a woman's touch

anthropologie dress, canon digital rebel xt
I woke up this morning and stretched my arms and legs wide across the bed with a huge smile on my face. While getting up and walking towards the kitchen to search for my chamomile tea, I felt like I was floating. Now I am up in my loft with the song "Wedding Day" by Rosie Thomas playing loudly around me. The song holds such significance for me today. It is about a woman who empowers herself to leave a painful situation and go on a roadtrip with her girlfriends. She speaks about driving with the wind blowing in her hair, with no destination..."I'm gonna drive thru the hills, put my hands out the window and sing 'til I run out of breath". She calls the song "Wedding Day" because this trip represents a commitment she is making to love, nurture and take care of herself from that day forward. "I'm gonna fall asleep in the back seat with no one around but me and my friends...".
When I first heard this song, I posted months ago about how it sent me dancing around in my loft remembering the time I left an unhealthy relationship, packed all my belongings in my convertible Tracker, moved to a cottage in Berkeley and started a new life.
Today, years later, this song holds a different meaning for me...
The past few years have been the most beautiful and also the most painful years of my life. Beautiful because I married an extraordinary man that I am terribly in love with, who is my best friend, lover, partner in crime and creative companion. Our marriage is deep, wide and healthy. There has also been great pain because we're so much in love that we want to conceive a child through this connection we are blessed with. We want what we share in this home to grow and be nurtured through little creations of our love. Those of you who have been reading for some time, know this journey of ours and also know that we are now on a wonderful path with an amazing doctor ("McMiracle" as Brittany named him) to achieve this.
In a few days, I am going on a trip to be with some inspiring, beautiful, creative, spirited, motivated and soulful women. This past year, we have all gravitated towards one another because each of us have dealt with some sort of grief recently. The death of a lover, mother, father, grandmother and the inability to have a child. Through comments, emails and phone calls, we have helped one another rise above the pain, spread our wings and focus on the beauty in our lives. We are now on a mission to transform our creativity into something HUGE for our futures and that circling together will empower us to dive in:
Each of us coming from all across the globe to gather and make commitments to Self. Then we will celebrate with laughter, tears, dancing, eating, drinking, creating, snuggling and singing at the top of our lungs!
On a side note: I want to thank all of you who have been patiently waiting for my online store. When I return 1.5 weeks from now, it will be OPEN!! Can you believe it?!?
So, until then, I will be letting the wind blow through my hair with these girlfriends by my side because there is nothing that compares to the soulful touch of a woman.
Those of you who have yet to hear the song I speak of, you can listen to it by clicking: Wedding Day. Promise me you'll roll down your windows and sing at the top of your lungs while I'm away.