The Twins*

charlie & logan, canon digital rebel xti (click for larger view)
Do you remember these guys? I had the privilege of photographing them again to document their 2 year birthday. These cute little dudes are miracle babies, born from an amazing couple that was on a fertility journey very similar to ours.
I wondered how I would feel being around them as I had freshly just come to grips that yet another month had gone by without conception. I never know how I will feel around babies at such a tender time. I was pleasantly surprised that I wasn't at all triggered but was totally preoccupied with running around and trying to keep up with them on the beach. This photo above was taken at the end of the session, when they were pooped and finally stood still (waving at their momma who was jumping up and down and making goofy noises...bless her).
Being with two miracles gave me hope that I needed. Sometimes I need that reminder more than others. Last night was one of those times.
I drove away from the session with my windows rolled down, no music...and just allowing the wind to create that soothing space for me. I felt exhausted from running around and scooping them up as the waves almost crashed over their tiny bodies. I was comforted by the fact that I could shut off my mind for a few hours and dive into the art making I do with my lens. Not to mention that the energy of the ocean never fails to heal a heart that feels a bit broken.
My friend Emily let me borrow her fabulous chair for this shoot. Now I am on a hunt to find one at a second hand shop that I can use in photo shoots and that my kitties can curl up in. So fun!!! Speaking of Emily...check out the new gorgeous paintings in her shop. I am commissioning her to do a HUGE one for my home. She is also the one that designs those gorgeous camera straps. I have a red Asian print one that I love.
Wow they grew up quickly!
They are so big!! All that running around- I can see it now. :)
I know I visit here every now and then and you may not know of my inability to conceive- I know how the monthly cycle can break your heart. (((hugs))) Your journey is a different one than mine and I see a baby in yours filled with the light and spirit you and your love hold within. xoxo
oh I love this photo-and Em-I have a strap-orange and brown-that I just love.
I wish I could have been in the car with you on that ride-holding hands-wind blowing.....
I love you so much darling
so much
that chair is great. and i just can't stop picturing you dragging it out there... hee hee
love you angel, and i can't wait to see em's amazing art in your home.
I know your time is coming, I feel it. I know the Gap isn't perfect, but I was browsing for a friend's baby today and what do they have: a Boho Baby Collection.
You're giving so much right now through your words, your pictures, and your hope to others.
Love the chair, the ocean and the boys! Lovely picture, great composition!
Wishing baby dust your way!!!
wow. sometimes it really freaks me out how similar we are...I was just perusing craigslist for a chair to do photo's on the beach (I found a great purple one)!
The big difference between you and me? You are motivated, powerful, uninhibited and bold and I am not. I love those things about you!
beautiful picture
I feel like crying when i read the way you write about your fertelity journee. i wish you strenght and miracles!!!!!!!!!!!!
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