kapha girls

Beautiful Schmoopy, Canon Digital Rebel XTi
Imagine this...
Walking through a concrete and metal land of high lofts dripping with colors and covered in deconstruction. A contrast to this is the lush green ivy trailing up the side of the lofts and a plethora of tall and small potted plants providing privacy to the entrances of each door as we pass them. Artists of all types live and create there. A whole community of them. A commune of sorts tucked away in the craziness of downtown Los Angeles.
This is where the lovely Schmoopy lead me to today. At the end of our journey, we found our destination. Hip Cooks...a funky loft with a kitchen to die for and a large farm table with bench seats to sit, learn and break bread together.
We spent the day learning how to make and consume raw veggie and fruit juices, raw pasta, stuffed raw mushrooms, walnut pate and dessert tarts. At times the class of 12 would stand around the instructor's half moon shaped counter and help her slice zucchini or push down veggies/fruit in a juicer and fill up wine glasses while she waved her hands around and passionately shared her wisdom of food. She was so totally animated and adorable...creating such an easy, fun, welcoming environment for each of us. The other half of the class was spent sitting at the farm table, sharing our stories and learning more about how and why to juice, detox and tips on incorporating raw foods into your diet.
There were two women teaching and they both had such a balanced way of doing this. They encouraged us to listen to how our bodies react to the diets we try and the foods we consume because we all are so very different that there is no way one diet works for everyone. YES...open and practical minds!
The best part of the day was being with Schmoopy. She's someone you can just melt into because she is so calming, kind and down to earth.

Each student in the class did a test on Ayurveda to find out what dosha body type we were. Everyone was the same dosha except for Schmoops and I. We were the only Kapha's. Totally funny and made us feel special because in another time and place Kapha's were considered royalty. ; )
It cracks me up how the three dosha's (Vita, Pitta, Kapha) sound like sororities!
I am off to hug the redwoods for a week. Bless all of you...