three weeks*
cedar (boho baby), three weeks, canon 50D
My lovely Mother in-Law is here for a week and she is being wonderful. She's allowing me more sleep, while she takes care of the schmook and I must tell you, my whole being has shifted. She's also been feeding us healthy foods. I haven't been great with feeding myself lately. I am learning I need this too, to be strong for my family.
I will have more to share about her visit, along with a few photos soon. I will share some sweet stories in that post. She will be here until Saturday. Cedar adores her and she him.
Cedar looks different each day. It has been wonderful to not miss a moment of this. How I am lost in his eyes. I am marinating in these early days of snuggling and smelling one another's necks.
We had a super fun family photo session with Tara Whitney this past Sunday. Can't wait to see and share the magic. She totally brought out the fairy in all three of us. I was feeling a wee bit uptight when she first arrived, having been the first time I was social in weeks. She then melted me with her gentle spirit and put me at ease and created an atmosphere that was so us. I heart her.
:) Cedar is very cute indeed. I especially love the second photo of him. makes me smile every time I see his photo.
Thanks for sharing,
Love Toni
What a great post......please take care of yourself mama bear will require lots more attention as he grows.
I love the Tara Whitney website and the music....excited to see you on the other side of the camera as the subject and the other two bohos
Mwah, mwah, mwah,
Your story has me believing in miracles again.
Soak up these moments. I cannot wait to see the pics!
Lots of love,
Oh, I can't wait to see the photos by Tara. I bet they are magical! Enjoy your help, it really is a godsend. So good for the wee one to feel the love of his grandmother. It is a relationship that grows and grows! I will be lurking for the photos...
Simply Beautiful!
Love and Hugs
Isn't Tara wonderful?? She's one of my most favorite people in the whole world. :) You are so lucky to have her photograph your beautiful little family!
Enjoy these moments... they go by WAY too fast!
Soo excited to see Tara's images!! I heart her too, bigtime! Cedar is so clearly thriving in the light of your love...still so happy for you, my heart goes pop! :-) xoxo, Lilia
Cedar looks so nice! ;c)
It is so good that someone is taking care of you, eating healthy food, getting some rest.
I looked at the babies photos by Tara Whitney, they are so lovely! Can't wait to see the photos of you 3!
& havev nice holidays!
Cedar looks so beautiful. It will be interesting to see you 'on the other side' as it were.
I had forgotten how blissful babies are when they're flat on their backs like that.
Glad you're being looked after. MILs can be such a Godsend!
So sweet and peaceful .
Hey there Boho nice to say that :)
The first few months are pure bliss...and tough and challenging too. One quick story about my first little one... I remember thinking after I left the hospital...hello people? You're allowing me to take this baby home....I have no clue how to take care of a baby. I had never changed a diaper in my life at that point and I felt overwhelmed and anxious about not doing things the "right way"...but like this one nurse said, it'll come to you...just relax. Thank goodness I had my Mom's help and my hubby (who I'm convinced was a Mom in a past life)...he was and is so confident being a Daddy and so gentle with the kids...and he still helps me soooo much. (Love u BB!) BTW, most of it did come to me :)
The hardest part for me was the sleep was torture at times...even though I have to say, many times, when he would wake around 3am to feed, he would be giggling and just giddy knowing that a yummy feeding was coming his way soon...and yes, that sweet smile just melted the exhaustion away... Babies are magic...enjoy and document everything...they do grow up fast. My little Joey is now 3 :)
You're doing great Boho Mommy and Daddy...Cedar looks amazing. God bless you all.
xo glo
Happy 3 weeks to little Cedar :) He's just adorable and I'm glad you've had the chance to catch up on a little snoozing. :)
I can't wait to see those family photos! :)
He's so cute! I'm so happy you have some wonderful help and you are getting some rest and documenting this journey.
I can't wait to see Tara's photos! ... and I love how she was able to make that time magical for you.
Love you
Thank God for mother-in-laws! I am soOOOOOooO glad she is there and taking care of all of YOU! Yes, it's hard to manage the time for everything at first but YOU will get it! Nurture yourself and enJOY all that MIL Home cooking! 3 weeks already??!! Don't blink your eyes too much Boho gal!!! tee hee I LOVE coming here and seeeeeeeeeeing how much lil Cedar has grown! Can't wait to see the family pics!
I cannot imagine this precious boy getting any cuter but he manages with each new photo. What a magical gift you give all of us who come here to soak him in, if only through pictures.
I am glad your MIL is there to give you a bit of TLC and needed rest.
I simply cannot wait to see more photos!
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