh my gosh! Congratulations to you all!I feel so grateful to be a reader of your blog and to be able to witness your stories - especially this one! Welcome to the world beautiful baby boy Cedar!!
Sending love from Mpls,
I am SO happy for you!!!! Congratulations :)
I've been checking in often as well. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. It has touched my heart deeply.
congratulations on the most humblingly, beautiful miracle that has occured in your life...thank you for bringing us all along on the journey, how truly selfless of you...welcome cedar!
Oh Beautiful D, I am so very happy for you! He is beautiful and so very loved! xoxoxo
I am so excited for you...can't wait to see more...love love love, Jessica
I can't believe you got over 150 comments the same day! I usually read through them so I don't repeat what anyone said, but... I CAN'T!
So, you've gotten this before... CONGRATULATIONS! My eyes got misty while reading this. I'm so happy for you. Absolutely, childishly happy. :-) And my little one, Lily says "hi, bobo baby" :-p
Hey, what can you expect? She's 3.
i can't tell you what it means to finally see photos of you with your babe in your arms. *sigh*
Cedar is amazing.
love you
love you
love you
Welcome to the world Cedar! You are so very loved.
What joy!
oh, you guys!
sending big big love, so happy for you all!
em xx
congratulations : )
from a long time reader, new commen-leaving friend. Big hugs to your family. x
Congratulations to all of you.
Can't wait to read about your lives together :-)
Awww, congratulations!! He was born on my birthday :)
OH MY! I go away for 2 days and this is what happens!!!!
He's so beautiful! YOU are so beautiful!!! Boho boy is beautiful!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name! A perfect Boho Name!
I'm so happy for you, Denise.
I am so happy for you both! Congratulations!
Boho Family!!!
So happy for this beautiful gift of life and love that has come into your hearts. Welcome Cedar!! He is so beautiful and he will be so loved in your family. What a joy to see your family expand. Many bright blessings to you..and Cedar...and Boho boy...
tears of joy! and big big love - welcome to this world Cedar - everyone loves you!
Ooo I am so crying right now. What a wonderful post to wake up and read. I am soooo happy for you, sweet gorgeous boho girl and boho boy and now boho baby, Cedar. These photos capture you all so well.
Congratulations to you all. Hope to meet and take a photo of you all soon,
Big hugs and love to you all,
oh so sweet, welcome cedar! (fabulous strong name) amazing journey and now a new beginning. gives me goosebumps to see these images and hear your words. blessings boho family.
Wow, congratulations. Isn't that just the intense power of love that you have me in tears at my desk on the other side of the world!??
Sending love and hugs.
Welcome to the amazing world!!
I've been checking... but then I heard the news over at Momma Zen.
Blessings to all,
i believed right along with you this day would come. i knew one day i would see photos of your babe on your blog.
what an amazing journey. what an amazing bond to have formed with K&T. that is so special.
he is nothing less than perfection and i wish you all nothing but happiness.
love to all of you.
Wow! You made my day! Congratulations!
I have been checking in regularly waiting for the good news! Congratulations to you and your new family!
YAY! Congrats on the birth of your beautiful son!
Ahhhhh....what a energized moment...a first daddy feeding and looking into each others soul....the VERY beginnings of bonding..and cedar's little hand holding Carstens finger :-) ..Great photos of emotion.....wow...um ...I am an Uncle....I have so many tears for all three of you...WOW....I am really now an uncle.....ok......I am completely overwhelmed....The power of believe is the power of love....I love Cedar, Carsten and Denise.......with love n respect.....I'll hug you both real hard when i get down there....and bring a box of kleenex too......I know I am gonna cry....wow.... what a large circle is forming around the Boho Couple...all holding hands for you three.Namaste Jon-erik Kroon
I am proud!
I am over the moon and I am crying and I have goosebumps and my heart is FULL of joy for this new family of yours. the beauty of these photographs, the ones we've all waited for.....the love that is emanating from this post is palpable and bright as the biggest sun!
Welcome to the world baby Cedar, welcome to the home that will envelope your every being with love. Welcome to the world as we all witness the Universe in action.....you were waiting for them...they were waiting for you.
You are loved by so many who will never know you, hear you, smell your sweet head.....but it's there nonetheless ringing around your parents in a circle of delight!
Yay!!!!!! I've been reading your story for over a year; one of those silent observers of your journey and life...and wanted to chime in and say CONGRATS! I was also born on 11-22..but 32 years ago. :) And was thrilled to see that your new baby has arrived on this special day. Much love and luck on your new parenting adventure!!
Yea!!! Congats, he's very cute!
Denise!! All the best!! I've got huge tears of Joy right now for the 3 of you!! What a precious precious boy!!!
XOXOXOXO and all my love and best wishes-
I have electric shocks that won't stop running up and down my spine, and I read this 10 minutes ago. It is a trippy feeling. I have never had chills this long.
I am waiting for the tears to start as the emotion I feel right now is too beautiful not to be christened by tears. Big juicy grateful, joyous tears.
Denise I am holding you from here-oohhh here they come.......
I am so completely and utterly filled with heavenly love for you, Carsten and the little man - and what a gorgous name- I know Leonard is smiling down with such pride and love.
Smooches and snuggles
call when you can love
Oh this is so incredible Denise!!! He is perfection! (and I know all about perfect babies...:) How wonderful that you have your beautiful new son...
I am over the moon happy for you and Carsten...I hope K is doing well...and can't wait to see more photos of your little love...
I am feeling so much joy for your family. At last, your sweet boy is home in your arms.
Welcome to this world, sweet Cedar. You are loved so very much.
Love to all of you.
he was born on MY SISTER'S BIRTHDAY!!
i don't know if you know how in love with my sister i am, but she is a fantabulous, magickal human being...so fitting for cedar....
much, much love to the three of you. congratulations, enjoy this time...oh my goodness.
i love his name.
blessings to you!
So incredibly beautiful, this journey ! You are here! To read your amazing story only recently and to have it end (or begin) here - it makes me so happy for you. Bless you and your new family. xo
Congratulations! What a beautiful moment. What a beautiful family. What a beautiful thing to happen in this world.
Moments like this make me realize how beautiful, special, and precious life is. I wish you all the best.
hey, i haven't been reading blogs for quite a while, so i was shocked (in a good way) to see the photos of the 3 of u. i'm so very happy for you and i'm sure the rest of us are as well. i do hope that this journey of yours will always be overflowing with love and hope:) God bless you and your family :)
If I could dance about the house I would. But I'll limp around instead shouting "SQUEE"
Such happy thoughts for the Boho Family. Much love for the birth-parents too.
Welcome precious baby!! Love from Down Under!
Congratulations!!! So happy to see that he's finally here, safe and sound.
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I am teary.
Cedar & I have the same birthday now! I can't wait to meet him, but I already love him.
wow! congratulations-- I am so very happy for you guys!
Oh. so. wonderful.
xoxo, penelope
Much love, warmth and peace to all three of you...and to K and her hubby as well...congratulations on your new little miracle...and welcome to the world little angel baby. xoxo
Amazing. I'm without words except to say that I am so happy for you.
I am flooded with goosebumps right now! Wide Deep and Magnificent Congratulations to the Boho Family! I have been checking your blog every day for weeks from my home in Big Sur and have been virtually cheering you on every step of the way. And what a beautiful, perfect name for your little angel! I am so happy for you all. Much long distance love, Annie
dearest, sweetest bohos. this is so beautiful. thank you for sharing this intimate experience with the likes of us. we love you so much,
p & the campbells
blessings, congratulations, and sweet sweet love to you all. i'm so glad cedar is here.
Oh, the sweetest CONGRATULATIONS!! Your journey truly is an inspiration!! Love, peace and blessings to you all!!
it makes me happy, how the timing was just so.
how you waited for him.
and he waited for you.
how it all unfolded, just as it should, into the most beautiful of beginnings...
sending love, beautiful mama...
to you and your boys.
welcome, with love.
so happy for you and your husband and the latest addition to your beautiful Boho family. much love, good health and happiness on your new journey together.
Wow I have waited so long for this wonderful post!! Congratulations to all of you.. Joys is in hearts and love in our eyes.
BIG SMILES for you all... he is adorable.
Bek xo
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